I stopthe car in front of, of all places, a surf shop, even though the GPS assures me this is where I’m supposed to be. Checking the email on my phone, I confirm the address with what I typed into the map search and sure enough, they are the same.
“Weird,” I mutter to myself, my gaze still on the shop through the open window, wondering how this place could possibly be my Airbnb. But then I notice the second story and what looks to be an apartment above the shop. Smiling, I can’t help but think staying above a surf shop across from the beach will be pretty fucking cool.
“Alright then,” I say, pulling the hire car into the small car park to the side of the shop.
I undo my seatbelt, leaving my bags and shit in the car, and make my way toward the shop to find out exactly what the situation is.
A bell chimes above the door as I walk in and almost instantly, a feeling of relaxation settles over me, pushing the brain fog from the ten-hour flight away as I inhale the familiar scent of wax and sunscreen and the ocean.
A guy and a girl are standing behind the counter, completely oblivious to me having just walked in. The guy’s got his arms wrapped around the girl, his mouth at her ear and judging by the look on her face, he is clearly telling her something meant for her ears only. And probably kind of filthy if the way she’s blushing is any indication.
I walk up to them and when they notice me, the guy unwraps himself from the girl, leaving one of his arms across her shoulders in what I’m guessing is a message to let me know she’s off-limits. He then hits me with a friendly grin and says, “Hey, can I help you?”
I smile back, wrapping my knuckles on the counter, which is an old-school longboard as I say, “Hope so. Flynn Hudson, checking in?”
His smile widens as he reaches over to shake my hand. “Nice. I’m Nate, and this is my girlfriend, Sage,” he says.
“Nice to meet you both. Wasn’t sure I was in the right place, but I guess I’m staying in the apartment upstairs,” I add, pointing to the ceiling.
Sage grins, shaking her head as she says, “No, that’s where we live. You’re out back.”
Out back.
Fuck, that doesn’t sound good.
“Oh, okay, cool,” I reply, giving them both another smile.
“I’ll leave you with Nate,” she says, turning to her boyfriend. “Babe, I gotta go,” she adds, a different kind of smile on her face now.
“Okay,” he replies, smiling as he leans in and kisses her before whispering something that makes her giggle this time.
This thing with them must be new. New and hot and when everything seems possible and amazing and just perfect.
I remember those days.
“Nice to meet you, Flynn, and welcome to Hawaii,” Sage says to me before turning and heading out what looks to be the back of the shop.
“Shall we?” Nate asks, jerking his thumb over his shoulder.
I nod, following him in the direction his girlfriend just took, passing through an office and out the back door to what looks like a pretty cool backyard with a barbecue off to the side and a firepit in the middle, surrounded by a bunch of chairs. On the far side is a small guest house, and next to it, a garage that Nate’s girlfriend is disappearing into.
“This is you,” Nate says, gesturing to the house. “You’re our first rental.”
“Really?” I ask as the old SUV in the garage comes to life before immediately dying. The engine starts up again as Nate walks over to look inside.
“Babe, you good?” he asks.
“Yep,” comes Sage’s reply before the car slowly inches out of the garage. She smiles and waves at both of us as she navigates the worn driveway along the side of the shop before turning out onto the street and disappearing.
“It’s a piece of shit, that car,” Nate says, turning back to me, a grin on his face. “It was her dad’s,” he adds.
“Was? He not around anymore?”
“No,” Nate replies, shaking his head, not bothering to elaborate before changing the subject. “Anyway, what brings you to Hawaii? You’re from Australia, right?”
“Yeah,” I say with a nod as he opens the front door to the house without unlocking it. “Sydney, and I’ve come over here for the surf,” I say, knowing it’s more than that, but not feeling the need to explain. I’m here early for a break, and the longer I can maintain that break without anyone knowing the real reason I’m here or whatever, the better.