Page 11 of Into Ruin

Oh, no.

Oh shit.

I scramble for my phone.


Mayday! HELP!

I stare at the screen for a long moment, willing my best friend to reply. She’s at the neighboring school, St. James University. There’s a long-standing rivalry between the two, but I’ve known Olivia since we were three.

We went to the same daycare and stayed inseparable.


You’ve been at that school for 3 days, Harper Marie Shay. What did you do???

Accidentally had a tryst with R’s teammate

And… accidentally insinuated to the gossip queen evil roommate that he’s got an excitement issue

What the heck does excitement issue mean??

Like, uh, coming too early

[laughing crying emoji]

I want to hear this in person

Ice cream shop in thirty?


I makeit out of the dining hall unscathed—minus a few strange, pitying looks—and call a car on my phone. My parents were pretty set on the idea of me not having a car while at college. Royal has one, but that’s a new development this year. Over the summer, he complained alotabout lugging his hockey gear around on foot.

The driver shows up, and I arrive at the ice cream shop situated in St. James U territory just a few minutes before Olivia.

She and I are similar, both in style and temperament. We try not to let people walk all over us, while also retaining wallflower status. It’s a fine line to straddle. She wears thick-rimmed glasses, her dark-brown hair is barely wavy and long, with a straight-across bang hiding her forehead. Today, her outfit is comprised of a cream turtleneck sweater under rust-orange overalls and Doc Marten boots. A puffy black coat, hanging open, completes the look.

We hug, and I trail her to the counter.

“How’s St. James?” I ask.

She smiles. “It’s good. Classes are nice. I’ve avoided any and all jocks—but honestly, I think they avoid me, too. It’s a great system.”

“Any hotties in your classes?”

“Just the one.” She sighs. “He’s so dreamy, Harper. Like, he could be a model for those science magazines. With the lab coats, you know? And the lock of hair that falls down his forehead in a perfect curl. Plus, glasses.”

She’s going to be a scientist. Not sure what kind—science isnotmy subject—but she’s got the brain for it. Plus, the drive.

“Still drooling over him then, huh?” I grin. “Has he noticed you?”

“He complimented my overalls today.” She mirrors my expression, but her wide smile drops off faster than mine. “He’s so out of my league, it isn’t funny.”

“You’re a steal.” I nudge her. “He’d beluckyif you gave him a first date.”

Olivia rolls her eyes. We order our ice cream and move down to the pick-up window. The shop isveryclearly SJU branded. Their mascot is a seawolf—whatever the fuck that is—and one is painted across the far wall in the school’s colors, burgundy and white. Framingham State U’s mascot is a viper, and our colors are purple and black.