I’m definitely choosing to fucking ruin her.
Her chest rises and falls too fast. Her eyes fell shut when I brought my face down into hers—not to kiss her, but to watch her reaction. Lips parted, nostrils flaring. If I were to touch her, I bet she’d be just as aroused as last night.
“I’ll ruin your reputation,” I continue. “Ruin your relationship with your brother. Ruinyou. You’ll never find anyone like me, and that’s a goddamn promise.”
Her eyes open. Sharp hazel irises bore into mine, and I’m surprised at how she maintains contact. She puts her hand on my chest, her nails flexing slightly and digging into my shirt, then shoves.
I go back a step, and a laugh rumbles through me.
Harper dives for her towel and clutches it to her chest just as her door gives a softbeep, and it swings inward.
Her roommate, I’m assuming, stops dead when she sees me.
Then the state of Harper.
Naked, beautiful little thing.
“I—” The roommate stares at me in awe. “You’re Camden Church.”
I incline my chin. Freaking puck bunny.
A guy comes up behind the girl, his hands going to her waist. He does a double take when he sees me, too. Guess he’s a hockey fan.Awkward.
“Dude. Wow. What an—” He stops when he notices Harper.
I don’t want this asshole looking at her naked. The thought sweeps over me, and I block her before I fully consider it. I raise my eyebrow at both of them, and the guy puts it together before his girlfriend.
“We’re interrupting,” he mumbles. “Dang, sorry, man.”
He uses his hold on his girl and drags her backward. The door swings shut, leaving Harper and I alone again.
“Camden Church,” she repeats behind my back. “Church. What an interesting name.”
I whirl around. “What?”
“CamdenDevilseems more accurate.” She smiles tightly at me. “Since you’re promising ruin and all that.”
Yeah, right. But I’m stuck on how she said my name. Like she hadn’t heard it before.
“Did you not know who I was?”
Her hazel eyes widen. Her mouth opens and shuts. Then, the most beautiful laugh trills out of her. Never mind I still have the upper hand. I’m between her and the door, she’snakedwith just a towel clutched to her front, her wet hair trailing water droplets down her chest. She’s laughing.
“I’m so sorry, Your Majesty,” she finally forces out. “I don’t know you. Never heard of Camden Church. Never saw your face?—”
“Royal is my best friend.” My words come through clenched teeth.
Never mind that my face has been splashed across media outlets all summer. Harper comes from a hockey family, doesn’tshe? Royal is a great hockey player. He said himself that he watched the draft.
“Does that make you even more special?” She shakes her head and goes to her closet. “He and I don’t talk about hockey. I don’t like the sport. I certainly don’t like the stinky players he’s friends with.” She glances over her shoulder at me, her hands in her underwear drawer. “That includes you.”
This girl.
I haven’t felt the emotions buzzing in my chest in a long time. A mix of lust and awe and horror.
If she doesn’t know who I am, then what’s stopping her from telling Royal? Beyond her own embarrassment. But that will fade, and then the need for revenge will come.