In both the sense of being awake and also orgasming.
Like this, looking at the way her breasts sway, and how her throat looks with my hand wrapped around it, my climax approaches faster than I anticipated. My balls tighten, and I spill inside her. I keep moving my hips, fucking her through it, and the tingling sensation feels like heaven and agony.
Finally, I pull out. I run my finger up her center, collecting my cum, and smear it across her lips.
Then, before she can wake, I put my clothes back on, end the recording, and get the fuck out of her room.
I make it almost all the way back to my room. But I glance over my shoulder at her door and crash into a body. Hands grasp my shoulders, shoving me back, and I focus on who’s in front of me.
“Dude,” Royal grunts. “Watch where you’re going.”
My body flushes, and I swear, he’s one second away from reading the guilt all over my face. And that will be the end of it. Our friendship, my good name on the team—everything.
But instead, he just moves past me, into the bathroom, and closes the door between us.
Safe for another day.
But it doesn’t make me feel any better… even if Harper is the last thing on my mind when I finally do close my eyes.
Iwake with a sharp gasp, bolting upright. I search my dark room, the shadows seeming to hold too many monsters to count, and fumble for the lamp on my nightstand. It clicks on, and my eyes burn in the sudden brightness.
Empty room.
Just a sore, aching pussy, a salt-and-musk taste on my lips, and the memory of Camden wrapping his hands around my throat as he fucked me.
I wassleeping.
The fear I woke up with—that it was Max hovering above me—melts into rage. I swing the blankets back and stand. I fell asleep naked, but now I jerk on a t-shirt and shorts. I check my phone for the time and freeze at the new notification from WatchMe. Another video posted… and judging by the caption, I’d have to guess it’s the blow job.
I take a breath. Pause. I consider what to do, how to pay him back for this, and grab my phone. Plus something else, hidden deep in my nightstand. Supplies in hand, I stalk out of the room.
The hallway is empty. The house dark and silent.
It’s perfect, unfortunately, for some stalker to creep in and wreak havoc. Who even knows if the doors downstairs are locked?
I shake my head and rest my fingertips on Camden’s doorknob. I don’t know if he’s expecting me… I don’t know how much time has passed since he was in my room, or if he went right to sleep, or if I’m about to walk in on him doing something else.
Is this how he feels when he comes into my room?
Anticipation sings along with my anger, and it pushes me forward. To turn the knob, to slip into his room before one of the other guys ruins the moment and comes out to pee or something.
His room is darker than mine. It takes a long moment for my eyes to adjust, and I strain my ears to catch any sound.
His breathing.
It’s steady, slow, and deep. He’s sleeping.
I grit my teeth and tap the screen of my phone, using that tiny bit of light to guide my steps to the edge of his bed. He’s splayed out on his back, one arm over his head. The other is on his stomach.
He doesn’t look cruel like this.