Once his boots are off, he stretches, cracking his back and neck.
“Are you gonna tell me about it?” I ask.
“Since you might have a vested interest in this particular case. Sure. I got the guy they call The Prophet in the back seat of my car.”
Chapter Nine
“That’s him.” My voice is a terrified rattle in my dry throat.
I never expected to be wearing boxer shorts and a pair of Crocs five sizes too big the next time I saw The Prophet.
In fact, I never expected to lay eyes on Orlyn Moffatt again.
I have so many questions. “Why is he tied up like that?”
With Jefferson and Joaquin on either side of me, I shiver in the alleyway with a blanket wrapped around me, staring into the back seat of Joaquin’s Lexus SUV. The Prophet lies there in the back seat, unconscious, with his hands zip-tied behind his back.
“He’s a slippery fucker. That’s why,” Joaquin says.
“And why is he unconscious?” Do I want to know?
Joaquin scratches his head. “Uh, because he’s more compliant that way?”
“Joaquin, did you kill him?” Jefferson’s question makes my stomach roil in panic.
“No, I didn’t kill him,” Joaquin says, sounding offended. “He wouldn’t shut up so I gave him a night-night shot.”
“Shit. How much did you use?” Jefferson asks, tapping on the glass.
Joaquin shrugs. “A little ACP goes a long way for a skinny guy like that.”
“I’m sorry, ACP?” The only thing coming to mind is arroz con pollo. I have food on the brain.
“Acepromazine,” Jefferson explains.
Oh. I know what that is. This is not good at all. “That is the stuff they sedate pigs with on the compound. But that comes from the vet. Are you a vet?”
“Yes. I’m a veterinarian,” Joaquin says. “Let’s go with that.”
Jefferson shakes his head. “I don’t know whether to be pissed or impressed.”
“You were busy,” Joaquin says.
“Where did you find him?” I ask.
“That’s classified.”
I cluck my tongue.
“I had it under control,” Jefferson seethes.
I turn to Jefferson. “You had what under control?”
He doesn’t answer before Joaquin interjects. “You need to learn to ask for help sometimes.”
“I told you, I had this.”