“I need to move,” I confessed, arching my back. The motion caused my sensitive nipples to scrape along his chest, and the backward jut of my hips had his cock sliding along my inner walls. He sucked in a sharp breath as I rolled them forward again.
“Take what you need,” he said, his eyes flaring with heat. I rocked against him again, creating the most delicious friction between our bodies.
Bringing one hand to my breast, he cupped it, squeezing gently before plucking my nipple. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, and I involuntarily tightened around him.
“Fuck,” he groaned and dipped his head to take the stiff peak into his mouth. I cried out when his tongue swirled around my nipple again, and my inner walls clamped down harder. Switching to the other side, he lavished an equal amount of attention on that breast. He felt so good filling me while his hot mouth teased my nipples that another release built quickly. I gasped his name as it crested. My walls contracted around him, spurring on his release, and he erupted, his warmth filling me and drawing out my climax.
Our chests heaved from exertion, and sweat slickened our skin. Easton’s arms came around me, and he pulled me into him.
“I’m so glad you came back to me,” he said, his voice catching.
I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands. “I’ll always come back to you,” I promised. “I’ll never let anything come between us again. It’s you and me against the world,” I offered with a soft smile. He beamed at me, grinning like a fool before kissing me one last time.
“I need a shower,” I bemoaned as I lifted from his lap and stood on shaky legs.
“I was hoping you would say that,” Easton replied with a wicked glint in his eye. “But first, I owe you seven more orgasms,” he said, gripping my hips and pulling me back down onto the bed. He flipped me on my back and hovered above me.
“Seven?” I shrieked. I wasn’t sure my body was even capable of that.
“Yes. We were apart for nine days. That’s nine days we have to make up for. And you’ve already come twice.” He grinned as though the prospect of making me come nine times in one night was a challenge he was more than ready to meet.
Before I could protest, he ran a hand up my thigh and dipped two fingers inside me, thrusting them in and out a couple times. They were slick with his release when he brought them to my clit and gently circled it until I was a writhing, panting mess. I was still sensitive from the last round, so it didn’t take long for me to fall apart again.
“Three down. Six more to go,” Easton proclaimed as he scooped me into his arms and carried me to the shower where he gave me three more.
It was in the wee hours of the morning when we finally collapsed on the bed, our limbs boneless and skin flushed. My body ached and my lady bits were bound to be sore tomorrow, but my husband wore the biggest, most self-satisfied grin on his face.
He’d promised to make up for lost time, and boy did he deliver.
Ilay with Shayla’s head in the crook of my arm, her dark tendrils of hair splayed across my pillow while she slept. Gently brushing a rogue strand from her face, I stared down at her, this woman who’d crashed into my life and made me want things I’d never considered before. Marriage, a family, to commit to one woman and forsake all others for the rest of my life.
I never dreamed I would want those things, but Shayla changed me. She was all I would ever need. I loved her tenacity and devotion to her family. She loved fiercely, and once you were brought into the fold, she was there for you and would weather any storm by your side. She was loyal and so damn strong. Too many people in her life had tried to tear her down, but she always came up swinging.
My little Hellcat.
She was a fighter. But now, she no longer had to fight alone. I would be by her side, through thick and thin, no matter what obstacles life threw at us. She was my end game, and I would make sure she knew it every day for the rest of my life.
News broke regardingmy innocence while Shayla and I, ahem, reacquainted ourselves. Roni had sent the footage from the hotel security cameras to several media outlets, and a few of them jumped at the opportunity to exonerate me and restore my good name. Within hours of the first post going live, it went viral. It started trending on multiple social media platforms, and the story spread like wildfire.
I had several missed calls and countless messages when I woke up wrapped around Shayla’s body. Even my coach and the GM had messaged me along with several teammates. Aside from Tillman, Weiss, and Kent, I didn’t think any of them had believed me, but my boys had my back. They saw how completely enthralled I was with my wife. Hell, they recognized it before I did. Now, the world knew. But more importantly, Shayla finally saw how hopelessly in love with her I was.
The only problem now was we still didn’t know who took those photos. Had it been some random person at the bar who recognized me from TV and thought they’d cash in on a salacious story they could sell to a trashy tabloid? Or maybe it was a Boston fan who was salty that I'd left only to return with a new team and beat them.
Maybe it had nothing to do with me and whoever took those pictures recognized Jessica and wanted to get some dirt on her. It sounded like she had a history of infidelity. It could’ve been a scorned lover or an angry spouse looking for revenge.
The only other option was one I didn’t even want to consider. Surely no one from my team would do something so malicious. It didn’t make sense. The scandal had hurt our team and damaged our reputation, not just mine. We had already seenthe backlash online over it. Fans were claiming they would no longer support the Wraiths while I played for them and vowed to sell their tickets. Not to mention, the whole ordeal had wrecked team morale. I simply couldn’t see anyone on our team taking that kind of risk.
The answer to that question came a few days later, after an especially brutal practice. We’d lost to Seattle the night before, and Bradford was working us extra hard to prepare for Vancouver. I stood under the spray of the shower for a long time, letting the warm water soothe my aching muscles. The locker room was mostly empty when I finally emerged. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door only to find Slater standing across the hallway and fidgeting nervously.
“Hey,” he said, nodding his head. Then he glanced down the hallway to make sure no one was around. “I need to talk to you.”
“Okay,” I drew out, wondering what had him so spooked.
“Not here,” he said, and my hackles rose. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and unease twisted in my gut.