My chest constricted as I watched Easton glide onto the ice during warmups and search the crowd. He was looking for me, hopeful I’d still be there to support him despite our crumbling relationship. I still wanted to cheer on my team, but he couldn’t know I was there, so I sat up high in the stands, far from the ice. I didn’t want to risk anyone seeing me, especially Claire.
She’d tried to call me a few times, but I never answered. I couldn’t listen to one more person defend Easton and claim it was a big misunderstanding. Her texts had said as much, and that was reason enough to avoid her.
The game began, and the Wraiths immediately took possession of the puck. They dominated, outmaneuvering the opposing team again and again. Easton was still formidable on the ice, but he lacked the enthusiasm he had before everything went to shit. Guilt speared through me. Even though he was the one who'd messed up,Iwas the reason he looked like a robot just going through the motions out there. But I refused to fall for his excuses. I felt betrayed in the worst possible way, and I didn’t think I could ever get past that. I thought we were buildingsomething special, and he shattered it into a million pieces, along with my heart.
When the game was over, I let the crowd around me disperse before getting to my feet and moving toward the exit. It always took forever to get out of the arena and then the parking lot after a game, so I didn’t see any need to be in a hurry. I had opted not to use the employee lot or entrance so I wouldn’t risk running into anyone from the team. I needed this weekend to gather my wits before I faced everyone on Monday.
I let my car warm up while I tapped out a quick message to Makenna, asking for an update on Mom. My sister was home with her this evening. That was the only reason I felt comfortable leaving her long enough to come to the game. Since our mom was discharged from the hospital yesterday, Makenna had proven to be an excellent caregiver. She sat with her while I tidied up the house and prepared for her arrival. She needed special equipment to continue convalescing at home, so I had to ensure that everything was set up before she got there. That was when Easton showed up. I’d barely had time to dry my eyes and gather my composure after he left when I got the call it was time to bring Mom home.
Mak: All good on the home front.
Makenna’s text was punctuated by a thumbs-up emoji, and I relaxed against my seat. Now that Mom was on the mend, I felt like I could breathe again.
I jolted when my phone rang, the sound jarring in my otherwise quiet car. I looked down and saw Roni’s name flash across my screen. It wasn’t the first time she’d called me since those photos came out, but after she tried to convince me Easton was innocent, going on and on about how he was crazy about me and would never betray me, I’d refused to pick upagain. I couldn’t ignore her forever, though. Easton and I would probably have to craft a statement regarding our split. That was probably why she was calling. Against my better judgment, I answered.
“Shayla?” Roni sounded surprised I answered. I didn’t blame her.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“I’m so glad you answered,” she breathed, her relief palpable through the phone. “I need to send you something.”
“Okay,” I replied, wondering what it could be.
“I’m about to email this clip to every media outlet that reported on Easton’s supposed infidelity, but I thought you had a right to see it first.” What the hell? What could she possibly have that I would want to see? More fake confessions of his undying love for me?
“Roni, I?—”
“You’ll want to see this,” she proclaimed, cutting me off. “I was able to get a hold of security footage from the hotel. Don’t ask me how. My sources are confidential.” My head spun as shock washed over me.
“Wh-why would I want to see that?” I asked, dumbfounded. Still images were bad enough. I didn’t need to see it in motion.
“Just watch the clip.” My phone dinged with an incoming text, and I opened it. I swallowed hard as the thumbnail view of the video loaded, and I was faced with the image of Easton and Jessica walking out of the bar. With my heart in my throat, I hit play.
And my stomach bottomed out.
I pressed my hand to my mouth as I watched the interaction unfold. Easton pushed her away several times, but she kept trying. The audio wasn’t great. They were too far from the camera to clearly make out what they were saying.
Then Easton turned away from her and headed toward the elevators, bringing him closer to the camera. I had never seen his expression so full of fury before. Jessica chased after him, whining his name. They were close enough now, I could make out what they had said. When Easton spoke, his voice was rigid and commanding. It was a tone I’d never heard him use before.
“Stay the hell away from me.” Blood pounded in my ears, and I heard nothing else. A few seconds later, the video stopped, and I stared at the screen, blinking away my shock. Easton had been telling the truth. He’d rejected her. He hadn’t cheated on me. I didn’t believe him when he tried to tell me what had happened.
“Oh, God,” I cried. I’d made a terrible mistake.
“Shayla.” Roni’s voice came through the speaker on my phone, and I remembered I was still on a call with her. With a trembling hand, I brought my phone to my ear.
“I’m here.” My voice shook, and tears spilled over my lashes. What had I done?
“Do you believe him now?” There was no malice behind her question, but it still felt like my chest had been flayed open, and I was the one holding the knife. My breath stuttered as I tried to regain my composure enough to speak.
“I have to go to him,” I said, putting my car in drive, and headed toward the employee lot. Maybe I could catch him before he left.
“He had a game tonight. He might?—”
“I know,” I admitted, interrupting her. “I was there.”