Page 22 of Tangled Vows

“You know what I meant.”

“I think those guys can handle one flight without me,” he said, securing his seat belt. Shit, he really was planning to sit here with me. “Besides, I wouldn't want to deprive you of my company on your first official team flight.”

“Yay me,” I deadpanned, and he let out a throaty chuckle.

“And I need a new audience for my dad jokes. They’re a tough crowd,” he said, motioning to his teammates.

“And you think I won’t be?”

“Oh, I know you will be, but if I can make you laugh, I’ll know which jokes are winners.”

I pressed my lips together to suppress a smile. The idea of Easton Walker telling dad jokes was oddly endearing. Before I could formulate a response, the flight attendant’s voice cameover the loudspeaker and instructed everyone to take their seats. Claire made her way down the aisle, her brows lifting in surprise when she noticed Easton occupying the seat meant for her. I gave her a pleading look, unsure what I expected her to do. Throw Easton out of his seat? Instead, she shot me a mischievous grin and slid into the seat across the aisle.


The flight attendant went through her pre-flight spiel, but I tried to tune her out and relax. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep, calming breath, releasing it before opening them again. This was my last chance to bail before being stuck on this aircraft for the next few hours. I had to force myself to stay seated and not demand they open the door and let me out.

“What do you call a rude cow?”

“I-I don’t know,” I replied shakily.

“Beef jerky,” Easton said proudly, and I let out a nervous chuckle.

“That was pretty good,” I admitted.

“I’m just getting started.”

We wonthree to two in overtime with Easton scoring the winning goal. He seemed to be the missing link to the Wraiths’ success. The team operated like they’d been playing together for years, not months, all this just from adding him to the lineup. Along with Weiss and Kent, our first line forwards were nearly unstoppable. With them at the helm, the Wraiths had a fighting chance at making it to the playoffs. It was a noticeable improvement from the last two years. Maybe Easton was the key to a successful season.

He’d certainly been the key to a non-panic riddled takeoff. He distracted me with his repertoire of corny jokes. They were so bad, so ridiculous that they were actually entertaining. I laughed more at those terrible jokes than I had in the last month. It was refreshing and felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It was exactly the distraction I needed after being with Mom for the start of her treatment. And I had Easton to thank for it.

I smiled to myself at the memory as I made my way back to my hotel room from the lobby, a bag of almonds and a bottle of water in my hands.

“Shayla!” A deep male voice called excitedly from the other end of the hall. I glanced up to find three hulking forms sauntering toward me. A huge grin split Kent’s face as he approached, flanked by Easton and Slater. I swallowed hard as I took in their attire. Each wore board shorts and flip flops with towels draped over their broad, bare shoulders. They were a mural of sculpted muscles and smooth skin.

My throat went dry as my gaze landed on Easton. The other men were cut, but Slater was a rookie and Kent had only been in the league a few years. Easton had been in the game for a decade, between college and professional hockey, and it showed. His muscles were well honed, the deep V of his torso highlighted by the waistband slung low on his hips. His chest and shoulders were broad and well defined. He had the long, strong arms of a man who could toss me around without even breaking a sweat.

“We’re about to hit up the hot tub,” Kent announced, and I snapped my gaze up to meet his. I hoped nobody noticed how long my eyes had lingered on Easton. My cheeks heated at the thought.

“Yeah, I’m hella sore from the game,” Slater added. “I need a good soak to ease the tension in these muscles.” He gripped his shoulder and rubbed. He played hard during the game, takinga couple of brutal hits on the ice. There was no doubt he was starting to feel it.

“You guys played great. You deserve a little rest and relaxation.”

Kent beamed at me, flourishing under my compliments.

“Aw shucks,” he replied playfully, eliciting a giggle from me.

“I’ll let y’all get to it,” I said and attempted to move to the side to let them through.

“You know…” Kent began, his gaze flashing to Easton briefly. Easton hadn’t said a word since approaching me and I wondered what happened to the playful jokester from the flight. “You’re more than welcome to join us.”

Easton shot a sharp look at Kent who was now studiously ignoring him. Was he angry that Kent invited me to join them?

It was on the tip of my tongue to turn him down and retire to my room to watch true crime and eat my snacks, but Easton’s reaction sparked my defiance. The prospect of him not wanting me to come just made me want to join them more. I’d force him to suffer through my company just like he’d forced me to suffer through his. Although, it wasn’t exactly a hardship to sit with him through takeoff and part of the flight. About thirty minutes into it, he was summoned by the coach and made to join his team so they could discuss strategy since there wouldn’t be much time between us landing and faceoff. But for the brief time he sat with me, I forgot all about my dislike of flying.

And of him.

That made his current standoffishness all the more confusing. What changed between then and now? Maybe he hadn’t enjoyed our conversation as much as I had. Either way, he didn’t have to be so aloof and clearly opposed to me joining them.