Page 49 of Sweet Southern Heat

Chapter 44


Focusingon the road was impossible with Olivia riding shotgun. That little sundress was the distraction I didn’t need while driving, but I didn’t hate it. Her long, tan legs were on full display, and all I could think about was her wrapping them around my waist while I lifted her dress and plunged inside her. My hand itched to reach for her, to wrap it around her thigh and tease her until she begged me to come. But that wasn’t what tonight was about. I wanted to reconnect with her on a deeper level, to show her I wouldn’t let anything come between us if she gave me another chance. If that just so happened to lead us back to her place at the end of the night, so be it.

I shifted in my seat and cleared my throat. The pressure behind my zipper was growing uncomfortable, and I needed to stop thinking about what was underneath that dress. Was she wearing a thong or those cheeky little boy shorts she favored?

Focus, asshole.

We made small talk on our short drive to the festival even though what I really wanted to do was tell her what an idiot I was and beg her to take me back. I was falling for her, and when everything went down with my brother, I got scared. I wasscared of losing him. I was scared of my feelings for her. And because of that fear, I’d pushed her away.

I felt lost without her, like a ship that drifted off to sea with no tether to dry land. She was warmth and safety and the only thing that ever made me feel whole. It took losing her to make me realize I didn't want to go through life without her. She was it for me, the other half of my soul.

Olivia cleared her throat and angled her body toward mine. I felt her eyes on me and briefly flashed my gaze to her. There was something she wanted to say, but she couldn’t seem to find her voice. I reached over and pulled her hand from her lap, intertwining our fingers.

“Whatever it is, you can say it,” I assured her. I wanted her to feel safe and comfortable with me.

“Does Lyle know you’re taking me out?” I chewed on the inside of my cheek, wishing that wasn’t what she wanted to ask.

“Not yet. I haven’t had a chance to speak to him about it, but I think he’ll be more receptive this time.”

“Oh,” she replied and glanced out the window, heaving a ragged breath. Sensing her disquiet, I gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

“But even if he’s not,” I continued, wanting to reassure her that I wouldn’t let anything come between us this time, “we’ll figure out a way to make it work. I’m not giving you up again.” Whatever happened, however Lyle reacted, we’d work through it. Together. For now, he was safe. We didn’t have to worry about him overdosing again since he was locked up. He was clean and would have time to come to terms with Olivia and me being together before he got out. It was my sincere hope that this was a turning point in his life, and he accepted the counseling he desperately needed.

Olivia turned her wide eyes to me and searched my face. I lifted her hand to my lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it.

Parking was scarce when we arrived. The festival was in full swing. Everyone in Magnolia Grove was in attendance. Once my truck was parked, I hopped out and rushed around the hood to open the door for Olivia. She tugged down the hem of her dress and took my proffered hand before hopping down. Unable to resist her any longer, I closed the distance between us. Her back pressed against my truck as she stared up at me with those wide doe eyes. I lifted a hand to her chin and tilted it higher, ducking my head until our lips were just a hairsbreadth apart.

“Thanks for agreeing to come out with me tonight,” I said, my voice low and husky. I dropped my mouth to hers and captured it in a kiss. She moaned against my lips, and the sound went straight to my dick. Before I could get too carried away, I broke our connection and pulled back. Her eyelids fluttered open, and her chest heaved. The swells of her breasts strained against the neckline of her dress, begging me to free them of their confines and lavish them with my tongue. I refrained, determined to show her a good time tonight and not merely seduce her.

Lacing my fingers through hers, I tugged her toward the festivities. Her hand was warm and soft in mine, and every time we touched, it was like a jolt to my senses. It didn’t matter that I’d felt her hands on me dozens of times or that I’d been inside her and knew what she sounded like when she came. The simple act of holding her hand sent a thrill up my spine.

“What do you want to do first?” I asked. There were carnival games, food vendors, and rides. The options were endless. She took in the scene with wonder.

“I haven’t been to the Magnolia Festival in so long. I don't even know where to start.” Guilt washed over me. I couldn’t help but feel responsible for her missing out on it the last six years. Maybe if I had dug a little deeper and shown her a little more kindness back then, she wouldn’t have stayed away for so long.

And my actions nearly ran her out of town again. It was a miracle she came back, and I’d be forever grateful she'd changed her mind.

I pushed down my regret and tugged on her arm so she faced me.

“Are you hungry?”

“Starving,” she replied with a giddy smile. “And I already know what I want.” I chuckled and held out a hand.

“Lead the way.”

Twenty minutes later, Olivia’s fingers were covered in powdered sugar, and there was nothing but crumbs left on the flimsy paper plate after we devoured a funnel cake. We walked around, letting our food digest before we braved any of the rides. Friends stopped and talked to us while some people gave us side-long glances. I ignored them, but Olivia stiffened every time it happened.

As we neared the bumper cars, I caught sight of JD and Wade waiting in line like two overzealous tweens. JD turned and caught sight of us and instantly abandoned his spot in line. I released Olivia, expecting a handshake or a hug. Instead, he wedged himself between us and slung an arm over each of our shoulders.

“Well, it’s about time,” he mused with a satisfied smirk. Wade sidled up next to him, opting for a simple handshake and a nod to Olivia.

“I’m glad you two finally got your heads out of your asses and figured your shit out,” Wade said with a knowing grin. Olivia and I exchanged a look, and he snickered. “You two weren’t fooling anyone when we went tubing. Especially you, Superman,” he teased, pointing to my chest, “running into the woods to save your girl and then carrying her out all dramatically.” JD threw his head back and laughed, releasing us so he could rejoin Wade.They both looked at us with satisfied smirks, like they had something to do with getting us together.

“We had you two figured out before we even made it to the lake house. The way you tried to fight it was a dead giveaway,” JD claimed, folding his arms over his chest.

“Okay, okay, you’ve proven your point,” I said with a chuckle and wrapped my arm around Olivia’s waist. “And for the record, I was the one who needed to get my head out of my ass.” I looked down at Olivia, appreciation shining in my eyes. “Olivia has shown me more patience than I deserve, but one day, I’ll earn it. You can count on that.”