I reached into my back pocket and looked to the guard standing watch, informing him of what I was doing so he didn’t tackle me. I’d been granted permission to bring these pictures into the room. Lyle watched me anxiously as I pulled out the photo of Kara and Jayden, the tiny toddler kissing his mother’s rounded belly. A watery smile spread across his face as he took in the scene.
“She looks beautiful,” he said, studying every aspect of the photo.
I unfolded the second picture and slid it across the table. Lyle choked back a sob and pressed his fist to his mouth. The sonogram showed the side profile of his unborn baby, and in the top corner, “It’s a girl!” was written in pink marker.
“That’s your daughter,” I said and clamped a hand on his shoulder. He fell into his seat, dropped his head in his hands, and wept. They were tears of joy and tears of sorrow. It was a new beginning. For the first time in his life, Lyle had something more to live for than just himself. As he spilled every last drop of emotion onto that black and white photo, a sense of peace washed over me. That was the moment I knew, everything would be okay.
Two years, nine months later
Sprays of wildflowersdecorated both sides of the aisle in colorful bouquets of violet, pink, and yellow. I peered out the window at the gathering crowd as Lucy, my friend and wedding planner, flitted around the room, ensuring everything was in order for the ceremony. I released the curtain and let it fall into place, hiding me from our guests.
“Are you ready?” Honey asked, her eyes searching mine for any hint of hesitation. I had no doubt she would pull up in her getaway car if I suddenly decided to become a runaway bride, but there was zero doubt in my mind this was what I wanted. I would’ve married Landon a long time ago if we hadn’t been waiting for the right moment.
I nodded as a sense of peace and rightness settled over me. I wasn’t even nervous. It wasn’t like anything would change afterward, except I’d finally bear Landon’s last name. He'd moved in with me over two years ago. We’d remodeled my nan’s old house together, even that bathroom he pretended towork on when we were first dating and trying to hide our relationship from the town. We clearly hadn’t done a very good job considering his brother had known about us long before Landon tried to tell him we were dating.
“Olivia,” Honey said, breaking into my thoughts. “I’m gonna need the words from your mouth. If there’s anything holding you back, now’s the time t?—”
“Yes,” I replied, interrupting her obligatory best friend I’ll-help-you-escape-if-you’ve-changed-your-mind speech. “I am. I’ve never been more sure of anything. I’m ready to become Landon’s wife.” Her wide eyes filled with tears, and her chin quivered.
“Let’s do this,” she said, her voice cracking with emotion. It wasn’t every day you got to watch your best friend walk down the aisle.
“You look beautiful, baby girl.” I turned to find my mother standing behind me, her rose hued mother-of-the bride dress accentuating her dark hair and fair complexion. Her chocolate brown tresses were all I seemed to inherit from her. My olive complexion and brown eyes must’ve come from the father I never knew. I always felt like I was missing out when I was a kid, not having a dad, but my grandparents more than made up for it. My mother might not have been the most nurturing, but at least she made sure I was surrounded by family and a grandmother who could fill that void.
“Thanks, Mama.” Tears welled in her eyes, and she tilted her head to the side as she studied me.
“There’s so much of her in you,” she said, her soft gaze cataloging my features. My lower lip trembled, and I bit it to keep the waterworks at bay. I didn’t want to ruin my makeup before I even said my vows. How I wished my grandmother could be a part of this special day, but she was here in spirit. “I’m proud of you, and I’m so happy you found someone to cherishyou for the rest of your life. You deserve all the joy and love this world has to offer.”
“Thank you,” I whispered, the tears breaking loose without my permission. She brought a tissue to my face and dabbed beneath my eyes without disturbing the makeup underneath.
“There,” she began, lowering her hand, “good as new.”
“It’s time, people. Let’s line up,” Lucy announced, clapping her hands to get our attention. She stepped up to the doors and peeked through the crack as the instrumental version ofTo Make You Feel My Lovebegan to play.
“Okay, the groomsmen are lining up, and … there’s the groom.” She let out a low whistle and turned to me, a sly grin forming on her lips. “Promise me you’ll wait until after the first dance to sneak away with your new husband,” she pleaded teasingly. Damn, he must’ve looked good. Lucy didn’t have eyes for anyone but Beau, but she was a little flustered after seeing Landon.
“I can only make a promise to one person today, and that person isn’t you,” I teased. The bridal party giggled, and Lucy rolled her eyes.
“At least let the photographer take all the pictures before he smears your lipstick and musses your hair,” she countered.
When it was time, Lucy slid the doors open, and Kara began the processional. In the years since Lyle got locked away, we’d become good friends. When she needed a place to stay after escaping her controlling parents, I opened my home to her and her babies. It took her several months to get back on her feet, but I made sure she knew she had a soft place to land if she ever needed to come back. She and her parents had since come to an understanding, but we were still close, and she was one of my best friends.
Honey stepped up next and disappeared through the doors. She made a stunning maid of honor, and I was certain JD wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off her. He might have a hard time officiating the wedding with her in his line of sight.
“You got the rings, little man?” Lucy asked, crouching in front of Jayden. He nodded enthusiastically, lifting his ring bearer pillow as proof. “Great job,” she said, turning her focus to his baby sister, Mia. “Do you have enough flowers, pretty girl?”
“Fowers,” she repeated, holding up her little basket full of petals.
“Great!” Lucy replied excitedly. “It’s your turn now.” She ushered the two little ones forward, and they disappeared through the door. A moment later, Mia’s little voice rang out over the crowd.
“Daddy!” she squealed, and a chorus of “awws” sounded from our guests. The sound of tiny footsteps running down the aisle faded away as she drew further from the barn.
“You’re up,” Lucy said, and I drew in a deep breath as my mother looped her arm through mine. I didn’t have a father to walk me down the aisle, and my grandfather had long since passed. But my mother had been there for me in a way I had never expected the past few years. It was only fitting that she escort me to my husband-to-be and the future that awaited us.