Page 53 of Sweet Southern Heat

This was the most candid conversation I’d ever had with my brother. I hated that it took him going to prison for it to happen, but at least now, everything was out in the open.

“Do you still hate her?”

“No,” he replied without hesitation. “Now that I’m thinking clearly, I can see I never had a reason to hate her. She tried to protect me that night, but I was messed up. I blamed her for everything when in reality, she was the victim. I don’t blame her for leaving after what I did to her.” His Adam's apple bobbed with his heavy swallow, and his face twisted with regret.

“I want you to know I never meant to hurt her.” I drew back in surprise.

“So you weren’t trying to kill her?”

“No!” he barked, his eyes wide with shock. The guard standing watch eyed us warily. His hand went to the taser at his waist, and I held up a hand to signal everything was fine. “I loved her.” Lyle’s voice cracked, and pain flashed in his eyes. “I hadn’t meant for her to wreck. I just wanted her to turn around. In my mind, I thought I could make her do a U-turn when she slowed down at the bridge. I wasn’t thinking clearly.” He’d been high that night and drunk on top of that. His logic was flawed, but he’d been too far gone to see it. “It wasn’t until her car skidded off the road that I'd realized my mistake. By then, it was too lateto stop it.” Lyle hung his head, and his shoulders heaved as he attempted to rein in his emotions.

“I owe her an apology, but I doubt I’ll ever get the chance. She probably hates me, and honestly, she has every right to. I wouldn’t blame her if she never wanted to see me again.”

“She doesn’t hate you,” I said, and his gaze snapped to mine.

“Do-do you still talk to her? Can you tell her I’m sorry?” There was so much sincerity in his expression, it made my chest constrict. This was our make or break moment where I had to tell him that Olivia and I were back together. Before I could respond, he dropped his head into his hands and drew in a deep, shuddering breath. “Fuck, I ruined things for you too, didn’t I?” He ran his hands through his and gripped the back of his neck.

“No. You didn’t,” I replied, and he froze.

“I didn’t?”

I shook my head, and my stomach knotted. What would he do when I told him we were together, and I was in love with his ex? It was probably best to get it all out in the open now, so he would never feel like I hid anything from him.

“She put the bakery up for sale and went back to Atlanta after we broke up.” He winced but remained silent, so I continued. “I was a mess. I thought I’d lost her for good. But she came back. She decided not to sell the bakery after all and gave up everything in Atlanta.”

“She came back for you?” he guessed, and I nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. After we reconnected, she admitted that she’d left before her interview at an upscale hotel because she realized everything she wanted was back in Magnolia Grove, including me.

“Are you happy?”

“Yeah. I am,” I answered without hesitation. “I-I’m in love with her, Lyle.” He nodded rapidly, his face filling with anguishas he dropped his gaze. When he lifted his head again, his eyes were filled with tears.

“I’m not going to lie. This hurts. Olivia was supposed to be mine, and I fucked that up.”

“Are you still in love with her?” I held my breath as I awaited his response. I didn’t know what I would do if he said yes. He shook his head, and I let out a sigh of relief.

“No. She was my first love, and I’ll never forget all the good times we shared, but I’m not in love with her. I don’t even know her anymore.”

“That’s good,” I proclaimed nervously. “That’s real good. BecauseIdo. I’m in love with her, Lyle. I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I’d really like your blessing to do so.” I didn’tneedhis approval, but I sure as hell wanted it. I would make Olivia my wife one day no matter what, but I wanted my brother by my side when I did. He would be in here a couple more years, so I’d have to wait to make it official. That was okay. We had plenty of time.

His chin quivered, and he bit his lower lip to contain the onslaught of emotions. He ducked his head, and his shoulders rose and fell as he drew in a lungful of air and released it. When he looked at me again, his eyes shimmered, but a smile tugged at the edges of his mouth.

“You got it, brother.”

I stood and rounded the table, pulling him into my arms. The knot in my stomach that had been there since the night he'd overdosed unfurled, and the pressure in my chest eased. I held him close as his body shook. He drew in a ragged breath, and I released him, cupping the back of his neck.

“You’re going to get through this, and when you get out, you’ll have a fresh start. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.” He pulled back, and I dropped my hands to his arms. His gaze searched mine as his eyes filled with worry.

“What about Kara?” he asked, his concern palpable. “How am I going to support her when I get out? No one wants to hire a felon.”

Lyle’s girlfriend, Kara, had only been to see him once. After he overdosed in the house her parents were letting them stay in rent free, they’d done their best to keep him and Kara apart. She was forced to move back in with them since she couldn’t make it on her own with a child to take care of. Now that she was expecting again, her options were even more limited.

“I’ll make sure you have a place to stay,” I assured him, but that didn’t ease the tension twisting his features. Olivia and I had discussed this, and if all else failed, Lyle, Kara, and the kids could stay with us. Her house was plenty big enough. But I wasn’t about to mention that to my brother just yet. I didn’t want to rock the boat, and learning Olivia I were together was enough for one visit. “And there are plenty of companies who won’t hold your criminal record against you.” I’d been on the hunt for potential employers since the day he was sentenced. He would have options. Until then, I would be there to help him get back on his feet.

“Has she had the baby yet?” he asked, his voice wavering.

“Any day now.”

“D-do you have any pictures?”