Page 58 of Twisted Fate




I twistedmy shaking hands around the program as I scanned the audience for an empty seat. Much to my dismay, it was standing room only. I’d tried to get here sooner, but I was so nervous about seeing Vance again that I changed my outfit four times. I finally settled on a floral sundress and a pair of wedge sandals for Charlie’s preschool graduation, but my indecisiveness nearly caused me to be late.

I stood off to the side along with the other latecomers, my eyes glued to the stage as I waited for the kids to appear. Tears welled in my eyes as Charlie made her way across the stage wearing her little white cap and gown. A chorus of “awws” echoed through the room at the sight of these bright young children taking their places in front of the crowd.

They sang songs and danced in place before the program director announced their names and what each child wanted to be when they grew up. When it was Charlie’s turn, I stepped closer, my phone at the ready to record her big moment. I nearly dropped it when the director said Charlie wanted to be a teacher. Fresh tears gathered on my lashes, and my heart melted.She wanted to be like me.

Charlie caught sight of me when she reached the end of the stage and waved excitedly. I gave her a little wave back, elated I’d caught the moment on video. When the ceremony was over, she ran straight for me. I scooped her up and gave her a big hug.

“Delilah, you’re here!”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

I pressed a kiss to Charlie’s cheek, then placed her on her feet. Crouching in front of her, I grabbed her hands and looked her in the eye. “I am so proud of you! You did so good,” I praised. She had made so much progress over the last year and a half. She was more than ready to start school in the fall, and she’d come a long way emotionally too. She was no longer the tearful little girl clutching her teddy bear. She was thriving and happy. And according to her teachers, a little social butterfly.

“There she is.” I looked up to see Darla approaching, Emily and Jim following close behind. She hugged Charlie, placing a kiss to the top of her head before pulling me into her. “I wondered why she ran in the opposite direction. Now I know.” She smiled at me tenderly as she pulled away. I was chatting with Emily when a familiar static charge filled the air.

“Delilah.” My stomach dipped at the sound of his husky, masculine voice, and I lifted my gaze. Vance sauntered toward me, eyes bright and full of life. He no longer bore the haunted look I’d grown accustomed to in our short time together. And boy did it make him even more handsome.

I gulped back my surprise before answering, “Hello Vance.”

“I’m so glad you could make it.”

“Me too,” I offered with a soft smile. Noticing Vance's parents weren’t around, I asked if they’d been able to make it. I needed to mentally prepare for seeing Vivian again. I hadn’t seen her since the day she berated me in Vance’s living room.

He shook his head sadly. “They already left. Dad had surgery recently and needed to rest, so Mom took him home.”

“Oh,” I said, surprised. I had no idea his father needed surgery. “I hope everything is okay.”

“It is,” he assured me. “He just overdid it today, but he’ll be okay.” Relief washed over me. I would’ve felt terrible if something bad had happened and I hadn’t been there for him. Then I reminded myself that we’d promised to keep our relationship professional. At the end of the day, none of that was really any of my business.

An awkward silence settled between us as families and teachers mingled around us. Finally remembering the surprise I had tucked inside my purse, I reached into it and gripped the stuffed animal.

“I almost forgot,” I said, pulling out the little bear. “I got you something special to celebrate your graduation.”

Charlie’s eyes lit up, and she drew in a gasp as I turned the bear to face her. It had her name on one paw and the year on the other to commemorate the occasion with a little graduation cap atop its head and a diploma gripped in one paw. She snatched it from my hands and clutched it to her chest, hugging it like it was her most prized possession. I sucked in a shuddering breath as emotion welled in my chest.

“I love it!” she crooned, twisting at the waist as she squeezed it tight.

“I’m glad you like it.” She threw her arms around my middle and hugged me nearly as tightly as she had the bear, and I let out a chuckle.

“Thank you, thank you!” she said exuberantly.

“You’re welcome, sweet pea.”

We said our goodbyes, and I melted into the crowd as everyone began filing out, hoping to at least make it to my car before the first tear fell. I would still be caring for Charlie over the summer, but after that, she would go to school, and I didn’t know when or how often I’d get to see her. The thought of slowly drifting out of her life caused a heavy ache to settle in my chest. Surely, I could find a way to stay involved even if I wasn’t her nanny.

I was halfway across the parking lot when someone called my name from behind. “Delilah, wait.” I turned to find Vance jogging after me, and my heart skipped a beat. He looked so good, so healthy. His tall, broad frame had filled out a bit, and his eyes were no longer hollow. He had a nice tan, and his hair was perfectly tousled. He was always good looking, but right now he was breathtaking.

Vance stopped a few feet away, his expression boyish and pensive. “I uh, was wondering,” he began, his hand going to the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. “Everyone is coming over for dinner to celebrate Charlie’s graduation. I wanted to see if you’d like to join us.”

I chewed on my bottom lip as I contemplated his offer. I hadn’t been to his house since the day he kicked me out last November. Darla had graciously allowed us to use her home as neutral ground while I cared for Charlie, and Vance had respected my wishes not to see him. Although, after a couple months, I began to feel like I’d been too harsh in my demands. After I noticed him parked across the street a few times, waiting for me to leave so he could pick up his daughter, I wondered if it seemed as though I was punishing him. That was never my intention. I was just trying to do what was best for both of us. I’d almost given in and told him I could start watching her in his home again, but it was too soon. We both needed this time apart, him even more so than me.

Flustered by my deliberation, he took a step back and shoved his hands in his pockets. “It’s okay if you don’t want to. Or if you have other plans. I just thought you might want—”