“Vivian told me you would be bringing Charlie for the foreseeable future.” I nodded. Valerie stepped a little closer and lowered her voice while Charlie was distracted with a toy. “She also explained the family dynamic present in this situation.” That took me aback. What had Vivian said exactly? She hadn’t seemed particularly thrilled about me taking over for her on Tuesdays. She didn’t come right out and say it, but I got the impression she didn’t think it was my place to take Charlie to therapy.
“It does present some unique challenges,” Valerie continued, snapping me back to the present, “but it’s nothing we can’t handle. It sounds like Charlie is lucky to have you in her life. I think you’ll be instrumental in her success.” She offered a warm, kind smile, and I suddenly felt at ease. No wonder Charlie liked her so much. Her presence was like a lullaby, soothing and tranquil.
“I hope so. I just want what’s best for her.”
“Of course,” she offered and turned toward Charlie. I observed quietly, trying to keep from distracting Charlie so she could focus on getting the most out of her session.
As they finished up and we prepared to leave, it struck me that we hadn’t brought Charlie’s teddy bear inside with us. She’d left it in the car and hadn’t asked for it once. That meant she was making progress. I wanted to jump up and down for joy, but I didn’t want to draw attention to myself or the fact that Teddy was absent, so my feet remained planted firmly on the ground.
It was already darkwhen I arrived home. Charlie would most likely be in bed already. I walked up the sidewalk and stopped in front of my door. My shoulders slumped with exhaustion as I pinched the key between my fingers. I paused as I slid it into the lock, studying the brightly colored panel illuminated by the porch light. Sarah had insisted on the coral paint, despite my protests. I hated the idea but as usual, she’d been right. The pop of color was refreshing against the sea of neutrals decorating our house.
I closed my eyes against the memory and pushed through the door. It was quiet in the house aside from the low murmuring of voices from the TV in the family room. Assuming that was where I’d find Delilah, I followed the sound. Delilah was curled up on one end of the couch, her hands tucked beneath her chin. She looked so peaceful, like a sleeping child.
For a moment, I considered leaving her there, but her neck was bent at an odd angle, and I knew from experience that sleeping on this couch all night would do a number on her back. I didn’t want to wake her up and send her home like this. She was surely exhausted after the day she’d had. There was only one solution.
I jogged up the stairs two at a time, peeking in on Charlie tucked safely in her bed before I crossed the hall to the spare bedroom. I switched on the bedside lamp and turned down the covers, before returning to the family room.
“Delilah.” I spoke in low tones so I didn’t startle her and gave her shoulder a gentle shake. She didn’t budge. I repeated her name, a little louder this time, and gave her another nudge. She groaned and curled further into herself. Even if I managed to wake her up, there was no way I’d get her up the stairs without her taking a tumble. That left only one option: I’d have to carry her.
I swallowed hard as I slid my arms beneath her, one cradling her knees while the other slipped under her arm and around her back. This was the closest I’d been to a woman in months, and I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to have her in my arms.
I jostled her a bit when I stood and adjusted my hold on her. Startled, she nuzzled into me and wrapped both arms around my neck. Her eyes fluttered open for a moment, the sleepy blue orbs taking me in.
“It’s alright. I’ve got you,” I assured her, and they fell closed again.
She relaxed against me, and I took a moment to breathe her in and bask in the feeling of her body pressed against mine. I fought the urge to press my lips to her forehead despite the sense that she probably needed it just as much as I did. Instead, I ascended the stairs, gently laid her in the bed in the spare room, and pulled the cover over her. I switched off the lamp and quietly padded out of the room, leaving the door open a few inches to let in a sliver of light from the hallway in case she woke in the middle of the night.
I stood just outside her door for long seconds, resisting the pull to climb into bed and curl up next to her. I told myself I was just lonely. I told myself it was only because I missed my wife, and it had nothing to do with the woman who was slowly worming her way under my skin.
I stretched and yawned,instinctively reaching for my phone. It wasn’t there. Eyes still closed, I patted the bed next to me, noticing the luxurious softness of the sheets. My eyes popped open, and I stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling.Where the hell am I?
I sat up and glanced around, taking in the vaguely familiar surroundings in the dim morning light. Rubbing my eyes, I blinked away the remaining fog of sleep and realized I was still at Vance’s house. I’d crashed shortly after putting Charlie to bed last night. But how did I get from the couch in the family room to the guest bedroom?
A flash of Vance’s intense gaze staring down into mine flitted across my memory. I thought that was just a dream. Had it been real?
“It’s alright. I’ve got you.”
My eyes fell closed at the memory of his deep voice reassuring me, his strong arms holding me close to his chest. Wrapped in his warm embrace, I felt safe and protected, like nothing could ever hurt me again. It had been years since I’d felt that way.
My painfully full bladder chose that moment to make its presence known, so I threw the covers off my legs and tiptoed across the hall to the bathroom. I didn’t want to wake anyone up, so I tried to keep as quiet as possible. When I was done, I went in search of my phone. I found it on the coffee table where I’d left it the night before. Plucking it from the table, I turned it over to check the time. It was already after six. There was no way I could run home and grab a shower before I needed to be back to watch Charlie. Then I remembered my gym bag was in my car. I’d planned to hit the gym on my way home last night before I knew Vance needed me to stay late. At least I’d have something clean to wear.
I wandered into the kitchen to start the coffee pot and checked my text messages. Opening a text from Emily, I let out a surprised gasp when I read it. She was moving back home. She had lived out of state since she’d left for college eight years ago. She and her longtime boyfriend had broken up, and she wanted to be closer to her parents, so she was looking for a new job.
From the corner of my eye, I noticed movement in the doorway. I looked up from the screen to find Vance entering the kitchen, rubbing a towel over his damp hair. I startled and nearly dropped my phone, letting out a little shriek. He jumped, and his downcast gaze snapped to me.
I stood there frozen, gawking at him like an idiot as I took in his glistening bare chest, low slung mesh shorts, and sneakers. My eyes lifted to meet his as he swiped at the perspiration on his temple. His chest heaved as he worked to catch his breath.
“Mornin’, Delilah.” My stomach dipped at the sound, my brain conjuring a different reason for him panting my name.
“G-good morning,” I stammered, averting my gaze. “I, uh, started the coffee.”