Page 9 of Desperation

When dinner was over, I stood and collected my dishes, taking them to the sink. Drake left his where they sat and headed back to his recliner. Before he could sit, he noticed me still in the kitchen trying to help tidy up.

“Dude, what are you doing? You’re our guest. You don’t need to do that.”

I turned to Hannah, who’d been avoiding me. Whatever side of the room I was on, she found a reason to move to the opposite corner, keeping as much distance between us as possible.

“He’s right. I’ve got this. You go on,” she said, motioning toward the living room.

“Besides,” Drake chimed in, “that’s her job. She’ll take care of it,” he added dismissively, as though she were nothing more than the hired help. I was glad he chose that moment to lower himself into the chair, his back turned to me so he couldn’t see my reaction. Stunned fury. That was what he would’ve found. Hannah ducked her head, her cheeks tinged pink, and my anger doubled at her embarrassment. How could she stand it? Why would she stay and endure his abuse and his blatant demeaning of her?

She must not have anywhere else to go.

Where was her family? What about friends? Surely there was someone else out there who wouldn’t treat her like he did. I’d have to do some digging. I wouldn’t be able to let this go. It may not have been my business before, but it was now. I was making it my business. There was no way I could turn a blind eye to this. I may not have witnessed him hurting her, but I didn't need to. I saw the way she reacted to him, the way she flinched when he made a sudden movement. The way she went on high alert when he was near, when he raised his voice, or his gaze settled on her.

Reluctantly, I shuffled back to the couch, not wanting to raise suspicion. If I stayed back too long, he’d wonder why, and I didn’t want to cause any more trouble for her. She had enough to deal with as it was.

The Orioles’ first baseman scored the winning run as Hannah joined us in the living room. Drake pulled her into him as she walked by, and she let out a little yelp of surprise when she landed on his lap.

“Think you could grab me another beer, babe? I’m out over here.”

“Sure,” she replied as he nuzzled her neck. She looked as uncomfortable as I felt. I refocused on the TV as the commentators came on to dissect the game and go through the highlight reel.

“You want another one?” I turned to look at Drake, Hannah still draped over his limbs.

“No thanks,” I replied, trying not to let my irritation show. “I actually need to get going.” I braced myself to stand but froze at the next sentence to leave his mouth.

“Do you really think it’s a good idea to drive?” he asked, a hint of challenge in his tone. “I mean, considering your history,” he added. If he hadn’t been so wasted, I was sure he’d have looked more smug. Hannah’s questioning gaze darted to me, and her back stiffened.Fuck. Why did he have to bring that up now?

I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees, gritting my teeth. Taking a second to compose myself, I finally looked up. “I’m good, bro. I haven't had nearly as many as you have, and that delicious dinner Hannah prepared soaked up most of it.” I kept my tone light, jovial even, but I knew he’d be able to sense that defiance. I resented him for bringing up the past, for rubbing my nose in my failures. That was a different lifetime and a different Devon Kingsley. I’d come too far, had too bright of a future ahead of me to start living in the past.

His face tightened, and he sucked on his teeth, something he did when he was irritated. My heart sank at the realization I was about to leave Hannah here with him. I shouldn’t have provoked him. He may very well take it out on her.

“Maybe you’re right, though,” I conceded, watching him carefully. “Perhaps I should stay for dessert. A slice of cake may be just what I need to absorb the rest of the booze.” His eyes narrowed as I relaxed back, trying— and probably failing—to not look smug.

“Babe, would you care to bring a couple slices of cake to us?” His question was directed at Hannah, but his eyes never left mine. I looked at her again, and my heart sank. A sadness settled into her features, and disappointment dimmed her eyes. What had caused that look, I wasn't sure, but I didn't like it. It felt personal, as though I was at fault.

She glanced away and slid off his lap mumbling, “I’ll be right back.” She wouldn’t look at me again, not even when she placed the little saucer with a slice of cake with a thick layer of frosting on the table in front of me. I swallowed past the feeling of rejection that I knew was ridiculous.

“I think I’m going to turn in for the night,” she announced quietly. She made to walk past Drake, but his hand darted out and gripped her arm. Every muscle in my body coiled tightly, ready to strike. The move set my instincts on high alert, and my heart thudded in my chest, my pulse accelerating. But then he gently tugged her toward him in an almost tender gesture.

“Don’t I get a kiss goodnight?” he asked, bringing her closer to him.

She hesitated for a moment but didn’t look away. Her focus remained on him just as mine never left her. “Of course,” she said finally and pressed her lips gently to his. I couldn’t watch. I had to look away. She straightened and let her gaze fall on the couch where I sat, still not meeting my eye. “Goodnight, Devon.” My heart clenched at her blank expression and emotionless farewell. Something had upset her, and now she was shutting down. I feared what would happen in her robotic state. I knew it was a form of self-preservation, and I worried I wouldn’t be able to reach her like this.

“’Night,” I managed to croak out. I could sense her drifting away as though we were tethered, an invisible tie binding us to one another. I was holding on as tightly as I could while she was sawing away at the other end. Desperate to keep her close, I shot to my feet. “Where’s your restroom?” I asked hastily. “Gotta take a leak.”

“Second door on the right.” He pointed in the direction of the dark hallway where Hannah had just disappeared. I headed that way, trying to appear casual, my stride slow and relaxed. When I neared the door he indicated, I heard the toilet flush, and my heart thudded in my chest. She was in there. Now was my chance to get her alone, to try to talk to her.

The door opened before I could think through my next move. A tiny gasp left her mouth as I stepped in front of her and gently urged her back into the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” she hissed, keeping her voice low. I couldn’t answer right away. The urge to kiss her, to crush my lips to hers and swallow her moan stole my breath, and with it, my urge to speak. I stared into her tired green eyes for a moment, weighing my words. What could I say? I needed her to know I was safe. I needed to convince her to leave and that I would take her anywhere she wanted to go. I would protect her no matter the cost.

“Why do you stay?” came out instead.

Her face flushed, her lip quivered momentarily, and I wanted to take it back. I’d embarrassed and hurt her with my insensitive question. Damn, I was an idiot. Her jaw tightened as she clenched her teeth, and her nostrils flared. Her dull green eyes morphed into two blazing emerald pools, a burst of gold I hadn’t previously noticed glowing to life around her pupils.

“You don’t know anything,” she spat angrily and pushed past me. She rushed from the room, leaving me standing there like the fool I was.

She was right. I didn’t know anything at all.