“Can’t. I have a shift.” Had he forgotten I was scheduled to work tomorrow? He must’ve heard me tell Hannah that day at our office.
“Not anymore you don’t.”
I paused with my drink halfway to my mouth and eyed him suspiciously. “What?”
“I got it covered so you could go.” I stared at him dumbly, wondering if I’d heard him right.
“Why would you do that?”
“She wants you there. She asked me to pull a few strings so you’d be free tomorrow.”
“She did?” The question was out before I could stop it.
“Yep,” Mark smirked and leaned against the bar. “I think you need to find that invitation and make sure you’re in the right place at the right time. Again,” he added, alluding to the moment my world collided with Hannah’s. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but the prospect of seeing Hannah and of her wanting me there had my blood pumping and heart pounding like it hadn’t in months.
“Alright. I’ve just got one question for you.”
“Hit me,” Mark replied, and I grinned, quirking a brow. He should’ve known better than to say that to a member of our team. It usually got you punched or elbowed.
Straightening, he took a step away from me. “You know what I meant,” he warned. Probably ought not to hit my boss even if he’d earned it.
“What do you get a one-year-old for his birthday?”
He smiled wickedly like he was in on a joke I hadn’t even heard yet. “Brother, the possibilities are endless.”
The next day, at five pm sharp, I pulled up to Sandra’s house. Her driveway was lined with bundles of balloons, and there were streamers decorating the porch. Every square inch of blank space was covered with cartoon characters or pictures of Jameson.
A few people milled about on the front porch, perched on the swing or relaxing in a chair, but most of the guests appeared to be inside. The front door opened. and Hannah stepped onto the porch with a pitcher and stack of paper cups as I exited my truck. The sound of my door shutting caught her attention, and she brought her gaze to me. A huge smile spread over her face, and she placed the drinks on a table, descending the stairs to meet me in the yard.
“You made it.” She stopped a foot away, and I fought the urge to reach out and pull her into my arms. Instead, I shoved my free hand in my pocket and tightened my grip on the present in the other.
“Yeah, I lucked out and got my shift covered.”
“I’m so glad you came.” Her smile never faltered, and she appeared genuinely happy to see me.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
“Come say hi to Jameson. He’ll be so excited to see you.” She gripped my elbow and tugged, pulling my hand free of my pocket. Her fingers found mine as she pulled me toward the house, and the shock of her touch sent tingles up my arm.
I doubted Jameson would even remember me, but I couldn’t wait to see him. The loss of Hannah was compounded by the loss of him. I’d grown attached to her child in the short time we were together, and it hurt more than I could’ve imagined to lose them both.
Hannah led me through the door and into the living room where Jameson sat on the floor, playing with another child just a little older than him. “Jameson, look who’s here,” Hannah cooed.
His little blond head snapped up at the sound of her voice, and when his eyes found mine, they lit up. “Den,” he squealed and stood clumsily, running to me on wobbly feet. Instinctively, I crouched and reached for him as he flung himself into my arms. Scooping him up, I held him against my side, fighting the sudden onslaught of emotions hitting me in the chest.
He knew who I was. He hadn’t forgotten me.
But how?
As if reading my thoughts, Hannah leaned in, placing her hand gently on my arm. “I show him your picture all the time. He knows your name; he just isn’t very good at saying it yet,” she offered with a sweet smile.
I looked at her, the face that haunted my dreams the last five months, and saw the trepidation in her eyes, the uncertainty of how I’d feel about that. I wanted to assure her it was fine, that I wanted him to remember me, but I couldn’t speak. All I could do was stare into her eyes and hope she could see what my voice couldn’t express.
She finally glanced away, running her hands nervously down the front of her dress. Jameson began to squirm in an attempt to get out of my arms, so I placed him on the floor.
“Would you like something to drink?” Hannah asked.
“Sure,” I replied and followed her to the kitchen. Sandra spotted me immediately and came around the island to pull me into a tight hug.