Page 39 of Desperation

“Goodnight, Hannah,” was all he said before disappearing into his room.

* * *

The next day, Devon needed to run into town to get a few supplies we were running low on. Jameson seemed to be going through diapers and baby food faster than normal, but he was also growing. He had a doctor’s appointment coming up, and I hoped we’d be able to make it so I could see just how big he’d gotten.

“Could we come with you? I’m going a little stir crazy up here.” His brow furrowed, and he hesitated before answering. He was performing a risk analysis in his head. I could see the wheels turning.

“I think that would be okay. No one knows where we are and wouldn’t think to look for you here.”

“Yay,” I cheered in excitement and ran to the bathroom. Ten minutes later I was dressed and had applied a light dusting of makeup. I put a warm outfit on Jameson and made sure he had a blanket, hat, and mittens. He wasn't a fan of the mittens since he was teething and liked to chew on his hands. We were gone for nearly four hours, opting to eat lunch at a local diner where the waitresses gushed over Jameson. The little ham ate up the attention. He was a charmer with his big gummy smile and dimpled cheeks.

“You two have a beautiful baby.” Devon nearly choked on his food at the waitress’s compliment. She thought Jameson was ours. My life would be a whole lot simpler if he were.

“Thank you,” I replied graciously.

“Sorry about that,” I said once the waitress was gone. “People are going to assume when they see us together—”

“Don’t apologize,” he cut in, slicing through the awkwardness. “Any man would be proud to have him as their son.” Tears clogged my throat, and I blinked a few times to keep my eyes dry. His sweet declaration blanketed me in warmth and melted any resolve I had not to fall for him.

That night over dinner, I decided to bring up something that had been weighing on my mind. “I won’t be able to stay here forever. I need a plan for when this is all over.”

“I’m glad you brought that up actually.” My head tilted to the side in surprise. “I was looking at apartments before everything happened, and there were a few I think would work for you and Jameson. Of course they’re all closer to Virginia Beach than—”

“I’m okay with that,” I blurted out, and he chuckled. I didn’t care if it was in another state as long as I wasn’t anywhere near Drake.

“Once we get you back on your feet, we can look at them if you’d like. I know you’re working on your GED, but have you thought about jobs?” My face fell, the hopeful bubble bursting into pieces.

“Not really,” I admitted, and my shoulders sagged. Without a degree, there really wasn’t much out there that paid enough to make it worth paying for childcare. I looked at my son, wanting more than anything to just give him a good life.

“I see,” Devon replied, nodding in understanding. “I’m sure there are programs out there that can help you, and Drake will be required to pay child support.” I winced at the mention of his name. “We’ll figure something out, but in the meantime, Mark said you’re welcome here as long as you need it.

I went to sleep that night with a mixture of hope and doubt settling into my chest. The future was scary, but at least now there was hope and possibilities.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Leaving Hannah and Jameson was getting harder and harder. Every time I left for work, it killed me to drive away, knowing I wouldn’t be back for days. This time was the worst. Jameson reached for me as Hannah bid me goodbye at the door. I took him from her, hugging him close and planting a kiss on his head. He pawed at my face, laughing as stubble tickled his hand. A soft, longing smile spread over Hannah’s lips, and I tried to ignore the little tug it created on my heart. He whimpered when I handed him back, and I almost saidscrew itand stayed there. But Mark was counting on me, and I had work to do.

As I prepared for my first of two night shifts back at the weapons warehouse, I wondered if we were wasting our time again. No one had been back in weeks. They most likely knew the place was being guarded and wouldn’t come back until we were gone. Perhaps it was time to suggest we start utilizing more long-range surveillance methods for this job.

I spent my shift doing several more sweeps of the premises than usual just to stay warm. It wasn’t as cold here as it was in the mountains, but still pretty miserable when all you wanted was a warm bed to crawl into and an even warmer body to hold.

My blood heated as thoughts of Hannah invaded my mind. Something was changing between us, and I wasn’t sure if either of us could handle it yet. It took more restraint than I thought I possessed not to take her on the couch. Her body was begging me for it, but I wouldn’t dare make a move until she told me exactly what she wanted. The ball was in her court. She needed to be in control, and that was what I would give her.

But damn if I didn’t want her lush form wrapped around mine, writhing as I thrust into her until her body was wracked by toe-curling pleasure. She let out these tiny gasping moans every time my hands glided over her skin, noises I didn’t think she was even aware she was making. Each time I got my body under control, she’d do it again, and I was rock hard. Memories of that evening were the only thing keeping me warm throughout my twelve-hour shift.

When the night was finally over, I drove straight home and went to bed. I had a mission of my own to complete this evening, before I had to be back so I needed to be up earlier than usual.

The Tidewater Rogue clubhouse was already buzzing with activity when I got there just before sunset. I parked my truck on the other side of a ridge that overlooked the faded brown building and grabbed my binoculars from the glove compartment. Spreading out a blanket on the cold, hard dirt, I settled on my stomach, making sure to stay low to the ground. I watched as members came and left, some of them with female companions and some of them solo or with other bikers. With winter in full swing, they weren’t riding as much and spent more time at their sanctuary. Dozens of people went in and out, but I never saw the man I was looking for; the one who’d hit me and nearly knocked me unconscious.Just as I was about to leave, a familiar truck pulled into the parking lot.

What the…

Drake hopped out and strode up to the clubhouse like he owned the place. Why was he there? Was he a member and I didn’t know it? I was aware he was out on bail. Mark told me as soon as he got word. But Drake didn’t do organized clubs. He refused to even play football after our sophomore year because he wasn’t much of a team player. I didn’t have time to investigate this new development any further since I needed to report for my shift, but it was something worth following up on.

* * *

I took my mom to her dialysis treatment the next morning, then went home for a nap. My aunt picked her up and brought her back so I could sleep for a little while before returning to the cabin. I made it back in record time, anxious to see Hannah and Jameson.