Page 36 of Desperation

I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but these two knuckleheads

make some terrible decisions and end up miserable because of it.

I’m glad you finally gave in so we didn’t turn out like them.



I chuckled at the hastily scribbled “love note.” Charlie was Mark’s wife, the former CIA operative who’d turned the former bachelor into a family man. I decided to give Heathcliff and Catherine a try based solely on his recommendation.

I devoured the book while Devon was gone. It was full of angst and longing, something I could relate to all too well.

When Devon returned just after noon on the third day, I greeted him with a hug. He let out a little oomph when I slammed into him, but his arms wrapped around me.

“Did you miss me?” He chuckled. He had no idea.

I blushed, my face warming at my lack of restraint. “I’m glad you’re back.”

“Me too.” He removed his coat and boots and stepped up to the fire. Trepidation washed over his face when he turned to look at me, and my stomach tightened.

“What is it?”

“I spoke to Drake.” I flinched at the sound of his name. “He wants you back,” he began, and I gasped, shaking my head. “But I told him you didn’t want anything to do with him. He agreed not to come looking for you, but…” His voice trailed off, and his eyes darted away.

“What? Just tell me,” I pleaded.

“He wants to see his son.” I started to shake my head again, and Devon held up his hands. “We would meet at the Cole Security office. He would get thirty minutes with him, and he’s been warned that if he touches you”—Devon’s jaw flexed as he ground his teeth—“there will be a room full of former SEALs ready to take him down.” My body trembled at the thought of being around him again, of letting him near our son. Even with Devon there to protect us, I was afraid of what he’d try to do. Would he try to take my child from me?

“The choice is yours. All I guaranteed him was that I would bring the offer to you. I never promised your agreement,” he assured me. Relief washed over me as I realized he didn’t make the choice for me. “What he doesn’t know is that I plan to have him arrested after that,” he added, his face hardening into stone. “If that’s what you want.”

That was what I wanted, but I feared it would open a whole new can of worms. Drake and his father would consider it an act of war and would come after us. I knew it in my gut.

“I think this is our best course of action,” he went on when I stayed silent. “At least now there will be a record of what he did. We have proof. You can get a restraining order, and if he violates that he goes back to jail. The system is flawed, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a starting point. Plus, you have me. I won’t let anything happen to you.” His gaze drifted to Jameson, and his eyes filled with affection. “Or your son,” he added, and my heart squeezed in my chest.

Without thinking, I lifted onto my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. It was quick and meant to be innocent, but his gaze heated and fell to my mouth. For a moment, I thought he might lean down and press his lips to mine, giving me the connection I suddenly craved. But he didn’t. His eyes lifted once more and held my stare for a moment before looking away again.

“If you need time to think about it, I understand. I’m here for the next two days, so there’s no rush.”

“Okay,” I replied in a low voice, trying to process all he just told me.

“I’ve been up all night, so I’m gonna try to sleep for a few hours.”

“Oh,” I said, suddenly remembering he worked last night then drove the three hours here. “Yeah, of course. We’ll try to be quiet so you can sleep.” He chuckled and that warm, panty-dropping smile was back. It was all I could do to not throw my arms around him again and aim for his mouth this time.

“You don’t need to worry about being quiet. I’m so tired, a train could drive through here and it wouldn’t wake me.”

He finally retreated to his bedroom, and I let out a long, slow breath of relief. My body sparked back to life the moment he walked through the door. I didn’t realize it had gone dormant in his absence, but every sense was now on high alert with his woodsy scent floating in the air and his rumbling laughter hitting me right between the legs with pleasant vibrations I knew only got better. I squeezed my thighs together at the thought of his mouth on me, of that low growl he let escape when he thought no one else could hear it. If I didn’t put a halt to those thoughts, I’d have to step out into the snow to cool off.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


This was torture. Hannah’s freshly washed hair was down and cascading around her shoulders. She sat close enough that the delicious scent wafted to me every time she flipped it back over her shoulder, which was often. The subtle, loose waves were normally pulled into a messy bun, but she’d let it dry naturally while we watched a movie. I wanted to reach over and touch the silky strands, then spear my hands into them and pull her mouth to mine. She was driving me crazy.

She laughed at something on the screen, and I was so entranced by her, I couldn’t tell you what was so funny. Jameson cooed at her in excitement and she scooped him up from the floor, bouncing him on her leg. It hit me then how happy this scene made me. Hannah and I relaxing on the couch in the evening after dinner and Jameson playing in front of us. It was so simple, so domestic, but it was pure bliss. This was what I wanted. I wanted these two in my life. Not just while we waited for the mess with Drake to blow over, but after that. Maybe even forever.

The next day, we headed back home to meet with Drake. Hannah agreed to let him see the baby for thirty minutes under our supervision. If he was asleep or needed to eat during that time, then tough shit. He wouldn’t get any longer.