I froze, the only sound the rush of blood in my ears as adrenaline pulsed through my veins. Something wasn’t right. The snow was barely falling, not enough to knock out the electricity, and Devon checked the generator a few days ago to make sure there was plenty of fuel in it. There was someone out there. I had a feeling I knew who it was.
But how did he find me?
I felt my way to the kitchen, in search of the sat phone, slipping into my house shoes on the way. I’d power it up and head for the bedroom so I could call Devon. Jameson was asleep in there. I’d lock us in the room and hope to God Devon could get here before they broke in or send the police. A knock on the door startled me, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.
“Hannah.” Drake’s voice called from the other side. “Let me in, baby. It’s cold out here.”
Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, and I covered my mouth to stifle a sob. He was toying with me. I was a mouse in his trap.
“I just want to talk. I miss you and our baby. Please,” he added in a sickeningly sweet voice, and I nearly gagged.
He kept talking and knocking, and I couldn’t hardly stand the sound. I wanted to cover my ears and rock in the corner, but I needed to call Devon. I skirted around the fireplace and went to the kitchen where the sat phone was kept. I reached for it, but before my fingers could curl around it, a hand clamped over my mouth. Another arm wrapped around my stomach and hauled me back against a masculine chest. I thrashed and kicked, trying to throw my attacker off, but it was no use. He was too strong, and I was too desperate. I’d have to calm down and clear my head if I was going to survive.
“Relax, Hannah. He just wants to talk.”
My blood turned to ice in my veins, and every part of me began to shake. Drake hadn’t come alone. He brought his father with him to make sure I didn't get away did what I was told. I squeezed my eyes shut to staunch the flow of tears. How did he get in here? The back door had been locked. I checked it after putting Jameson down for the night.Had he picked the lock while Drake had me distracted?
Hank dragged me across the floor and crossed the living room to flip the lock on the front door. Drake pushed inside, and the muted white light from the full moon streaming in through the opening cast him in an ominous yet ethereal glow.
“You guys need to leave. Devon will be back any minute.”
“No, he won’t.” Drake laughed, calling my bluff. “He has to work tonight.”
How did he know that?
Hank finally released me, and I tried to bolt, but Drake was too fast. He grabbed me, pulling me to him in an embrace as though he believed I would return his affections.
“Let go of me,” I growled and stomped on his foot. He let out a curse and gripped my arms. His hands squeezed around my bicep so tightly I thought he’d snap the bones in half. I cried out in pain as he dragged me to the couch and forced me down onto it. There was murder in his eyes when he leaned over me.
Hank looked on in disinterest as I clambered over the cushions to get away from his son. As much as I despised him, I didn’t think he’d let Drake kill me. Hurt me, yes. Take me back to his house against my will, absolutely. But my disappearance would bring too much attention to his doorstep. People would have to see my face and know I was alive to avoid suspecting them of murder when they returned to town with only my son in tow. However, he would expect Drake to get me under control and make me compliant again.
“Dad, do you care to step outside? I need a moment to speak to my woman in private.”
“Do what you gotta do, son,” he sneered at me and walked out the door. He knew what Drake planned to do, and he was going to let it happen.
“I warned you not to leave me,” Drake admonished as he unbuckled his belt. Tears streamed down my face as terror gripped my insides. He was going to hurt me worse than he ever had before, and he was going to do it with my child sleeping in the next room.
“Please,” I begged. “Don’t do this.”
“It’s too late for begging. I begged you once, and you showed me no mercy. Now it’s time to return the favor.” I leapt from the couch trying to get to my room and lock him out, but he grabbed my foot, and I hit the floor, pain shooting through my knee when I landed. I scrambled across the hardwood, trying to distance myself from him. “Getting closer to the bedroom, I see. I like where this is going,” he taunted.
He’d just cleared the bookshelf when it started to move. I shook myself, trying to clear my vision. Had I bumped my head as well? I thought I was seeing things, until it swung open, revealing a secret passage. I tried to school my features, but Drake registered the shock on my face and turned just as a dark clad figure crashed into him. I yelped and scooted across the floor as a tangled mass of long limbs and grunting bodies tumbled over.
“Run!” Devon’s voice shot through the room as I stood, but I nearly sank back to the floor again. He was here.How did he know?“Get the baby and run!” he yelled again. I didn’t hesitate this time.
I dashed into the bedroom, scooped Jameson up, wrapping him snuggly in his blanket, and disappeared into the secret passage behind the bookcase. My foot slipped, and I nearly fell as I encountered a set of stairs. I didn’t know how far down they went or how many there were, so I stepped gingerly so I wouldn’t go tumbling down with my baby in my arms. When I finally hit solid ground, I noticed a faint glow up ahead. The closer I got, the brighter it shone. I reached down and plucked a small flashlight from the damp floor. Devon must've left it for me so I could see where I was going.
The tunnel was long, and it took me at least fifteen minutes to reach the outlet, but when I did, it felt like I could finally breathe again. I darted into the dark, snowy night, clutching Jameson to my chest. I didn’t know where I would go, but I could follow the road until I found someone who could help.
“Hannah.” I looked up to find Charlie running for me, and I sagged in relief. “Are you okay? Is Jameson?
“We’re fine, but we have to get back to the cabin. Devon needs help.” I noticed Devon’s truck parked across the gravel road behind Charlie and ran for it.
“Hold on.” Charlie held up her hands to stop me. “Mark is up there. They have it handled.”