I fall asleep on the couch sometime before midnight, unable to keep my eyes open any longer. I wake around three to a text from Jacob.

Jacob:Still waiting on results. It’s too close to call.

Me: Keep me posted.

A minute later,my phone chimes with another text as I’m changing into my pajamas. I slip beneath the covers and open the message.

Jacob:Why are you still awake?

Me: You just texted me. Why would you text me if you didn’t expect a response?

Jacob: I figured you’d see it when you got up for work.

Me: I fell asleep on the couch. Your text thankfully woke me up. I was getting a kink in my neck.

Jacob: I’ve got a kink for you.

He endshis text with the purple smiling devil emoji. I let out a little snort of laughter and cover my mouth.

Me:You’re so immature.

Jacob: I’m slap happy and sleep deprived. I’m blaming my previous text on that.

I chucklethrough my yawn as I fight to stay awake. Wishing him goodnight, I set my alarm and burrow under my covers, falling fast asleep.

His six a.m. text doesn’t wake me, but I see it when my alarm goes off. I open it and my stomach drops, plummeting to the floor.

Jacob:He lost.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Nine Months Later

Standingin front of the mirror, I straighten my tie for what seems like the hundredth time. I haven’t seen Abby since the rehearsal dinner last night. She and the bridal party stayed at our farmhouse and got ready there today. They were having brunch with mimosas when I spoke to her this morning. Excited chatter and feminine giggles erupted in the background as we spoke.

Since our home was occupied, I rented a cabin for the groomsmen. Ethan was reluctant to stay, considering the history between Luke and Tiff. He was afraid it would cause tension in the house, but I was confident that wouldn’t happen. Luke has moved on. He even spoke to Tiff at the engagement party, later telling me it was nice to have closure, but that he didn’t feel anything for her anymore. He had Harley. After things ended with Tiff, he was in a really dark place, but Harley pulled him out of it. He’s a different person with her, a better version of the man he used to be.

Ethan came around once I assured him there were no hard feelings and that Luke had no beef with him. When they met, they shook hands and exchanged a silent nod of understanding. After that, we drank whiskey and played pool and card games. That was the extent of my “bachelor party”.

This morning, my dad came to the cabin to make sure we were all awake and not too hungover. Some of the guys were in pretty rough shape, so I whipped up a hearty breakfast while Dad passed out ginger ales and sports drinks, along with some pain relievers. My father seemed much more at ease than he did a year ago. The presidential campaign took more of a toll on him than anyone realized. Once he got over the disappointment of losing, he felt relieved to have that weight off his shoulders.

The race was close. He only lost by the tiniest margin. He had the popular vote, but not the electoral college. I think that eased the sting of defeat a little for him. He’s continued to make waves in the Senate but consistently shoots down any whisper of running in the future. He always said he’d only give it one shot and he’s sticking to it.

Giving myself one last look over, I glance at my watch. It’s almost time.

“Ready to go?” Luke asks, clapping me on the back.

I nod. “I’m beyond ready. I’ve been waiting for this moment for over a year.” It’s true. I’d been thinking about marrying Abby for months before I commissioned her custom ring to be made.

Luke chuckles. “Don’t you mean like, four years?” I shoot him a questioning glance. “You told me you had something real with her that day we went riding. If I remember correctly, you said you never wanted anyone else to love her or touch her ever again. Just you. You knew then that it was forever, that you would marry her one day.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I admit. I remember the day he’s talking about. I knew back then what I felt for her wasn’t fleeting, that it was something that would stick with me, no matter what. Even if we didn’t end up staying together, I knew I’d always have a strong connection with her. And I was right. That’s what drew me back here, back to her. That’s why I walked into Rosie’s that day hoping I’d see her.

“Of course I’m right.” He smirks. “I always am.”

I snort at my best friend. “Come on, you arrogant bastard. It’s time for me to get married.”