“Jacob.” My eyes mist over, the thoughtfulness of his actions causing my heart to swell in my chest. “This is amazing. I can’t believe you did this.” I let out a disbelieving laugh. “Wait a minute… ofcourseI can believe it. This isexactlythe kind of thing you would do.” I cup his cheeks with my hands and lean up for a kiss. “Thank you,” I whisper against his mouth, closing my eyes as I press my forehead to his.
When we leave the diner, he turns down a road that leads in the opposite direction from where we came. I turn around in my seat, looking at him quizzically.
“I have something I want to show you.” We drive nearly thirty minutes before turning onto a bumpy gravel road.
Where on earth is he taking me?
We come upon an old farmhouse that looks like it’s seen better days. A window is busted out on the second floor and some of the siding has come loose.
“Whose house is this?” I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Well, it can be ours if you’d like.”
I whirl on him, coming face to face with a man on a mission. “Wh-what? What do you mean,it can be ours? How?”
“I made a promise to you last night.” He grabs my hand and places it between us, showcasing my engagement ring. “You are my future. I want to be where you are. I know you love coming to visit me at my house, but you would never be happy living in the city. And over the last several months, I've found myself enjoying the peacefulness that comes with being out here, away from all the commotion. We’re going to be husband and wife. We can’t live five hours away from each other, so I’m moving here.”
My heart soars. He’s willing to give up his life in Arlington to be with me! Am I dreaming? Will I wake up to find that none of this is real?
“What about your job?” I ask, uncertain how he could possibly remain employed at the engineering firm if he moves out of Arlington.
“I’m already looking into an opportunity close by.” Stunned, I stare at him with my mouth agape. “After what happened with Erin,” he begins and I wince, remembering that she tried to put the moves on him, “I went to my boss and told him I would be leaving the firm to move here. I was already leaning towards making that decision, but her actions were the push I needed. I also told him what she’d done and that I refused to work with her on any other projects between now and when I leave.”
My brows kick up in surprise. I didn’t know he’d reported her. I worried what kind of domino effect it would have. Would she turn it around on him, go to the press and smear his name? I asked him as much and he shook his head.
“No, she admitted to it when she was questioned and was put on leave. That’s when my boss told me there have been talks of expanding the firm. They’ve been looking at locations here in West Virginia and they’ll need someone to spearhead the project. He’d already mentioned my name to the big wigs because he knows you’re here and thought I might eventually want to move closer. He’s right.”
His broad, white smile stretches slowly over his face as I take in everything he just told me. This is the answer to my prayers. I would have done anything to be with him, including moving across state lines and living in an unfamiliar city, but knowing he was already hard at work on his own plan that would allow me to stay close to my family makes me fall even more in love with him.
I throw my arms around his neck and hold him tightly. “You are the best person I know. I’ve never met anyone so selfless and giving. I love you, Jacob Daniels, and I can’t wait to marry you.”
“I love you too, Abbigail soon-to-be Daniels.” A giddy laugh leaves my lips as I stand there, wrapped in his arms. His strong hands grip my face and he pulls my mouth to his. “So, does that mean you like the house?”
I turn toward the tall, faded white farmhouse and shield my eyes from the sun. The roof is in disrepair and the porch is missing a few planks of wood. I’m sure the inside isn’t much better. But it looks like it has good bones.
“It needs a little work.”
“That’s the fun part,” he declares.
Chapter Thirty-Two
Abby’s familyis waiting for us when we return home. Her grandmother and mom are sitting at the kitchen table and Ethan is watching a movie with Chloe in the living room when we walk through the door. The two women bolt up from their seats and look at us expectantly. Ethan rises from the couch and casually leans against it, his hip propped on the back.
“Well?” Ama prompts. I try to suppress my grin but lose the battle, the corners of my mouth turning up.
“She said yes.” Squeals of excitement erupt from Ama and Raven and Ethan gives me an approving nod. Abby is enveloped in a three-way hug by the two teary eyed, ecstatic ladies. The commotion draws Chloe’s attention to us and she runs for me, reaching with her tiny arms, demanding to be picked up. I oblige, scooping her into my arms.
“Did you guys know he was going to propose?” she asks, stepping back as they loosen their embrace.
“Of course we did. Do you think he would have asked you without talking to us first? He’s a respectful gentleman,” her grandmother chides.
“Yeah, why do you think he made me stay back and help clean the other night? He wanted to get the approval of themanof the family,” Ethan says, pushing away from the couch. Abby rolls her eyes as Ama hisses at him to hush and Raven gives him a flat look. None of the ladies are impressed. He chuckles when Abby punches him in the stomach and then pulls her in for a hug. “Congrats, sis. I never thought I’d say it, but I think you’ve finally found a man worthy of you.”
“Thank you,” she replies, giving him a watery smile.