I turn back to her, closing the distance in three quick strides. I loom over her, leaving barely an inch between us and rest my hands on the dresser behind her. Leaning in, I drop my gaze to her parted lips, fighting the urge to kiss her and claim her. “It’s not that I don’t want to stay… I just know if I do, we’ll never get out of here.”

“Is that such a bad thing?”

My lips quirk with amusement. “Not a bad thing, but good things come to those who wait, and I have something amazing planned for you later.” Her breath hitches and she bites her lip, fighting to keep her excitement under wraps.

I reluctantly leave her to get dressed and wait for her in the main living area, pacing back and forth with nervous anticipation. When she steps out in a floral maxi dress, wedge sandals with ties running up her calves, and her lips painted a vibrant persimmon shade, I nearly forget our plans and carry her back to our room. I gulp, my mouth suddenly dry at the sight of her. Her soft, dark waves cascade over one shoulder, all her hair pulled to one side to reveal the length of her delicate neck. She looks absolutely stunning, and I make sure to tell her so.

“Thank you,” she beams, stepping up to me and taking my hand.

I lead her outside as the sun sinks lower in a sky streaked with swaths of vibrant pink and orange. We get into my SUV and she immediately reaches for the radio dial, scanning through stations until she lands on one she likes. Steel guitars lend their lonesome howl as music pours through the speakers. Soon the song changes and Blake Shelton’s voice fills the air.

I listen closely to the words, having learned that country songs almost always tell a story or convey a particular emotion, and the ones Abby chooses seem to fit us in some way. I realize this one is no different when the singer asks about his woman’s best makeup sex. My gaze shoots to Abby and she gives me a devious smile, looking me up and down. I reach across the center console and grip her hand, pulling it to me so I can place a kiss on the inside of her wrist. She begins to sing along, her soft voice barely audible over the radio. She continues to sing until she realizes where we’re headed. I pass an otherwise unmemorable stretch of road, but when she turns in her seat toward me with a blush staining her cheeks, I know she hasn’t forgotten what happened here.

If we weren’t running a little late, I’d pull over and relive one of my fondest memories. That night on this lonely road after reconnecting with her – with her bent over the console and my hand sliding up her dress – has played a starring role in many of my dreams.

We pull up to the vineyard to find Martin waiting on us. “Welcome back, Mr. Daniels! We’re happy to see you again.”

I reach for his outstretched hand and we shake. “Thank you, Martin. We’re glad to be back. It’s been too long.”

Martin smiles broadly, beaming with pride as he turns to Abby and takes her hand between his. “Welcome back, Ms. Harris. You look as lovely as ever.” She thanks him, offering a sweet smile. Her gaze flickers to the entrance, most likely expecting to enter the restaurant through it, but I have other plans. I grab her hand and tug her in the other direction, following Martin. He leads us to a private gazebo draped in strands of fairy lights. A table in the center is set with crisp white linens and a bouquet of colorful spring flowers positioned in the center.

I pull out her chair and wait for her to sit. She reaches for me before I can step away and I lean down. Her soft hand cups my cheek as she tilts her head back, bringing my lips to hers. I kiss her softly before taking the seat across from her.

“I love this place,” she proclaims with a contented sigh. “I’m so glad we came back. We have so many good memories here.”

She’s right. We do have a lot of good memories here. And tonight we’re going to make more. But instead of saying all that, I offer, “We do,” as a waitress fills our glasses with water.

“What are we having tonight?” Abby asks, probably assuming I’ve already chosen the menu.

“What would you like?”

“I get to choose?” she asks, clamping her hands together, something she does when she gets excited.

I nod in confirmation. “Choose something special. Tonight is a night for celebration.”

“What are we celebrating?” she asks as the waitress hands her a menu.

“Us,” I reply nonchalantly with a shrug.

“I will gladly celebrate us.”

She makes her selection and I parrot her order. Two fresh glasses are filled with the Moscato she ordered from their extensive wine menu. It’s still her favorite. We munch on bruschetta as we await our main dishes. Our steaks come out perfectly cooked, and our vegetables are farm fresh, colorful, and crisp-tender. The wine is chilled and has just the right amount of sweetness. Dessert follows soon after, a lush slice of strawberry pie that causes a moan to erupt from Abby’s mouth at the first taste. My body stirs to life at the sound, but I clamp down my arousal. The next few minutes will change the course of our lives and I need to be focused. I can’t imagine Abby’s soft curves in my hands or her beautiful body beneath me right now.

She places her fork on her plate and washes the bite down with a sip of wine, announcing that she can’t eat another bite. I reach for her hand across the table and rub her finger with my own.

“Our love story hasn’t been a typical one. There’ve been more ups and downs than a rollercoaster, but we’ve overcome more in a few years than most have to face in a lifetime.”

Pain and understanding flash in her eyes, but she remains silent. I’m thankful for that since what I’m doing takes every ounce of courage within me and if I don't keep talking, I’ll lose my nerve.

“Even with everything we’ve been through and all the times we hurt each other, not knowing what we were doing to one another, I wouldn’t change any of it because it led me back to you and Chloe.” I swallow past the knot forming in my throat, needing to get this out. “You two are my everything, my family, the two most important people in my life. I’m so thankful I decided to take that detour last September and seek you out. I’ve known more love and happiness in the last eight months than I have my entire life.”

Her eyes mist over, love and appreciation shining in the emerald orbs.

“You’re it for me, and I’m ready to let the world know. I want to make this permanent. I want you to be mine and only mine. I want to be yours and yours alone.”

I slide from my chair and kneel in front of her on one knee. Her eyes widen and she turns to me, her hand trembling in mine as I continue to rub gentle circles across her knuckles.

“Abbigail Rose Harris, no matter what we’ve been through or what trials we face in the future, I want us to face them together. I want you by my side always. I will love and cherish you until I take my final breath. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”