Abby’s face turns red and she lets out a little huff of irritation every time I tell her it’s happened again. Even though she claims it doesn’t bother her and that she trusts me, I know it still makes her furious. Most of them know I’m off the market, but it doesn’t seem to deter them. Several pictures of us have circulated around. She’s been photographed along with our family and even hugging my father. Several photographers have snapped pictures of us holding hands.
Everyone wants to know who Arthur Daniels’s beautiful future daughter-in-law is. Of course, Abby and I aren’t engaged yet, but they still speculate. I won't give them the satisfaction of admitting they’re right or spoil the surprise for Abby. She doesn’t know it, but I’ve already commissioned a custom ring to be made for her, the design inspired by a picture of her great-grandmother’s ring. Unfortunately, it’s no longer in the family since it was sold to pay for passage from Ireland to America for two people in the early twentieth century, but they managed to salvage some old family pictures, including the ones from their wedding. Those pictures have been passed down through the generations and when I saw it in the old photo album and watched Abby gaze longingly at it, I knew I had to have it recreated for her, but with a little added flare.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s too soon for the next step. Technically, we’ve only been together about six months, but I’ve loved her nearly three years. I know she’s it for me. I’ll never feel this way about anyone else, so what the hell am I waiting for?
If I’m being honest, I’m afraid Abby will say no or at the very least not be able to give me an answer right away. I don’t want to spook her, and if she feels rushed, I’m afraid she’ll run for the hills. I have to wait until the time is right, until she’s acclimated to our lifestyle and potentially being married to the president’s son. There’s no way of knowing yet whether my father will beat out the competition in the primaries; even if he does, he still has to face another opponent. Even so, there’s a very real possibility that my parents will one day live in the White House. It would be intimidating for anybody to be thrust into that situation, especially when they haven’t grown up with the attention that comes with being part of a politician’s family.
During every debate, there’s a definitive division between the candidates who are leading the race and those failing to entice the public. My father may have been the last to announce his intention to run, but he remains neck and neck with a few other top contenders. As the weeks go by, the substantial number of candidates dwindles as campaigners drop out of the race. The debates continue, each presidential hopeful laying out their plans and setting intentions for what they see as their inevitable presidency. As we enter March, there are only six contenders remaining, each a heavy hitter in their own right.
The other party is in just as close of a race and are too busy trying to one-up each other to throw too many barbs our way, but I anticipate my alleged deadbeat dad status will come up in the general election if Dad takes the nomination. Though the story died quickly after Abby set that reporter straight and Raven quit feeding information to them, it could easily resurface as a ploy to discredit our family and question our morals. Unfortunately, in these elections people will go to any lengths necessary to make the candidate they don’t support look bad, even if it means bringing their family into it.
With the increased media attention around my family, my brother’s typically low profile is starting to waver. More and more people are recognizing him on campus, and with spring practice in full swing, he’s getting a lot of attention for his talent on the football field. There have even been a few pro football scouts spotted observing his team. There’s no way of knowing if they’re there for him, but there’s a lot of speculation.
Our entire family is at the forefront of the political public eye. Logan rather enjoys his newfound fame, dating a different girl every weekend and several times throughout the week. He no longer seems brokenhearted over his breakup with Amelia, but I suspect it’s only because he’s never alone. He always has a beautiful young woman on his arm, pumping up his ego. I fear the repercussions this will have on him and future relationships. He’s in his prime, dominating the football field and the dating scene, but a young man his age has trouble managing his ego when so many people are practically worshipping him. It’s only a matter of time before the gossip blogs start to take notice of his serial dating habits.
April finds us in a flurry of activity. Raven is coming home and her entire family is a bundle of nerves over her return. My father has edged past his remaining opponents and is being projected as the future candidate. The weather is warming up and Abby is chomping at the bit to start hiking again, especially with the added stress of her mom taking up residence with her and her grandmother. I know she loves being near her grandmother and helping to support her, but with her mother back in the picture, it may be time for her to get her own place. It could even be time for us to have that conversation we promised to have on Valentine’s Day.
My work schedule is rather rigorous, considering how far behind I’ve fallen. Dad’s campaign is taking up much more of my time than I expected. My boss recruits Erin to help me with a project that has a tight timeline since she’s the newest member of the team and has the lightest workload of any of my peers. She’s also the person I’ve worked the most closely with recently. I’ve been low-key avoiding her the past few months because of all the media drama caused by those pictures of us together and the fact that she still seems to have a crush on me. I don’t want her to get any ideas, so I keep my distance.
“I can’t believe that your dad could be the next President of the United States in a few months,” she gushes one day while we work.
“I know. Crazy, right?”
“Do you plan to keep working here if he gets elected? I bet the media will be unbearable to deal with. They’ll probably hound you on the street.”
“Honestly, I haven’t thought that far ahead.”
She inches closer to me, scooting her chair over so our legs are nearly touching. I can’t back away without the movement being obvious, so I lean on the opposite arm of my chair in an attempt to put more distance between us.
“Well, if the stress ever gets to be too much and you need someone to talk to, I’m always here for you.” Her glacial eyes shine with sincerity, but there’s something else hidden behind the aqua depths. Desire.
“Thanks,” I reply, not sure how to rebuff her without hurting her feelings. “But I won’t burden you with that. Abby has been great with helping me keep things in perspective.”
Her face falls and she gives a tight smile. “That’s good. I’m glad you have a solid support system.” Her expression says quite the opposite.
“Well, I’d better get this proposal turned in. Thanks for your help.” I stand quickly, needing to put some distance between us.
“Oh, okay. Do you need anything else?”
“No, I’m all set. Thanks.” Looking dejected, she gathers her things and stands, preparing to leave. I hold my breath until she leaves my office, releasing it in a relieved rush once she disappears through the door. The strange encounter leaves me with an uneasy feeling. I hope she got the message that I’m not interested.I don’t know how I can possibly be any clearer.
The rest of the week flies by. I’m all caught up with my work by Thursday evening and request to take the next day off so I can head back to West Virginia for Abby’s birthday weekend. Her mom has been back from rehab a week and the atmosphere is so awkward and uncomfortable for Abby, she’s ready to escape that house for a few days. We’ll be staying at the same place I’ve rented the last couple times I came for a weekend stay.
Abby and I both love the rustic little cabin and there are plenty of activities nearby, as well as a small playground for Chloe to expend some of that built-up toddler energy. Now that the snow has melted and sunshine warms our days, we’ve been spending more time outside. Unfortunately, that means Abby’s hours at work will pick back up. We’ve talked about her remaining part-time so she can be with Chloe more, but she hasn’t made a final decision. She loves having more time to spend with our daughter, but she’s also fiercely independent. If she stays part-time, she’ll have to start relying more on the money in our joint account. I’m not sure how willing she is to do that.
Chapter Twenty-Five
This week has been hell.My mother is finally home, and although she’s completed her twelve-step program, including making amends, it’s difficult being in the same house with her. I still harbor so much resentment over the things she’s done. Just when she was starting to regain my trust, a trust that had been broken and bruised by years of negligence and abuse, she shattered it all over again by selling my secrets to the media and putting the rest of us in danger.
How do you forgive someone who continues to hurt you? How do you believe someone when they say they’re sorry, and then turn right around and hurt you all over again?
My grandmother suggested family counseling for us. The only problem with that approach is that I’d have to forgive her enough to want to try, and I’m just not sure I can.
I avoid my mom as much as possible, staying gone during the part of the day when I know she’s home. Chloe and I are always at the park or going for walks or little hikes just to keep away from the house. Luckily, all the extra exercise is helping me drop the ten pounds I put on over winter. Although Jacob seems to enjoy the added softness to my curves, I prefer to stay a little leaner. However, I’ve given up trying to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight.
Honestly, I feel healthier now than I did back then. I was practically killing myself to make sure my tummy was flat, running several days a week and not eating enough calories. My periods were wonky, and my hair was falling out faster than usual because of it. I’ll take the fuller boobs, curvier hips, and little pooch below my belly button if it means I’m happy and healthy. I’m stronger and more confident now anyway.