“I’ll bring the money with me tomorrow,” he says, his voice clear.

“What?” I repeat, sounding like an idiotic broken record. “You can’t do that! This isn’t your problem.”

“I beg to differ. You and Chloe are my family, and by extension, so is she. So is Ama. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Nine grand is a small price to pay to know you and Chloe are safe.”

“Jacob,” I whisper, not knowing what to say. “This is… this goes beyond anything anyone else would do for us.”

“We’re going to get through this,” he assures me. My stiff shoulders relax for the first time since coming home this afternoon. “But I’m going to need some information from your mom.”

“She’s at work.”

“I don’t want to scare you, but someone is probably already watching her. If she’s that close to her deadline, they’re going to make damn sure she doesn't try to skip town. Make sure your doors are locked and be aware of your surroundings at all times. I’m packing my bags and heading your way tonight.”

Relief washes over me, knowing that Jacob will be here soon. He wasn’t supposed to leave until tomorrow morning, but I’m glad he’s coming tonight.

“Thank you.” My voice catches, tears clogging my throat. “Drive safe.”

“Always,” he promises.

Chapter Twenty-Two


My fingers curl tightlyaround the steering wheel as I hit the interstate, my heart pounding against my ribs. How could Raven be so stupid and reckless? I suppose it’s possible she wasn’t in her right mind when she made that deal and decided to come back to town and put her entire family in danger, but after hearing some of the stories Abby told me about growing up with her mother, I’m not too sure.

I hit the call button on my steering wheel, my phone connected to my SUV via Bluetooth, and wait for my dad’s voice to come over the speakers. When he picks up, I give him the quick and dirty version of what's going on.

I finish up with, “I need the contact information for your security guy.”

Instead of chastising me for getting involved, he simply says, “I’ll send it to you now.” A few minutes later, I hear the unmistakable click of typing on a keyboard. “Done. It’s in your email.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“I’m going to pay off her debt and ensure they don’t ever come back looking for her again.”

“I don’t like this. It’s too dangerous.Let me-”

“No, Dad,” I interrupt, “there’s no time. The clock is ticking. I’m going to call the security guy as soon as I hang up with you, but even if they can’t make it, this has to happen in the next two days.”

“Please be careful, Jacob. I’ll make sure you have someone there for backup, but don’t do anything reckless. My name and position may not be enough to protect you from someone who already doesn’t respect the law.”

I assure him I have every intention of ensuring my safety. When I cross the state line, I stop to fill up and use the restroom. Tapping out a quick text for Abby, I let her know where I’m at and check on Chloe. She texts back immediately that Chloe’s fever hasn’t come back, but she’s been giving her medicine to keep it suppressed.

I pull up my banking app and make a couple transfers, moving money into an account I’ll have easy access to once I’m in Abby’s hometown.

I text her again – not wanting to wake a house full of people already on edge with a late-night knock – when I arrive so she can let me in. She must be waiting close by, because the door swings open before I step onto the porch.

Abby throws herself into my arms, curling hers tightly around my neck. “You’re here,” she breathes, relief audible in her voice.

“Let’s go inside. It’s too cold out here for your bare feet.”

I follow her inside and shut and lock the door behind me, sinking onto the couch once my shoes and coat have been removed.

“Would you like something to drink?” Abby asks, hovering above me.

“Just water, please.” She brings me a glass of water and I gulp it down, twirling it in my hands as I think. I contacted the man whom Dad has hired for security purposes a few times and he assured me he could have a four-man team here by five p.m. tomorrow.