It’s true, every single word of it. He has loved her from the moment he discovered we had a child together. The fact that he didn’t know about her until she was a year and a half old is irrelevant to this conversation. They’re trying to discredit him, to question his dedication to our daughter and his responsibilities as her father. That just won’t do.
I weigh my next words carefully, unwilling to give our personal business away. We don’t owe these vultures anything. They don’t need an explanation that we’ve had our hardships just like any other couple. I even fight the urge to explain that we wish to keep Chloe out of the public eye. I don’t want to give them anything to grab hold of and try to expand upon. So just like with my child, I simply set boundaries.
“However, we have always wished to keep our private life just that; private. And we ask that you continue to respect our privacy.” I turn on my heel, ignoring the onslaught of questions that follow and continue toward Jacob’s parents. They watch open mouthed as I ascend the ramp.
Once on board the ship and out of ear shot, Jacob pulls me aside, fury radiating off him in waves. “What were you thinking? You weren’t supposed to engage!”
“What was Isupposedto do? Let them continue to believe you were a negligent father?”
“No, but they’re vultures. They’ll pick you apart if they think you’re dumb enough to play.”
My temper rises. “Oh, so I’m dumb now?”
“No, that’s not what I said.” He pulls a hand through his hair in frustration, turning his back on me.
“Was what I said wrong?”
“No, but you weren’t supposed to say anything. They were probing. How they got their information, I have no idea, but now they’re going to do their damnedest to sniff out the story.”
“Jacob, calm down,” Art interjects. “Although it’s best not to respond to those types of questions in an unstructured setting, I don’t think she could’ve given a better response. She was truthful, but vague. But next time, honey,” Art continues, turning his attention to me, “it might be best just to ignore them. Unfortunately, that won’t be the last time they try to ask you something invasive. Don’t give them the satisfaction of a reply.”
“Okay.” I nod, giving him the agreement he's looking for.
“Let’s forget about this and try to enjoy our dinner.” Arthur and Evelyn head toward the dining room. I go to follow them, but Jacob reaches out and grasps my arm.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve explained myself better. I just kinda freaked out.” His face twists with regret and sadness fills his eyes. “All I could think about was someone seeing that clip and deciding you and Chloe were of interest to them. People love drama, and they especially love a juicy scandal. If anyone ever learns the truth…” He lets the unspoken repercussions hang between us. I know what that kind of scandal would mean for his family. I don’t want that for him, but I also don’t want anyone believing he’s not the amazing man and father I know he is.
“I won’t respond to them anymore,” I promise. “I’m sorry. I just reacted.”
“It’s okay.” He pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. “We should’ve prepared you better once Dad decided to run. I just didn’t expect this to start so soon.”
“I can’t believe this is the life you’ve had to live since you were a kid. I guess you get used to it when it’s all you know, but it seems exhausting.”
“It’s never been this bad before. For the most part, people don’t care all that much about senators until they become leaders or do something newsworthy. Dad has done both the last few years. Then they took an interest in me because of Maggie. For some reason, the media is obsessed with heiresses and who they’re dating. It’s sickening the way they completely disregard the fact that we’re human beings. If they deem us interesting, we have no privacy.”
“That’s awful.”
My heart aches for him and for Maggie Greyson. It must be difficult having swarms of people watching your every move and judging you. I consider the unease I've experienced lately, feeling as though someone is watching me. Is that how they feel all the time? It’s enough to drive a person mad.
“It’s certainly not fun. I don’t want that for my daughter and I certainly don’t want that foryou.”
“Me neither.”
Chapter Twenty
“How the helldid that reporter know that I’d been absent from Chloe’s life until recently?”
“I don’t know, son, but I hope Abby’s response was enough to satisfy their curiosity.”
“Me too, but I’m not getting my hopes up.” I lean against the rail of the upper deck and look out at the night sky. The fireworks are set to go off soon and we have a front row view. Abby excused herself to the ladies room and my mother is talking to one of her friends who had dinner with us, leaving me to converse with Dad in private.
“It might be best if you visit them at their home for a while and keep them out of the city. They’re less likely to get exposure that far from D.C.”
“I’m inclined to agree with that.”
Dad joins my mother when Abby slides in beside me and looks out across the water, rubbing her hands up and down her arms. Though mild when we started our evening, the temperature has steadily dropped. I pull her against my chest with her back to my front and envelop her tiny body with mine.