A curious gleam sparkles in her eyes as the corners of her lips tilt upward in a slow smile. “Okay.”
Veronica is waiting for her when she steps out of the bathroom in yoga pants and a tank. “Where would you like to get ready this evening?” she asks, tying a black apron around her waist. Her logo is stitched in pink across the chest, and there are pockets across the middle into which she’s currently sliding makeup brushes.
“Uh,” Abby stammers, clearly surprised. “The bathroom has the best lighting.”
“Perfect!” Veronica replies cheerily and grabs the handle of her cart. She rolls it away, disappearing momentarily.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Abby says as I approach.
“I know, but I thought it might be nice if you didn’t have to worry about this part. Just relax and let her do the work.”
“Thank you.”
I kiss her forehead and leave the ladies to it. When Chloe wakes from her nap, I take her downstairs with an armful of toys so they won’t be disturbed. With cartoons playing in the background, we play and read books until the doorbell rings.
“Nell.” I pull my former nanny in for a hug and welcome her into my home. Shrugging off her coat, she glances around, taking in her surroundings.
“Oh, Jacob, you’ve done quite well for yourself.” She cups my cheek lovingly. “I’m so proud of you.”
She and Chloe reacquaint themselves as I wait for Veronica to finish with Abby. Our driver is set to pick us up soon, so I excuse myself and retreat to the spare bedroom to put on my tux. On my way downstairs, I stop by my bedroom as laughter drifts into the hallway. The two women seem to be getting along nicely, so I continue to the first floor.
Twenty minutes later, Veronica wheels her cart to the edge of the stairs and I help her carry it to the bottom, praying the whole time that I don’t trip and fall or rip my tux.
“Thank you so much for working us in on short notice.”
“Of course.” She smiles kindly and takes my proffered hand. I see her out and return to the stairway. The anticipation of seeing Abby is driving me mad. I know she’s going to look amazing, but I haven’t seen her in the dress since that memorable day in the shop.
Finally, the bedroom door creaks open and I hear the tapping of heels echo down the hardwood floor. My breath catches in my throat when she appears at the top of the stairs. The satin emerald dress hugs her body, forming to her curves like it was made specifically for her. A small sliver of tanned leg peeks out from the slit up the side as she takes a tentative step down. Her hair is arranged in an elegant updo that shows off her slender neck and shoulders. Ruby red lips purse in concentration as she descends the stairs in four-inch heels. I swallow hard as the shadows leave her face and she steps fully into the light. She looks like Hollywood royalty with her classic makeup and diamond necklace adorning her throat, a large stone nestled just below the hollow. Eric Clapton’sWonderful Tonightshould be playing to announce her arrival. She certainly deserves her own theme song looking the way she does.
“Wow,” I breathe as her black heels finally land on the floor. “You look…” I sputter, unable to form a coherent sentence. She’s the picture of elegance and grace. No woman at this gala will be able to hold a candle to her. “Stunning,” I finally manage to utter.
She ducks her head shyly, a typical Abby move. “Thank you.”
I stare at her, unable to move. I’ve lost all ability to reason. The sight of her causes all my synapses to stop firing at once. My phone buzzes in my pocket, finally shaking me from my stupor. It’s the car service informing me that the car is waiting outside.
“Ready?” I hold out my hand for her and she slips her dainty fingers into my grasp.
“I just need to say bye to Chloe before we go.”
I lead her into the living room and Eleanor stands when she sees us.
“Oh my goodness! Don’t you two just look marvelous?” she croons.
“Thanks, Nell.”
Chloe scrambles to us and Abby picks her up. She looks on in wonder at her mother. “Mommy pretty.”
“Thank you, baby.” Abby presses a tender kiss to her cheek, leaving a red lip print. I take my turn saying goodbye to our daughter, claiming the unmarred cheek for my own, blowing raspberries that make her giggle.
“You kids have fun. Miss Chloe and I will be just fine,” Nell promises.
I open the door to the town car and Abby slips inside. The drive isn’t long, but it’s pure torture to sit next to her looking the way she does and not be able to claim her mouth like I want to. I saw what that lipstick did to Chloe’s cheek. I can’t imagine how messy it would be if we started making out right now.
The line is six cars deep when we pull up to the gala. My phone dings and I retrieve it from my pocket to find a text from my father.
Dad:Are you here yet?
Me: We’re in line. Should be there shortly.