The cube is nearly melted, so I crunch what’s left and grab another. This one I hold between my fingers and trace over her lips, slipping it into her mouth and back out. After two more times, I glide it down between her breasts, over her stomach, and press it to her clit. She hisses, overwhelmed by sensation. I bring it back to her lips and she moans.
“Do you see how good you taste?”
“Hmmm,” she moans again.
“Would you rather have something hot against your lips?”
“Yes,” she pants. I squeeze my eyes shut, swallowing hard, wondering how long I can possibly last. I’ve never been this turned on before.
I pull her body down the bed a bit to better position her. When my tip brushes against her lips, she opens without hesitation and sucks me into her mouth. I curse, gritting my teeth together so I don’t shout. Her hands come up to my thighs and curl around them from the back, urging me forward. Instinct takes over and I begin to thrust. She moans, sending vibrations of pleasure through my length. When I start to get close, I pull away, letting myself fall from her lips. My breathing is erratic and my heart races.
“Damn, that was hot.”
“I wasn’t done,” she pouts.
“You’re right. We’re not done.” I settle between her legs again and nip at her through her underwear before peeling them down her legs. I attack her with my tongue, lapping at her arousal. Her body is already coiled so tightly it doesn't take long for her legs to shake with impending release. She falls apart, crying out my name.
I sheath myself with a condom and return to her, bringing her knees to her chest as I push inside. Her body offers no resistance as I thrust into her, but her walls clamp down on me as I start to move. I watch as she gives into me, trusting fully with her body and heart. I slip the blindfold off and she blinks a few times before her eyes focus on my face. Leaning forward I kiss her, deeply and passionately.
“I love you so fucking much.” Her eyes fall to my mouth when I speak, then lift again and find my eyes. I hope they convey what I feel, how deep my love runs for her.
“I love you,” she proclaims, her voice shaky. “You’re everything to me.” My eyes close and my head falls forward. I press my forehead to hers and breathe her in. My throat constricts and my chest tightens.
She’s mine and I will never let her go again.
She’s my forever.
Chapter Nineteen
Returning home is bittersweet.Every time Jacob and I have to part ways and go back to real life, I’m overcome with sadness. We live so far apart that all we have are these stolen moments once, maybe twice a month where we live as a family, pretending all the while that it won’t be over in a few days. How much longer will we be able to do this? When will one of us decide we’ve had enough and pack up our lives to move? I don’t know if I could make that decision and leave my grandmother behind. Even if I could make myself leave, I’d want her to come with me and that would never happen, especially now that my mother is back in the picture. But even before that, even with Chloe and me being the only thing tying her to this place, I don’t think she’d leave the house she shared with my grandpa.
And what about Jacob? He has a lucrative career and family in Arlington. Would he be willing to give that up to move to a small town in West Virginia? Would I even ask him to? These questions overwhelm me as I empty my suitcase and put away my things. Jacob returned home to celebrate Christmas with the rest of his family. He wanted us to come with him since we plan on celebrating the new year there, but I have work. Luckily my department is closed for all the major holidays, but I’m still scheduled to be there two days this week.
I visit my brother the day after we return and take him a pot of beef stew. He’s become quite proficient with his crutches, maneuvering easily around the house. He has a weight room where he can work on keeping his upper body strong while his leg heals.
“I can’t wait to be rid of these damn things and this brace,” he complains, setting his crutches aside and stretching under the strap wrapped around his calf.
“Ethan,” I scold, motioning toward Chloe. I finally got her to stop saying ‘shit’. I don’t want her learning another cuss word.
“Sorry, sis.” He dips a spoon in his bowl and swallows another bite of stew. “How was your trip?”
“It was wonderful!” I gush. “You should see that place. It’s beautiful.”
“Do you have any pictures?”
“Of course,” I answer, pulling out my phone. I’ve been too busy to post them on social media, so he hasn’t seen any yet.
He whistles. “Wow, that looks really nice. Bet it cost a pretty penny.”
I wince, not wanting to think about how much Jacob’s family had to shell out for us to stay there.
“Look at these pictures of the inside. The decorations were out of this world.” I attempt to change the subject, refusing to let my discomfort over money issues ruin my good mood or tarnish these memories. “Have you talked to Tiff?” I ask when he finishes scrolling through the pictures, even though I already know the answer.
Tiff and I are slowly getting back to normal and talking more often. She hasn’t given me any details, which quite frankly I’m thankful for, since Ethan’s my brother, but I know things went downhill while she was here trying to help him recuperate. She’s hurt and confused, but still feels guilty about his accident. They’d had a fight and he sped off in a fit of anger. The conditions that night were ideal for someone not paying attention or even caring how fast they were going to lose control of their vehicle.
He hangs his head before shaking it almost imperceptibly. “I think she and I may be better off apart. We’re so fucking toxic.” I shoot him a pointed look and he glances at Chloe sheepishly, mumbling an apology. “We’ve always been toxic, but I think it took me a long time to realize it. She always saw it. That’s why she fought this for so long even when I pushed for it.”