“My family comes every few years, so it was already booked.”
My face falls and I swallow nervously.Is his family coming?Will I have to spend Christmas with his mother?He notes the change in my demeanor and rushes to assure me they won’t be here.
“Since they decided not to come this time, I asked if they’d keep the reservation so we could use it.”
“Oh,” I mumble, trying not to sound as relieved as I feel.
“Let’s get settled in and grab some dinner.”
“That sounds like a great idea. I’m starving.” We’d grabbed a quick bite on our way to the airport but haven’t eaten anything but gas station snacks since.
After dinner, we explore a little bit of the Inn, taking in the extravagant decor and expertly decorated trees. Each room has its own theme with a tree to match. Rich dark wood, heavy draperies, and damask wallpaper lend the interior a turn-of-the-century look that’s timeless and luxurious.
Once we put Chloe to bed in a cot we’d set up in the main living area of the suite, I hop in the shower to wash away a long day of travel. I step under the warm spray and let the water pour over me. The moment Jacob enters the room, I feel his presence. The door clicks shut, and I hold my breath as his footsteps approach. The curtain opens and a cool rush of air sends shivers over my skin.
Or maybe that’s just the anticipation of Jacob’s touch. I don’t turn to face him as he steps in behind me, instead keeping my back to him. He reaches up and pulls my damp hair over my shoulder and kisses the side of my neck. My head falls back as he explores my skin with his mouth, his hand slipping around my waist and pulling me against his chest. His erection presses into my lower back and I arch into him.
“The blindfold might have to wait,” he growls. “I want you now.” He spins me around, tangling his hand in my hair as he crashes his lips down on mine. Steam billows around us as the water pours over my scalp. He fists my hair and tugs gently, extending my neck. His mouth latches onto my throat as he licks and sucks his way to my breasts. Moving his hand from my waist, he cups one and sucks the tight peak into his mouth, making me gasp. He releases my hair and palms my ass as he lavishes my breasts.
He’s ravenous, a man starving for my body. His lips return to mine and his tongue plunges inside my mouth. I open to him, urging him in deeper, yearning for him to fill me elsewhere. Reaching behind me, he shuts off the water and ushers me to the bed. Skin still damp, he urges me onto the mattress. I fall back and he crawls over me, his cock brushing against my belly as he kisses me again and again. He teases me with his tongue, circling and flicking it against my clit until my legs shake and I’m struggling to breathe. When he finally enters me, I sigh in relief. With surprising restraint, he makes love to me slowly, whispering affirmations as he worships my body. I’ve never felt so loved, so appreciated. We fall asleep in each other’s arms with the bright winter moon bathing us in its alabaster light.
Chapter Eighteen
Blindingrays from the morning sun flood the room, waking me from a rather pleasant dream. Stretching my stiff muscles, I sit up and scan the room. I know I left a pair of pants lying around here somewhere. In my rush to join Abby in the shower, I pulled them off and tossed them aside, not caring where they landed. Locating them across the room, I curse at myself for not taking them off closer to the bed. I crouch down low enough so I won’t be seen through the window and crawl across the floor. I’m sitting on the carpet bare assed and trying to poke my legs through the openings when I hear a snicker. When I look up, Abby watches me with amusement, trying to cover her laugh with her hand. I realize how ridiculous I must look and start to laugh with her.
Laying back, I pull my pants up and jump to my feet. I zip them halfway up, leaving the button undone. Her laughter fades as I stalk toward her side of the bed to shut the curtains. Her eyes hungrily track my movements, zeroing in on my abdomen as I step closer. Once the sun is blotted out by the dark drapes, I turn to her and lean in for a kiss, gently pushing her back so she’s lying across the bed with her legs dangling off the side. I brace myself over her with my arms planted on each side of her head. Our lips meet and the kiss instantly turns heated. I want her again. She drives me wild, sparking an insatiable lust that only she can satisfy.
I tug at the sheet she clutches to her chest and she releases it. It pools around her waist, exposing her breasts. I palm one, rubbing my thumb over the dark pink tip and watch as her eyes flutter closed. I lean in, prepared to pull it into my mouth when a tiny voice calls from the other room.
“Mommy! Daddy!” Both our heads snap toward the open door and I stand as Abby scrambles away, covering herself.
“Crap,” she mumbles and jumps from the bed, pulling open a drawer and grabbing some clothes.
“I’ll get her,” I assure her, fastening my pants button. I motion toward the en suite bathroom so she can escape and dress in private. She’s closing the door when Chloe bursts into the room.
“Daddy!” Lifting her into my arms, I kiss her cheek and walk out into the main living area where her sleeping cot is set up.
“Are you hungry?” She nods emphatically. “Let’s get a snack.”
“Nack!” she parrots, clapping her hands.
Luckily, Abby and I grabbed plenty of snack food on our way from the airport to the inn. I retrieve a squeezable pouch of yogurt and twist the cap off, handing it to Chloe before opening a package of graham crackers.
“Breakfast of champions,” I muse and ruffle her hair. She smiles up at me with a toothy grin.
Our day starts with a tour of the Biltmore House and its sprawling grounds and gardens. Luckily the weather is more favorable than yesterday, the sun lending its warmth as we walk along the expansive gardens. The entire estate encompasses thousands of acres and there’s more to see than we can attempt to explore in just one day. We take a break in the early afternoon due to a grumpy toddler who decides she’s had enough for the time being.
Stopping at a nearby cafe for lunch, we take it back to the room since Chloe isn’t very amenable to sitting quietly at the moment. She falls fast asleep before finishing even half of her grilled cheese sandwich. Abby and I converse over our meal, enjoying the solitude and view of the estate. When her phone rings with a call from her brother, I step out to give her some privacy.
I decide to call my dad to make sure they made it safely to Colorado. The Greysons invited my parents and brother to spend the holidays with them in Aspen, which was why they let me have their reservations here. Lucky for me, considering how excited Abby was when she saw this place.
“Hello?” My father’s jolly voice greets me after the third ring.
“Hey, Dad. You guys make it out there alright?”
“Yes, we just landed about an hour ago. How are Abby and Chloe liking the Biltmore?”