“We’re fine. If you’ll excuse us.” He sidesteps her, pulling me along with him to our table. He remains silent, his face tight as he pulls out my chair, taking the one next to me once I’m seated. His gaze settles on something in the distance as he broods, not speaking for several minutes.

I reach beneath the table and rest my hand on his, curling my finger over his knuckles. “Are you okay?”

His eyes snap to mine and instantly soften. He nods and leans into me, pressing a sweet kiss to my forehead.“I’m fine. I shouldn’t let her get to me like that, but she caught me off guard. Areyouokay?”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “I hate the turmoil this has caused your family, but I just can’t forget what she did and pretend like I don’t resent her for it.”

“Don’t you dare feel bad about that. You did nothing wrong.Shedid. This is on her.” His intensity sears into me and I nod my agreement.

Our large, round table begins to fill with strangers as others find their assigned seats. Jacob recognizes a few of them and engages in small talk. Every now and then he pulls me into the conversation and it’s a welcome reprieve from my solitary musings. Dinner is served to us one course at a time. I don’t realize how ravenous I am until the bread and salad are placed on the table. Despite wanting to inhale my food, I take my time, resisting the urge to lick my plate when every last, leafy green is gone.

Since we have a driver, Jacob and I both imbibe more than either of us normally would. By the time the silent auction starts, we are both balanced precariously on the edge of tipsy. Our encounter with Evelyn – and my momentary spark of jealousy towards Erin – forgotten, we giggle and hold hands, enjoying the company of our companions.

We decide to call it a night before the last of the items have been auctioned. As we near the double doors that lead into the hallway, Maggie Greyson steps through them in all her perfect, blonde bombshell glory. She’s wearing a figure hugging, one shoulder white dress with a long capelet that flows all the way to the floor. Her light blonde hair is styled in soft waves with one side pinned away from her face. Thick, black lashes frame her stunningly blue eyes, and her skin looks supple and dewy with a touch of shimmer gracing her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

I thought I was over my insecurities regarding Maggie, the jealousy that flared to life when I saw her and Jacob embrace at Arthur’s birthday party, but it all slams back into me at the sight of Jacob’s gorgeous ex. She’s stunning, resembling a younger Charlize Theron with her flawless skin and natural beauty.

“Jacob,” she croons, her face lighting up instantly. Her gaze flits to me and she seems just as pleased by my presence. “Abby, it’s so nice to see you again.” She brushes past Jacob and reaches for me, gripping both my hands in hers. Jacob looks on in confusion as she directs all her attention at me. “I didn’t know you were in town.”

“I’m only in for the weekend,” I reply, confused.

“I wish I had known! We could’ve planned a nice brunch,” she prattles on.

Her reaction is surprising but also welcoming. She’s friendly and warm and seems determined to make me feel at ease. Guilt prickles my mind. She doesn’t want Jacob. She’s not trying to steal him from me. I guess Jacob was right when he said they were much better as friends.

“Maybe next time,” I offer, and she beams.

“That would be great. Let’s exchange numbers.” We both pull a cell from our clutches and rattle off our phone numbers for each other. “You look amazing, by the way,” Maggie adds. “That color isperfecton you.”

I smile. “Thank you. I love your dress. It’s very classy.”

“Thanks!” she chirps. “I should probably get back to my table and let you two go. I’m so glad I ran into you. See you later, Jacob.”

“Later,” he mumbles, looking peevish. Once she’s gone, he turns back to me with a scowl. “I think I just lost one of the few real friends I had to you.”

I chuckle, shrugging unapologetically. “What can I say? Us girls gotta stick together.” He smirks, unimpressed by my appraisal of the situation. “Chicks before dicks,” I add jokingly, and the corner of his mouth twitches with suppressed amusement. “Ovaries before brovaries,” I continue, determined to make him crack. He loses the fight, breaking out into cackles.

“Stop!” he commands playfully through guffaws.

“Besides, I know she’s not youronlyfriend. What about Luke?”

“Yeah, what about Luke?” a deep voice rumbles directly behind me and I whip around, nearly losing my balance.

“Whoa, Abby. I haven’t even had a chance to sweep you off your feet yet.”

I look up into gray eyes that twinkle with a familiar mischief about them. His strong hands grip my elbows, preventing me from pitching forward. Fitting, considering how we met.

“Luke?” My voice comes out wobbly and a little uncertain. I haven’t seen or talked to him since he left with Jacob that day. According to Tiff, the end of their tryst didn’t go over so well. He was hopelessly in love with her and she was ready to move on from their fling. I’m not sure how well my presence here will be received.

“It’s been a long time. I hear a lot has happened in the last few months.” He cocks an eyebrow, his gaze shooting to Jacob before settling back on me. He releases his hold on my arms and I straighten, finally regaining my balance. He steps back and gives me that same wicked grin he did the day I buckled him into the zipline harness.

“Um, yeah,” I begin, nervously smoothing my hands over my dress. “Things have been… a little intense.”

“I’d say! Jacob has been keeping me in the loop. I was rather surprised the day he informed me he had a child. I guess all the talks I had with him about the birds and the bees didn’t quite sink in.” He chuckles, a glimpse of the old Luke momentarily shining through.

“Luke,” a soft feminine voice chides. The young woman standing just off to the side slides her hand over his arm and steps in closer to him. Physically, she’s Tiff’s complete opposite, but equally as beautiful. Her eyes are a deep hazel and her skin, warmer and a couple shades darker than mine, is flawless and smooth. Hair the richest shade of dark brown I’ve ever seen surrounds her gorgeous face in perfectly formed ringlets.

“I’m just teasing. Abby and I go way back,” he explains.