I spin around, fury rolling off me in waves. “Grandbaby?” I grit out through clenched teeth. “You have no right to call her that. She’s almost two years old and this is the first time you’ve laid eyes on her! You made no effort to come see her when she was born. You weren’t there for her first Christmas or her first birthday. You didn’t even have the decency to call and check on me after I had her! The last I heard from you, you called me every dirty name in the book. So forgive me if I seem a little bitter. Forgive me if I don’t want you weaseling your way into our lives!” My breath is coming in pants, my pulse pounding in my veins. “Come to think of it, why are you so interested in us now? Why is it that you’re suddenly all gung-ho about being a grandma?”
Her eyes dart away and shame fills her face. “I’ve wanted to come back for a while, but I just didn’t know how.”
“What the hell does that mean? All you had to do was pick up a phone or write a letter, or hell, just drive down here like you did this time. It’s not that hard. If you wanted it bad enough, you would’ve done it.”
“You’re right,” she concedes, her eyes downcast as she picks at the frayed hem of her shirt. It’s several sizes too big, but I force myself not to think about why she’s so thin. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I’m probably going to make a lot more, but I’m here now. I want to get to know Chloe. I want us to at least be cordial. I can’t live with you hating me anymore.”
Damn it, why did she have to say that?
I let out a frustrated sigh and drop my arms to my sides. “I don’t hate you.” I haven’t decided if that’s entirely true yet, but it feels right to say it. “I’m just hesitant to let you back in. If I’m being completely honest, I’m still so mad at you I can’t stand to look at you most of the time.”
Hurt flashes in her eyes, but she tucks her emotions away quickly and nods. “You have every right to feel that way. You’ve spent a lot of years harboring those feelings toward me. It’ll take time for you to let go of that anger.”
I’m not sure Icanlet go. It’s been with me for so long, it’s my security blanket. If I no longer have that rage and resentment to hold onto, I might feel something I’m not ready for. I’ll be vulnerable again. The walls I spent all these years fortifying are what keep me safe. If I leave an opening large enough for her to slip through, she may destroy me again from the inside out.
Chapter Eleven
Everything is all set.Abby’s gown is hanging in my closet. The driver has been scheduled and my tux has been delivered. Eleanor agreed to babysit Chloe while Abby and I attend the gala. All that’s left is for my family to arrive.
I rush home from work on Friday, my stomach aflutter with anticipation. Abby and Chloe should get in around six o’clock. That gives me enough time to grab some snacks from the store, pick up a pizza, and find a movie to stream. Chloe has an affinity for princesses, so I’ll be ready with the newest animated film from the masterminds at Disney.
Abby’s car is parked in front of my house when I pull in. I peer inside the vehicle before I whip my SUV into the driveway and find Abby still sitting behind the wheel. When she sees me, she gets out and retrieves Chloe from the back seat while I grab the bags of treats and the pizza box.
“Hey!” she greets me breathlessly. Chloe put up quite a fight as Abby wrestled her from her car seat.
“Hey, yourself,” I reply, my mouth stretching into a smile.
Chloe’s head whips around and her eyes brighten at the sight of me. “Daddy!” she cries, squirming in her mother’s arms.
“Hold on, Bug. Daddy’s hands are full,” Abby warns gently.
We stride up the walkway together, Chloe chattering excitedly as we step onto the front porch. “Why didn’t you just let yourself in?” I hope she doesn’t think she can’t be inside without me. I want this to feel as much her home as it is mine.
“I don’t have a key,” she replies sheepishly. I mentally kick myself for forgetting to give one to her as I slide mine into the lock.
“Ah, that's right. I forgot to give you my spare. I’ll grab it when we get inside.” I chance a glance at her over my shoulder as I push open the door. She ducks her head, almost hiding her demure but slightly satisfied grin framed by pinkening cheeks.
Once inside, I empty the contents weighing down my arms onto the island and dig my extra house key out of the entry table, passing it to Abby. I reach for Chloe and she comes to me willingly, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck. I kiss her head, savoring the moment as Abby slips my key onto her ring. The moment feels special, symbolic, even. A tangible way to solidify her position in my life.
“What’s all this?” Abby asks, peeking into the bags.
“It’s Friday,” I offer in explanation. She cocks her head to the side, watching me inquisitively. “Pizza and movie night.” I nod toward the extra-large box next to the grocery bags full of soft drinks, chips, and cookies. Her eyes fill with gratitude and she closes the distance between us, pressing her body against mine. I wrap my free arm around her, nestling our daughter on my opposite hip. She once told me that pizza and movie nights every Friday were a tradition her father started when she was a kid. Even though he was exhausted from working in the coal mines all week, he still made a point to do something special with his children on Fridays.
“I love you,” she proclaims. I lean in and capture her mouth with mine, pressing my hand into her back to bring her closer. Her fingers dig into my shoulder as I swipe my tongue across the seam of her lips. Before I can deepen the kiss, Chloe demands one for herself. Abby giggles against my mouth, pulling away so I can grant Chloe’s wish.
“Let’s get some pizza.” I release her, place Chloe on her feet, and retrieve plates from the cabinet. Chloe’s face lights up when I hand her a sky blue, plastic plate with Elsa and Anna on it. I fill a matching sippy cup with juice and watch as she lovingly clutches it to her chest.
“Way to go, daddy. You just earned major parenting points with that move,” Abby teases.
I snake my arm around her waist and pull her flush against me. “Be careful calling me ‘Daddy’,” I growl against her mouth. She gasps as my hand drops to her ass, giving it a squeeze as my mouth devours hers. A moan escapes her lips when I flex my hips, pressing my erection into her belly.
“I’ll have to remember that,” she breathes when I release her, smiling deviously.
Chloe falls asleep before the movie is over, so I carry her to her room and place her in her bed. Abby is waiting for me in the hallway, leaning against my bedroom door.
Ourbedroom door.