I reached down and palmed him in answer. He groaned and his lips descended to mine.
“Think you can make it to twenty minutes this time?”
“Think you can handle me for twenty minutes?”
I wasn’t sure, but I was definitely up for the challenge.
And I was glad I grabbed that second condom.
I woke to warm, vanilla scented skin and curled around the soft body lying next to me in the bed.
Last night was intense. Weeks of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and sexual frustration culminated in the best make up sex anyone has ever had. I’d come over here hoping she would let me explain what happened and hopefully forgive me for being such a damn idiot. I didn’t expect explosive, mind blowing sex to follow.
She groaned and stretched before rolling over to face me. “Good morning.”
Her smile was genuine and beautiful. I missed this. Having her wake up next to me, illuminated by the sunlight streaming in through the windows highlighting her freckles was something I’d yearned for and regretted losing.
“Good morning,” I replied and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “There are three people in this house who would be pissed if they knew I stayed over.” Aiden and her parents couldn’t know that I slept here last night. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, but it felt so good having her back in my arms again and I was so tired. I was exhausted from trying to fight both my feelings for her, and Gianna’s persistent advances.
I would have to face her. A confrontation was inevitable. And it needed to happen today.
I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was almost eight, and I knew Mrs. Wesley would be up soon to start the coffee and then breakfast. “I better sneak out before everyone else in the house gets up.”
“That’s probably for the best.”
Even though Aiden gave me the go ahead to come here and try to win his sister back, I was positive he wouldn’t appreciate me spending the night in her bed. I reluctantly got out of bed and put the same clothes on that I’d worn last night. She rolled over onto her stomach, propping herself onto her elbows to watch me dress. I was half tempted to rejoin her, but I needed to get out of there.
I kissed her one last time and crept silently to the door and out into the hall. The stairs were just within reach when I heard a door creak open. Assuming it was Taylor wanting another kiss goodbye, I turned, a smile breaking out over my lips. It fell when I saw who was standing just outside his doorway.
“I see you two made up,” Aiden deadpanned.
Shit. Why was he up so early on a Sunday?
“Yeah,” was all I could offer. I hung my head. This might be worse than being caught by her father. Aiden knew everything. He knew the details of what went down between Taylor and me and I didn’t know if he’d ever forgive me for it.
“I was serious about what I said last night. Don’t hurt her again.”
“I won’t. She’s it for me.”
His body visibly relaxed. “It’s about fucking time,” he declared. “I’ve been watching you two dance around each other for years.”
What the hell?
“You’re the one who forbid me from dating her.”
“Yeah, when we were like, seventeen.”
I was incredulous. “Dude, all this time, I thought she was off limits. You never said the ban was lifted!”
“She’s a fucking adult, numb-nuts. I have no say over who she dates. I just didn’t want your horny teenage ass getting a hold of her back then. I would’ve been an uncle before I even went off to college if I hadn’t warned you off her.”
“Shit.” I ran my fingers through my hair, frustrated that I’d spent all this time thinking it would jeopardize our friendship if I pursued his sister.