It took us a few tries to get the hang of the boards and maintain our balance. We both tipped over, splashing into the water once or twice, but we were both fast learners and in good shape. By the time we finished, I was regretting skipping out on the gym all week because my arms and shoulders burned from overexertion. Chagrined, I knew there was no excuse. We had full access to a state-of-the-art fitness center. I’d just been enjoying a different kind of physical activity.

We found lunch and then hopped on a boat tour just as it was about to leave the dock. We were pleasantly surprised by the glass bottom that allowed us to view the ocean life teeming under the surface. Taylor gushed over the coral reefs and colorful fish.

“Look, there’s Nemo,” she giggled, pointing to a little orange fish.

I remembered when the movie came out. She was crazy over it. Aiden and I met the year before in Mrs. Cranston’s class and had been inseparable ever since. Aiden and Taylor’s mom took the three of us, along with Taylor’s best friend Avery to watch it at the theatre. I went along with Aiden, acting like I was too big for such a babyish movie, but I secretly liked it, too. That year, I gave Taylor a stuffed Nemo for her birthday. You would’ve thought I’d gotten her a pony by the way she acted. It made me wonder if she’d had a crush on me even then.

“Do you remember that stuffed Nemo toy I got you for your birthday?”

“Remember it?” she asked, pretending to be affronted. “I still have it.”

“No you don’t,” I chuckled.

“Yes I do,” she replied confidently.

“You’re lying.” I eyed her suspiciously.

“Scout’s honor,” she protested, holding up her fingers, making the gesture to go with her proclamation.

“Are you serious?” I was stunned and a little touched that she’d kept it all this time.

She nodded emphatically, a smile playing on her lips. I kissed her then, pulling her to me. She kept a stuffed animal I’d given her seventeen years ago. Gianna didn’t even keep the custom-made bear I’d had delivered to her last Valentine’s Day while I was out of town for work. Those two facts said a lot about these women and what they cherished.

I let thoughts of my ex fiancé float away. It was becoming easier and easier by the day. It made me wonder if I was truly still in love with her when she ended things. It wouldn’t have been this easy to get over her if I was, would it? Or maybe I was just a piece of shit. I was engaged to another woman two weeks ago, and now I was sleeping with Taylor like Gianna never existed, like she never wore my ring on her hand to symbolize our love. What kind of person had I become? Was I turning into my father? He had no problem dropping the people he was supposed to love and care for like a bad habit.

I shook those thoughts away and moved back, putting a little distance between Taylor and me. She noted my movement and glanced at me curiously. I tried to school my features, but she could sense something was wrong.

“Are you alright?” she asked with a worried expression, reaching her hand out to rest on my knee. I flinched and pulled away from her, trying to pretend like I was just changing position. My head was reeling and I needed to get my thoughts in order, and her touch did nothing but muddle them.

“I’m fine. I’m just getting too hot.” It was a lame cover, but it seemed to work. Her features relaxed and she returned her focus to the glimmering seascape below.

Once we were back on shore, we headed off in search of another adventure.

“What is that?” Taylor asked, her eyes lighting up as she pointed at something in the distance. I followed her gaze and it landed on a brightly colored object out at sea. I glanced down the beach to see if I could find where it came from and if there were more like it. Sure enough, there were several lined up and tied off about fifty yards away.

“That,” I replied, pointing at the ones closer to us, “is a water trike.”

“Oh my God, we have to try one out!” She started jogging toward them. Her energy was positive and contagious, and it brought the smile back to my face and eased my earlier trepidation. She marched straight to the rental kiosk and asked about renting one, pulling out her card before the lady behind the counter could answer her.

“Put that away,” I chuckled behind her. “I’ll get it.”

“You don’t have to do that. It was my idea.”

“Taylor,” I began, and she bit her lip and averted her gaze. I knew she wasn’t working right now, and I didn’t want her spending her own money on this. Besides, she was my guest. I didn’t expect her to pick up the tab for anything.

“You don’t have to pay for everything,” she explained.

“Yes, I do,” I assured her. “I asked you here. Last minute. And you graciously agreed to be my companion on what would have otherwise been a miserable trip. Please, just let me get it,” I pleaded. Her shoulders slumped and I knew she would give in.

“Okay.” She stepped aside so I could offer up my card.

We climbed onto one of the bright orange contraptions and set out to sea, peddling out into the crystal blue water. Taylor’s elated laughter was infectious. The smile never fell from her face, and I found myself smiling in response. She was having the time of her life, and when that happened, her joy seeped into you. It invaded your entire being, your psyche, your heart, the pleasure center of your brain. You couldn’t be unhappy when she was having that much fun.

When we finally returned to shore, we thanked the lady behind the counter and started the long walk back to our villa. We were both hot and tired, perspiration dampening our skin, so we stopped for ice cream on the way. It was a race to finish our two scoops before they melted and created a mess of sticky sweetness running down our hands. I tried not to watch as Taylor licked furiously over the dome of butter pecan, but I failed miserably. I loved her tongue and that hot mouth, and if I didn’t stop looking at her, I was going to run into something, hard-on first.

Once back inside the villa, we changed into our swimsuits and reapplied sunscreen before heading out to the beach. This was our last full day here and we wanted to enjoy the sand and sun a little longer. We would only have tomorrow morning to frolic on the beach before we had to check out and head to the airport for our flight home.

I was disappointed to be leaving so soon. It felt like we just got here, like our vacation didn’t begin until Taylor and I finally gave in to our desire for one another. I wish I had known it would be like this. I would’ve taken more time off work, but as it was, I needed to be back in the office bright and early Monday morning. I hadn’t wanted to get in late Sunday night, so I opted to only stay here six days instead of seven. Now that I had Taylor with me and our time was quickly dwindling, I wished I had more than six nights in paradise with her.