My phone chimed with an email alert and I opened it to see a reminder of the scuba diving session I’d booked for today. I checked the time and realized we needed to be there soon if we were going to keep the reservation.
“How do you feel about learning to scuba dive today?” Taylor’s eyes lit up at the question and I smiled, pleased at her excitement. I’d been nervous about booking it when it was supposed to be Gianna here with me. I was afraid she wouldn’t have fun or would just flat out refuse to do it. If she wasn’t washing her hair, she didn’t like to get it wet, and she certainly didn’t like many outdoor activities or sports in general.
My smile faded as Taylor jumped out of bed and rushed around to get dressed. I was supposed to be spending this week with my new wife. We were supposed to be doing all this stuff together. Having candlelit dinners and making love every night. Going to cocktail hours and dancing together at clubs. Scuba diving and sunset cruises, and just lounging on the beach with a fruity little drink in our hands.
The ache I’d been expecting, the one that settled in my chest every time I thought of Gianna and her betrayal never came. A sadness over what we lost and all the time we wasted just for her to decide she wanted to be with someone else washed over me, but it no longer made my chest constrict like my heart was being squeezed in a vice. Maybe I was starting to get over her. Maybe we weren’t even meant to be together at all. If we were, it wouldn’t be this easy to move on. It wouldn’t be so easy to let someone else take her place. Would it?
Taylor bounced out of the bathroom, her clothes changed and her hair braided to one side, tiny wisps fluttering around her face as she beamed at me.
“I’m ready!” she announced.
“Got your swimsuit?”
“Right here,” she said, plucking a strap from under her tank top.
We packed a small bag with essentials like sunscreen and spare clothes and headed out. Taylor bounced with excited energy all the way to the training center. Since neither of us was a certified diver, we were required to take a brief course before we could go into the water. By the time we headed out on the boat, Taylor looked like she was about to burst. I almost expected her to break out into song and dance. Her excitement was palpable, and it made me glad I brought her along.
I fought the urge to reach for her hand and squeeze, knowing she would read too much into it. Our growing attraction was making it harder to keep my hands off her. The line between friendship and lovers was blurring more and more every day. She wanted me. I wanted her, but she was forbidden fruit. She always had been. Aiden was my best friend, myoldestfriend. I couldn’t put that friendship in jeopardy just to hook up with someone, even Taylor.
It seemed like no time before we were all geared up and ready to jump in the water. Taylor and I jumped off the back of the boat together, slipping under the water at the same time. We explored the hidden treasures under the blue Caribbean waters, watching as colorful fish darted by. We stayed close to each other as we neared the ocean floor, slipping past the coral reef.
Taylor suddenly grabbed my hand, pulling her body closer to mine as her eyes widened in fear. I followed her gaze to find a small shark swimming several yards away. She looked at me, the panic evident even through her goggles. I held my finger up to my lips like I was shushing her, even though I knew it wouldn’t make a difference right now. It was more a warning to hold still and not make any sudden movements. She pressed in closer, scared and shaking, so I wrapped my arm around her in a comforting gesture. It felt so good, so perfect having her tucked into my side, even if her oxygen tank prevented me from pressing my hand against her smooth, toned back.
The shark finally swam away and Taylor relaxed. We floated around, navigating more reefs and schools of fish until our time was up. When we returned to land, we changed into dry clothes and went in search of something to eat, finding a casual little restaurant serving baskets of fish and chips and popcorn shrimp.
Taylor’s hair lay damp around her shoulders, drying naturally in the warm air, the breeze off the ocean whipping it around her face every now and then. She tucked the unruly strands behind her ear and dipped her fries in ketchup before devouring them. We were both starving. We’d only grabbed some fruit on our way out the door this morning, in too big a hurry to stop and eat anything substantial. I pulled my phone out to check the time and noticed I had another email from the resort. Opening the app, I nearly choked on the huge piece of shrimp in my mouth. Taylor eyed me warily as I coughed and gulped down a big drink of water to clear my throat.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“We have somewhere to be,” I informed her, and she gave me a questioning look. “We’re getting a massage in twenty minutes.” I’d completely forgotten about booking it all those months ago. I remembered now that I’d planned this day strategically. I knew if I was going to get Gianna to agree to scuba diving, I would have to reward her with something she liked. Thus, the couples’ massage was booked as her consolation prize for being a good sport. Looking back, I realized how messed up that was. But she was so damn high maintenance. It took me spending a couple days with Taylor to see just how bad Gianna had become.
We finished what little was left of our lunch and I paid the bill before heading to the address listed in the confirmation email. We made it there with only a couple minutes to spare. Leading us to a straw hut on the beach with crisp, white linen curtains opened on three sides, our massage therapists instructed us to disrobe and lie on our stomachs, offering to close the curtains for privacy.
Once shut away in the little hut, I turned my back to Taylor so I wouldn’t be tempted to look at her. I knew if I saw her naked breasts, it would all be over. I’d never have the strength to resist her.
“You can turn around now,” she said with a sigh. My eyes drifted open and I realized I’d squeezed them shut as an extra layer of protection against ogling her. She was already on her belly, a simple cotton sheet covering her lower half. I removed my shirt and shorts and eased under my own sheet, glancing over at her once I was settled. Her arms were folded under her chin and the side of her breast was visible. I turned away quickly and focused on the table full of assorted oils and lotions. “This is so nice,” she crooned, closing her eyes.
“They haven’t even started yet,” I chuckled.
“I know, but still,” she offered. “It’s nice out here. I just love the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves. It’s so tranquil.”
It amazed me how simple it was to please her and make her happy. She didn’t need extravagant gifts or shopping sprees or a reward for going scuba diving. She just enjoyed being there. She was a breath of fresh air.
“Thank you,” she said, and my eyes drifted back to her. I was careful to keep them focused on her face and not let them dip any lower on her body. “I don’t know if I’ve told you yet or not, but thanks for bringing me along. This place is beautiful.” She glanced away. “I know I’m not the person you wanted to be here with,” she began, and my chest tightened. I wanted to stop her and tell her she was wrong, but what she said was the truth. Taylor wasn’t who I planned to bring here, but I was glad she was here with me. “But I’m still grateful you let me tag along. You planned an amazing vacation.” Before she could say anything else, the curtains were pulled open and tied back. For the next sixty minutes, we received the most relaxing massage I’d ever had.
Dinner was being delivered and set up in our villa this evening, another event I planned ahead of time. We had just enough time to shower and get dressed before it showed up. A butler in a suit served us dinner, pouring us each a glass of wine before placing the bottle in ice to chill. I dismissed him, assuring him his services would not be needed until the meal was complete, and slipped him a generous tip.
“Wow, this is really impressive,” Taylor announced, looking over the spread. Even though we stayed in for dinner, she still put on a little makeup and fixed her hair, styling her long tresses into soft waves and pinning one side back. She wore a dark blue maxi dress with giant hibiscus flowers printed on it. Her lips matched the dark pink flowers and I couldn’t help but wonder how bad it would smear if I kissed her.
I tried to push those thoughts from my mind, needing to make it through dinner without getting worked up over her again. But she looked so amazing. Her tanned shoulders were now dusted in freckles, as were her nose and cheeks. Her hazel eyes shone in the soft candlelight our butler had insisted on providing, black lashes framing the gold flecked orbs. One side of her slender neck was exposed where her hair was swept back from her face. She was exquisite and I needed to stop staring.
“What is this?” Taylor asked as she dipped her spoon into her soup.
“That is lobster bisque.”
“Mmm,” she moaned when she placed it in her mouth and the sound went straight to my dick.Shit, stay down. Stay down!“This is delicious.”