
I step inside through the back door leading from the gardens and make my way to the staircase, preparing to run upstairs and take a quick shower, but my head snaps up at the shrill scream coming from the direction of the dining room, followed by a loud crash. I run toward the sound, my motherly instincts kicking into overdrive.

“Chloe, that wasn’t nice,” Jacob scolds in a gentle tone, his voice drifting out into the hallway.

“Perhaps the child should take her meals in the kitchen from now on.”

I freeze at the sound of Evelyn’s haughty voice, cringing at the condescending tone she uses to speak about Chloe. I hesitate just outside the door, straining my ears to hear what she’ll say without knowing I’m near.

“That might not be a bad idea,” Jacob agrees, and my fists clench at my sides. How can he say that? “I think there’s maple syrup in the carpet here, and her plate is chipped.”

“Honestly, Jacob,” she chides, “is this how she behaves all the time? Does her mother allow her to get by with that?”

Before he can respond, I step into the room, fuming mad, ready to defend my child and my parenting. She talks about us like we’re heathens; wild, uncivilized people who don’t know how to behave.

“No, her mother does not,” I state simply, maintaining an even tone and trying to keep my anger in check. Her eyes fly to mine and widen slightly. Caught ya, bitch. They narrow on me, displeased by my challenging tone.

“Abby,” Jacob acknowledges me from the floor where he kneels next to Chloe, gently wiping her hands and face with a soft white cloth. He attends to her so soothingly, I can’t help but wonder where his parenting instincts come from. They certainly didn’t come from the woman who birthed him. He gives me a pleading look, silently beseeching me not to ruffle too many feathers. Too late.

“She’s a toddler,” I state sharply but calmly. “She is still learning how to express her feelings and frustration. However, she’s also testing boundaries. Her behavior is acknowledged and corrected when necessary,” I explain.

“I meant no disrespect,” his mother offers a faux apology. “My only concern is for my granddaughter. I can’t imagine how hard this has been on you, trying to do everything on your own,” she adds, a reminder that Jacob has only recently come into Chloe’s life.

Breath whooshes from my lungs and a stab of pain pierces my chest. She pretends to be concerned and show empathy for our situation, but she intentionally brought that up to hurt me.

“It’s much harder for single mothers when all the discipline falls on your shoulders. It’s no wonder children get out of control and act out.”

“Mom,” Jacob grits out. Tears well in my eyes, but I won’t give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I walk to Chloe and pick her up in one smooth motion, deciding to leave the room before I snap.

“Son of a bitch,” Jacob mumbles a curse. “Was that really necessary?” I scramble toward the stairs, uninterested in hearing her reply. Jacob’s hurried steps echo behind me. He catches up to us before we reach my room. “Abby,” he pleads, grabbing my arm.

“What?” I snap, turning on him.

“I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”

“Ya think?” My fury makes my tongue loose and I can’t seem to hold back. His jaw clenches and I finally notice his barely contained fury. He’s angry, too. “I’m sorry,” I express remorsefully. “I’m upset with your mom and I’m taking it out on you.” I huff out a frustrated breath, feeling just as much of an asshole as anyone else in this situation.

“I know, and I’m so, so sorry she treated you that way. I’m going to talk to her. There’s no excuse for that, and I won’t let her continue to disrespect you.”

“It’s not even that, honestly. I’ve got pretty thick skin. But Chloe is just a child, and I won’t allow anyone to mistreat her or speak poorly of her.”

“I won’t allow that, either.” He pulls us into his chest and kisses both our heads. He reaches for Chloe and she goes to him eagerly. “Why don’t you grab your shower before the stylist gets here?” He heads toward the door to the adjoining nursery. I nod my head and grab my things, ready to wash the sweat from my overheated body.

When I return from my shower, my face splits into an appreciative grin as I watch Chloe and Jacob in the nursery, trying out all her new toys. Jacob truly went out of his way to make us feel welcome. Maybe that’s why his mother has been so inhospitable. Perhaps she’s jealous in some weird, twisted way because of how much he dotes on us. I push those thoughts away, deciding not to let her ruin the rest of my day.

The stylist shows up at ten sharp, and after assisting Evelyn, she carts her selections into Arthur’s office so we have a door that locks. She offered to haul everything upstairs to my room, but I said, “No way.” Now, glancing around at the vast array of clothing, shoes, and jewelry she brought, I’m glad I refused.

“Let’s start with you, mama,” she instructs in a friendly, casual tone. “Then we’ll dress Little Miss to coordinate with you,” she offers with a wink. I try on several dresses, all of them beautiful and perfectly sized to fit my body. How she does this, I have no idea.

We finally settle on a white maxi dress with large, pale pink and nude flowers and a pair of strappy sandals. “Isn’t there some rule about not wearing white after Labor Day?” I ask, not wanting to commit a fashion faux pas in front of Jacob’s wealthy and probably very stylish acquaintances. I’m already nervous as hell about meeting all these people; I don’t want to do anything to embarrass myself or Jacob’s family.

“Honey, rules are meant to be broken,” she declares with a hand on her hip. “Besides, it’s seventy-eight degrees outside. Everybody will be dressed like it’s summer.” I smile at her sassy response. She reminds me of Tiff – someone who does her own thing, doesn’t give a shit what anyone else thinks, and turns out looking incredible because of it. I knew I liked her.

She puts Chloe in a frilly pink dress the same shade as the flowers on my own ensemble, matching it with a ruffled white diaper cover. She selects a few simple but elegant pieces of jewelry for me and sends us on our way. I offer to help her load up her goods but she waves me off, assuring me that the butler will help her.

Chloe goes down mercifully easy for her nap, and I take the opportunity to do my hair and makeup. After opening the music app on my phone I set to work, adding a few curls to my hair to enhance the natural waves and taking my time applying my makeup, using a few techniques Tiff managed to teach me before she moved away. I miss her so much, but she’s finally pursuing her dreams. She landed some pretty big gigs as a makeup artist, her popular YouTube channel and Instagram account contributing to her success.

Beyoncé’s “Speechless” begins to play seconds before I hear a knock on my door and it slowly opens. “Wow, you look stunning!” Jacob praises from the doorway. I glance down at myself, not seeing what he’s so impressed with. I’m wearing a silk dressing gown and house slippers, with some of my curls pinned up so they hold their shape.