“What do you want to do today?” Jacob asks as we finish drying the rest of our breakfast dishes.

“The weather’s supposed to be nice. I was thinking we could go for a hike.”

“With Chloe?” he asks skeptically.

“Of course, with Chloe. We can’t leave her behind,” I tease.

“How? Isn’t she kind of little for that?”

“Psh,” I huff, waving him off dismissively. “We go for hikes all the time.” I giggle at the shocked look on his face. His brows pinch together as he tries to work out the mechanics of me taking a toddler on a hike. I take pity on him and relieve him of his confusion.

“I have a special baby carrier made just for that purpose. I strap her onto my back, and we hit the trails.”

Recognition flashes in his eyes and his face relaxes. “Ah, gotcha.”

“We’ll have to stop by my house to grab it. I’m sure my grandmother will be happy to see you.”

“How’s she doing?” he asks, scooping Chloe up from the floor where she’s playing with her doll. She cackles as he tickles her belly and I smile contentedly at the sight of them.

“Really well,” I answer honestly. I wouldn’t have been able to leave her for the weekend otherwise. “She exercises almost every day while the nurses monitor her. She’s one hundred percent back to normal.” I’m so proud and relieved at the progress she’s made.

“That’s amazing. I’m so glad she’s alright.”

“Me too.” I step up to him and snuggle against his side. He wraps his free arm around me and cradles Chloe against his other side. “And I’m so thankful you were there to save her.” I raise up on my tiptoes and press a kiss to his jaw.

“Abby,” he breathes out, his voice low and gruff, laced with heat. He stares at me intently, my innocent kiss of appreciation eliciting an unexpected response from him. His arm tightens around my waist and his lips descend on mine. He kisses me hard and quick, pulling back with a look that promises much more.

“Tiss,” Chloe chirps. We both look at her and she places her plump hand on Jacob’s cheek. “Dacob,” she scowls, frustrated that he’s not doing what she wants. “Tiss!” she demands. Finally realizing what she wants, he leans in and kisses her soft cheek. She giggles and wraps her arms around his neck, pressing a slobbery kiss on his stubbled cheek.

“Thanks, baby girl,” he chuckles, swiping at the wet spot on his skin.

We dress quickly and grab some snacks for later before heading toward my grandmother’s house. Her car is gone when we pull in, but she should be home from the early service soon. I gather my hiking boots and baby carrier while Jacob fills our water jugs. We’re packing our supplies into the back of Jacob’s SUV when my grandmother’s car pulls into the driveway. Jacob steps toward her as she opens her door and gets out.

“Jacob!” she practically sings, throwing out her arms. He pulls her into a tight hug and my heart melts. I press my hand to my chest and sigh, a look of absolute adoration shining in my eyes. I know I must look like the heroine from one of those cheesy Hallmark movies, but I don’t even care. This moment, these people whom I hold so dear, are giving me everything I’d ever hoped for. I couldn’t be happier.