After a dozen more trips down the slide, we move on to the seesaw, Abby and Chloe on one side and me on the other. Abby throws her head back and laughs as I take them up and down, my weight affording me greater control over the toy. Chloe’s laughter is just as melodic as her mother’s, and I can’t help but appreciate this wonderful gift I’ve been given. These two are my whole damn world now, and all I can hope is that I make them as happy as they make me.

After leaving the park we stop by the local farmer’s market, and to my surprise, Abby finds nearly everything we need to cook meals at the cabin for the weekend. We purchase farm fresh eggs, apples, steaks, an array of vegetables, freshly baked bread, and homemade strawberry jam, among other things. I stealthily purchase a bouquet of flowers for her and a handmade doll for Chloe as they wait in line at the lemonade stand, Chloe nibbling on a corndog. I produce the spoils from behind my back and the wide-eyed, astonished smile that Abby bestows swells my chest with pride. Chloe squeals and snatches the doll from my hands, clutching it to her chest in an excited gesture. Abby stretches up on her toes and plants a soft kiss on my mouth when I hand her the bouquet.

“Thank you,” she whispers and presses her forehead to mine briefly, eyes closed, the tip of her nose grazing mine. In that moment, I suspect I’m the first man to have ever given her flowers. And I’m determined to be the last.

It’s well past noon by the time we head back toward the cabin and Chloe, in need of a nap, has grown fussy. She cries most of the car ride back, but mercifully falls asleep as soon we lay her in bed. We slip out of the room silently and Abby pulls the door nearly shut, leaving it cracked only an inch or two. She turns to face me and opens her mouth to speak, but she doesn’t get a word out before my mouth is on hers. My large hands frame her face, my kiss devouring her lips. She moans and my growing need for her skyrockets. I have to get her into my bed. Now.

I back her into our room and gently push the door closed, trying to be as quiet as possible. We can’t risk waking our sleeping toddler at this point. I need this too badly. I’ve been thinking about her body and the way her eyes flared at the sight of my bare, slick skin all day.

The backs of her legs meet the edge of the mattress and she sinks down on top of it. Her hands immediately go to my fly and I groan, my head falling back as her fingers skim the bulge in my pants. She quickly undoes them and pushes them down over my hips, my erection springing free. She palms me, her eyes flicking to mine, seeking approval. I watch her with rapt attention, fighting the urge to close my eyes again at the delicious sensation of her hand on my body. She sinks down onto me, her eyes closing, a hum of pleasure emanating from her throat.

I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. My knees nearly buckle and I have to focus on staying upright. What is this woman doing to me? I place my hands on her shoulders and gently push her away. Her mouth releases me with a pop and I instantly miss the feel of her warmth engulfing me, but I need to be inside her, to be able to watch her face as she comes undone.

I pull her to her feet and rid her of her top before bringing her body flush with mine. Snaking my hands around her back, I find the clasp of her bra and unhook it. I tear my shirt off over my head as the straps slide down her arms. Pulling the garment the rest of the way off her body, I toss it aside, not caring where it lands. I bring her back to me, wrapping my arms around her body as my lips part hers, dipping my tongue inside.

We fall to the bed together and I settle between her legs, resting back on my haunches. A fire ignites behind her emerald irises as I reach for the button on her jeans. I press my palm against her center, my fingers curling into the waistband and tugging gently. She squirms beneath my touch, the shielded contact a mere tease of what’s to come.

I slowly pop the button at the top and slide the zipper down. She lifts her hips, eager for me to relieve her of her clothes completely. Easing the denim down her legs, I purposely leave her panties in place. The white lace contrasts delectably against her bronzed skin. I know that beneath them lies a thin strip of dark curls and a taste sweeter than honey. My mouth waters and my cock throbs, my senses consumed by Abby. Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Her scent envelops me, a mixture of sweetness and musk. Her panting breath sounds like want and need, a woman desperate for my touch. My hands skim the soft skin of her thighs, my eyes raking in every inch of her perfection. All that’s left now is taste.

My fingers dip into the front of her panties and skim along the slick seam. She sucks in a sharp breath and lifts her hips, begging for more. I tug on the front panel and the thin straps move down below her hip bones. Pushing the material aside to reveal glistening, pink skin, my tongue instinctively darts out for a taste and her back bows off the mattress. Her reaction incites my desire and I lose all patience. I’d meant to tease her, to draw out her pleasure in a tortuous and ultimately satisfying way, but instead, I rip her panties down her legs and bury my face between them. Gripping her thighs, my fingers biting into the soft flesh, I hold her legs open, my tongue working her over. Her legs quake as I suck the tender bud into my mouth before circling it with my tongue. She comes apart quickly and violently, her body convulsing as wave after wave crashes over her.

I kiss my way up her body, my lips finding hers parted, her breath passing through them rapidly. She groans when I plunge my tongue into her mouth, much like I did with her body only moments ago. Settling my hips between her open legs, I stroke my length against the slick opening. I could easily push inside of her right now, giving us both what we want, what we desperately need. But before I can act on those reckless thoughts, I reach for the nightstand, now well stocked with my intentions for this weekend.

I’m sheathed with a condom and back between her legs in seconds. I gaze down at her lying beneath me, her eyes full of love and trust, and I know that no other woman could ever make me feel this way.

“I love you,” I whisper against her lips before taking them in a passionate kiss. I slide into her slowly, struggling to control my speed and power but wanting to savor every soft moan and breathy sigh. Pulling back, I cup her neck with my hand and stare into her eyes, pouring my heart and soul into our connection. She tries to hold my gaze, but her eyes begin to flutter closed, her internal walls clenching down on me. Soon, her body is wracked with another intense orgasm and I follow her quickly with my own.

The sound of a door creaking open pulls me from my dream. I’d been dreaming of Abby. Her belly was round and swollen, a flowy yellow sundress clinging to it as the breeze off the ocean plastered the material to her body. She was exquisite. I blink my eyes open, taking in the form lying curled into my side. We’re a tangled mess of limbs and white sheets, an arm and a leg poking out here and there.

After our, ahem, reacquaintance, we’d fallen asleep, sated and exhausted. What was it that awakened me, again? The pitter-patter of little feet outside our door rouses me instantly. Chloe. She’s awake and the sound of her door opening is what stirred me.

“Abby!” I whisper-shout, nudging her gently. “Wake up.”

“Hmm?” she groans, her brow furrowed with annoyance, somewhere between sleep and wakefulness.

“Chloe’s up.” Her eyes pop open and she bolts up in bed, the sheet falling away from her body and revealing her breasts. My gaze falls to her chest and I realize I had completely neglected that part of her body during my earlier ministrations. I’ll have to rectify that later, but right now, we’re about to be caught by our toddler.

Abby follows my eyes and snatches the sheet to her chest, covering her nakedness. “We fell asleep!” she exclaims quietly, her eyes rounded with fear and surprise, as though we’ve done something wrong.

Before I can respond, our door creaks open and Chloe peers around it, her inquisitive, curious eyes seeking us out. When they land on us, she lets out a giggle and runs to the bed. Abby picks her up, all while keeping herself covered, and nods to me to get out of the bed. I sneak out from under the sheet and slip into my boxers and Abby distracts Chloe while I stealthily redress myself. Once fully clothed, I take Chloe and leave the room in search of a snack. It amazes me how many snacks this tiny human eats in a day.

Abby emerges a few minutes later, fully clothed and her hair smoothed back into place. “What should we do now?” I ask.

She glances over at Chloe perched on the couch nibbling an apple, and grasps her stomach as though just now remembering she has one. “I’m starving,” she laments. Me too. Neither of us has eaten since breakfast and it’s nearly four p.m. “How about an early dinner?”

“I think that’s a great idea. Do you want me to fire up the grill and throw on the steaks?”

She nods her head emphatically. “Please,” she requests politely, walking to the small fridge and pulling out the ingredients for a salad. I step onto the back deck to prepare the grill and pause. Instead of a gas grill like I expected, it’s a charcoal grill. I glance around, looking for the supplies needed to start it, but don’t find any. When I step back inside, Abby is searching through the drawers and cabinets of the tiny kitchen, finally locating a cutting board and knife, but halts before chopping the vegetables.

“What’s wrong?” I query while checking the pantry for the charcoal components I need.

“We don’t have any salad dressing.”

“Well, that’s not good. I don’t think we have any charcoal, either.” Our dinner plans are going south fast. She lets out an exasperated laugh. “What should we do now?”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m too hungry to take the time to go to the store, come all the way back, and then cook. Let’s just run out and grab something, then maybe hit up the theatre? I’ve been wanting to take Chloe to the movies, and there’s a new Disney movie playing.”

I nod my agreement and we return our uncooked goods to the fridge before heading out.