A loud bang sounds close by and two familiar female voices enter the room, but I can’t find them. I search for them in the dark but come up empty-handed.

“Oh my God, I think my ovaries just exploded,” one of the voices calls out. “And I don’t even want kids,” she adds.

“Well, if that doesn’t change your mind, nothing will,” the second voice replies.


My eyes blink open and I squint against the sunlight streaming in through the living room window. Abby and Tiff are standing over me, amusement shining in Tiff’s sapphire eyes.

“Wake up, sleepy head,” Tiff teases, but all I can focus on is Abby’s beautiful face, her expression all glowy and loving. Chloe stirs in my arms and my hold tightens on her instinctively to keep her from falling. Both ladies sigh and I glance up at them, my mind still foggy with sleep, and wonder how I got down here. I lift my head and scan down my body, realizing I’m sprawled on my back on Abby’s couch with Chloe asleep on my chest. The last thing I remember is sitting down with her and holding her while she slept. I must have fallen asleep shortly after.

I check the clock on the wall and realize we’ve been asleep for three hours. My late-night workouts at the twenty-four-hour gym in town and early mornings with my girls are catching up with me. I sit up slowly, trying not to jostle Chloe, and lay her gently on the couch cushion.

“When’s the last time she ate?” Tiff asks, plopping down on the empty cushion next to me.

“Uh,” I begin, confused by her question. That’s usually Abby’s line.

“Tiff,” Abby warns.

“What?” Tiff asks innocently. “I just want to be prepared for my evening with the little rascal.”

“What is she talking about?” I look back and forth between the two of them.

“Tiff made reservations for us and is insisting we go on a date.”

“And I offered to watch Chloe while you do so,” Tiff interjects.

“Reservations? Where?”

“That little winery you once took her to. You know, the one where you did the private tour and the grape stomping, followed by that sweet, intimate dinner?” She sighs dramatically and falls back onto the couch like a schoolgirl discovering her first love. “And,” Tiff adds, drawing out the word, “there’s a little bed and breakfast nearby, just in case you have a little too much wine and can’t drive home,” she informs us with a wink. “Or, if you feel like wearing out a mattress that isn’t yours.” She grins wickedly, the truth of her suggestion coming to light.

“Tiff!” Abby hisses.

“What? You guys need a little time and privacy to get your freak on.” Tiff starts shimmying her shoulders and jostling around singing Missy Elliot’s GetUr Freak On. Abby shakes her head and buries her face in her hands in embarrassment, either at Tiff’s singing or her lewd suggestion, I’m not sure which.

“That’s a great idea,” I praise. “Thanks, Tiff.” I stand and head for the door, keys in hand. “What time is our reservation?”

“Seven o’clock.”

That gives us just enough time. “I’m gonna grab a shower and change. I’ll be back in an hour,” I inform Abby. She seems hesitant about this plan. She needs someone to let her know it’s okay to let loose and have a good time every once in a while, to let a trusted friend care for your child when they offer so you can get a break. She just needs a little nudge, and that’s what Tiff and I are giving her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she’s ready,” Tiff assures me, her sly smile still plastered across her face.

When I return not quite an hour later, Abby is slipping on her shoes. Her hair is pulled over her shoulder in an elegant, romantic braid and she’s wearing a blush colored dress. There’s not much cleavage revealed in the front, but it plunges in the back. She’s wearing soft, natural makeup and her lips are glossy with a pink a few shades darker than her dress. She’s always beautiful, but all made up, she’s stunning.

“You look amazing.”

She blushes and looks down at herself, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thank you.”

“You ready?”

“Yeah, just let me say goodbye to Chloe.” I follow her into the hallway so I can see Chloe too before we leave. She and Tiff are seated on Abby’s bed, reading a book. We both give her a hug and a kiss, and when Abby leaves the room, I stay behind for a second and focus my attention on Tiff.

“Thank you.” I convey my appreciation with sincerity.

“Any time, sugar.” I’m starting to see why Luke fell in love with her so easily. It’s too bad she didn’t return his sentiments, but I think I may know why.

I slide into the driver’s seat and program my GPS, not sure I remember exactly how to get there since it’s been so long. That seems like a lifetime ago, but also like it was just yesterday. I remember the soft wisps of hair escaping from Abby’s ponytail, her tight jeans and the skinny red belt that matched her lips. I remember her laughter when she stomped those grapes in the barrel next to me, and the look on her face when she saw our private table set up just beyond the last row of vines.