“Do yourself a favor and spend some time with Jacob after she goes to bed. He won’t be able to stay here forever, and you’re gonna miss him when he goes home. Make the most of the time you two have. Who knows when he’ll get the chance to come back again?”

My face falls at her suggestion, but she’s right. I don’t know how much longer Jacob will be staying, and I’m even more uncertain of when he’ll be back.

Since I don’t know how to respond, I don’t. Leaning down, I hug her and peck her cheek. “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She returns my sentiments and I slip out of her room.

I find Jacob waiting for me in the lobby, my ever-faithful companion. He’s stuck by me all day, carted me back and forth, and given me some much-needed comfort and even a few distractions. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my cheek against his chest.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” he asks, sliding his hand over my hair.

“For everything.”

His arms wrap around my body and he rests his chin on my head. “Any time,” he promises, and I believe him. He’s proven that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me. He presses a kiss to the top of my head before releasing me. “Let’s get you home.”


I love the sound of that word on his lips.

“We’re back!” I announce when I walk through the door. The sound of bare feet slapping against the floor echoes down the hallway.

“Mama!” Chloe exclaims. I catch her as she dives for my legs, excitement enhancing her toddler clumsiness. She snuggles into my neck and I kiss her hair, inhaling her powdery scent.

“I missed you, baby girl.”

“Lub oo,” she replies.

“I love you, too.” Her affectionate words and sweet little voice choke me up for a moment. The last two days have been hell on my family, and my nerves and emotions are at capacity.

“Dacob!” Her attention transfers to her father when she notices him standing next to me. She practically vaults out of my arms to get to him. “Lub oo,” she repeats, her affections aimed at Jacob this time.

“And I love you,” he replies, holding her close as she squeezes her little arms around his neck. The scene makes my already frayed emotions spike and tears sting the backs of my eyes. My thoughts return to what my grandmother said, and I know I need to take advantage of what precious time Chloe and I have left with Jacob.

I turn to Tiff, who watches them with the same teary-eyed expression I have. She’s been like a sister to me my whole life and has taken on the aunt role to Chloe. Seeing Chloe connect with her father and witnessing the love between them is as touching for her as it is for me. “Has she had any dinner?” I ask, and she shifts her attention to me, wiping at her eyes.

She clears her throat before answering. “Not yet, I was just getting ready to fix something.”

“Oh, really?” I eye her skeptically. Tiff has never been a cook. She burned a can of soup once, so the prospect of her cooking for my child makes me a little nervous. “What were you gonna make?” I inquire, quirking an eyebrow.

“Well, the PB&J she had for lunch was a big hit, so I thought hey, why change up the menu when it’s working?”

We both laugh and I shake my head. She better marry someone who knows how to cook or they’ll both starve.

“Why don’t you guys let me take care of dinner?” We turn to look at Jacob and I contemplate his offer. He cooked for me several times during his last visit and everything he made was delicious.

“Okay,” I agree.

“Oooo, a man who can cook,” Tiff croons. “Better keep a hold of this one!” she proclaims, giving me the double eyebrow raise.

Tiff and I take Chloe outside to play, giving Jacob full reign of the kitchen. “Did Ethan ever stop by?” I ask as I push Chloe in her swing. “He was supposed to come over and help you with Chloe.” I hate the thought of Tiff being stuck at my house all day without any help watching my child.

“Yeah, he stopped by,” she replies vaguely, her gaze following the driveway to the road.

“And?” I prompt.

She shrugs. “He played with her while I cleaned up her mess from lunch.”

“That’s it?” Doesn’t sound like he was much help at all. I’m gonna have to have a talk with him.