2 years, 1 month ago...
“Please pick up,” I plead into my old cell phone. It’s a miracle that someone found it. I couldn’t believe it when she placed it back in my hands. I ran up to my room, still jet-lagged from my flight, and dug my charger out of my nightstand. It felt like an eternity passed before it charged up enough to turn on.
I listen as the phone rings, waiting on her to answer, my heart racing in anticipation of hearing her voice for the first time in six weeks. God, how I’ve missed her.
My call is forwarded to her voicemail. Damn it. I hit call again, praying she’ll pick up this time. It rings, three, four, five times, and I’m about to lose hope when I hear it click on, followed by a rustling sound.
“Hello?” her voice greets me tentatively.
“Abby, it’s me. Thank God you answered.” Relief washes over me and I sink down onto my bed, not caring about the airport scum that covers my clothes.
“Jacob?” She seems shocked that it’s me, like she didn’t see my name come up on her phone. Maybe something happened and she lost her contacts. I know one thing, after this whole ordeal I’m memorizing her number.
“Yeah, baby girl, it’s me.”
“Why the hell are you calling me?” she asks, her voice hushed but angry.
“Wh-what?” I’m too stunned to speak.
“I don’t ever want to talk to you again! Lose my number and forget you ever knew me!” Click.
My heart sinks and I feel like I’m going to be sick. What the hell just happened? Something is wrong. I have to talk to her. I thought she’d be happy to hear from me. I never considered she’d refuse to speak to me or hear me out. I tap on her name again, hoping she’ll answer and let me explain. It only rings twice this time.
“Stop calling me. Please,” she pleads, and I could swear I hear tears in her voice.
“Abby, let me explain. I’ve been-”
“No! I don’t want to hear your excuses.” Sniffling. “Don’t call me again. I’ll get a restraining order if you don’t leave me alone.” She hangs up before I can say anything else. I sit there, staring at my phone in confusion and wondering what went wrong. Maybe she needs a little time to cool down. She hasn’t heard from me in six long weeks and probably thinks I’ve moved on. I could never move on from her, though. She’s it for me. I just wish she knew that. I should have told her. Before I left for home, I should’ve told her I was in love with her.
She has no idea where I’ve been, or that I thought of her every single day I was away. Sometimes the thought of hearing her voice when I got home was the only thing that kept me going. It was one hell of an experience, but it wasn’t easy. The heat, the insects, the fear of getting sick and not having adequate medical care within a hundred-mile radius. Through it all, her memory was the only thing that kept me sane.
I have to fix this. Whatever is going on, I’ll make it right. I’ll try calling her again tomorrow. I’ll keep calling her until she listens and lets me tell her how much I love her.