“You’re crazy,” I admonish playfully, returning to the task at hand. He pushes the door closed and I hear the click of the lock engaging. I place my mascara wand back on the vanity as he stalks up behind me. His fingers skim the edge of my gown at the opening just below my neck. The slick material slides over my skin as he slips the gown down my arms, revealing my lacy bra. He groans as he takes in the swells of my breasts draped in ivory lace. Leaning down to brush his lips over my shoulder, he cups my breast, his thumb rubbing over the plump flesh spilling from the top.

“You are so beautiful,” he breathes against my neck. My stomach flutters as heat pools between my thighs. “I want to take you while you’re wearing this sexy little scrap of silk,” he confesses. Reaching for my hand, he pulls me to my feet and settles himself in my chair, the sexy music creating the perfect atmosphere for what’s about to happen. “You’re gonna slip those sexy little panties off and ride my cock while I suck on those pretty pink nipples.”

I suck in a breath, equally stunned and turned on by his naughty command. Normally, I don’t like being told what to do, but holy shit, that was hot! So, I do exactly what he says, and he generously rewards me for my obedience.

Every time Jacoband I catch each other’s eye, we grin like two lovesick teenagers. Anyone watching us could figure out pretty quickly what we just did upstairs in my room while guests were arriving.

We make our way out to the gardens hand-in-hand with Chloe on my hip. She rubs her eyes sleepily, still groggy from her nap. The gardens have been completely transformed from this morning. Waiters meander gracefully among the guests, balancing trays full of crystal champagne flutes and decadent hors d'oeuvres. But the real show-stopper rests below the second-story balcony where a white linen tablecloth-covered table houses an elegant, elaborately decorated cake.

“Mommy, nummies,” Chloe demands, reaching for the cake.

“I better take her in and feed her. She hasn’t eaten much since breakfast.”

Jacob winces at the mention of this morning’s debacle. “She didn’t really eat much then, either. She must be starving.” He grazes her cheek lovingly with the back of his fingers. “Let’s sneak into the kitchen and see what we can find. What do you say, Chloe Bug?” He holds his hands out and she goes to him immediately.

Chloe devours a peanut butter sandwich and a cup of milk in no time. “’Ant more!” she pleads, holding her hands out.

“She’ll be able to get anything she wants from me if she keeps doing that,” Jacob chuckles. “If she looks at me like that when she’s sixteen and asks for a Maserati, she’s getting one.” He makes her another sandwich and hands it to her while I refill her sippy cup.

“Jacob!” an older lady in a crisp white shirt tucked into a long, black pleated skirt croons from the doorway. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“Nell,” he greets, moving toward her and pulling her into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Is this the little darling you were telling me about?” She leans in and smiles softly at Chloe. Kind brown eyes settle on her, taking her in with immediate affection.

“Yes, this is Chloe.”

“My, my! Aren’t you a doll baby?” she gushes. “And you,” she begins, turning her focus on me, “must be Abby.” She reaches for me and we shake hands, her hand soft and warm, the subtle aroma of lavender wafting from her skin. “It’s so nice to meet you, dear. I’m Eleanor, but you can call me Nell.”

“It’s very nice to meet you,” I respond politely.

“Nell was our nanny growing up,” Jacob explains. Between Marta and Nell, I can see now how Jacob turned out the way he did. The two women exude nurturing and love, unlike the mother he grew up with.

“Are you here for the party?” I assume she’s been retired for a number of years, considering Jacob’s younger brother is almost out of school.

“In a sense, yes,” she begins, her eyes twinkling with humor.

“I actually asked her here to help with Chloe,” Jacob informs me.

My head snaps to the side, shocked that he’d do that without talking to me first. “Why?” I blurt out before I can catch myself. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of her,” I explain calmly. Besides, I don’t want some stranger watching my daughter. “I’ve been doing it for the past year and a half.” I immediately regret the comment when pain flashes in his eyes. I didn’t mean it like that, but now I’ve hurt him.

“I’ll give you two a moment,” Eleanor offers as she senses a sudden shift in the mood, stepping out of the kitchen.

“What the hell was that?” Jacob demands. “I thought we were past all this bullshit,” he seethes.

“We are. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it the way it came out.”

“Then how did you mean it?”

“I’m just saying I don’t need a nanny. I don’t want someone else raising my child. I don’t want to miss out on her being little just so I can go to parties and fundraisers, and whatever else your parents do.”

“So this is about my parents, now?”

I hate the irritation and accusation in his voice. I haven’t seen this side of him since he first came back to town and thought I’d kept Chloe a secret from him.

“No, this is just me being a mom and not wanting to give up time with my baby, and not wanting to pawn her off on some stranger. I don’t even know this lady.”

“I know her. Why can’t you just trust me and let me have some of the responsibility? Why do you get to make all the decisions all the time?”