
I hauled assto get back to Abby. All I could think about was how shocked and excited she’d be when she saw me, and she did not disappoint. I’d avoided telling her I was coming last night just in case I couldn’t wrap things up at the office in time. But I worked into the early morning hours the night before and was back at it again by eight a.m., working straight through lunch so I could get here. It was a risky move, banking on her still being awake. My relief when she came to the door mixed with lust as I took in her casual, comfy appearance. She’s so effortlessly sensual, it’s almost unfair to the rest of the female population.

I was dead tired when I finally retrieved the keys to our cabin and fell face first into the soft mattress, but it was worth it. I’m here with my girls – well, I’ll be with them soon – and that’s all that matters. I have the next two days to show them how much they mean to me and find out what it’s like to have a full-time family.

Early the next morning, there’s a knock at the door just as I’m stepping out of the shower. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist, hurrying to open it. My stomach tightens with anticipation as I reach for the handle. It must be Abby. Nobody else knows where I’m staying. It’s early, and she’s already here. I’d planned to pick them up at her house, but it looks like she couldn’t wait. Her eagerness to see me sends a jolt of excitement through my body.

I twist the knob and pull the door open, taking in her presence on the other side. Her eyes widen and drop to my chest. My gaze follows hers, wondering why she’s looking at me like that. My skin glistens with moisture and I realize I’d forgotten to dry off in my haste to answer the door. My arms and torso remain wet, a fluffy white towel secured low on my hips.

“Dacob!” Chloe squeals and dives for me. Abby steps closer, unable to contain the excitable toddler, and I pull Chloe from her grasp. She wraps her little arms around my neck and settles into the crook of my arm. Her affection engulfs my chest with warmth and I grin like a fool. Abby watches us, a small smile playing on her lips. The heat has dissipated from her eyes, replaced instead by adoration.

“Come here,” I command, reaching for her and pulling her into my chest with my free arm. She nuzzles her face against my shoulder and inhales deeply, closing her eyes. Her arms wrap around Chloe and me and she settles one hand on my back. I press a sweet kiss to her forehead, swallowing back the surge of emotion that suddenly clogs my throat. They both act like I’ve been gone months instead of weeks, and I relish their enthusiasm at seeing me again. They missed me just as much as I’ve missed them.

We walk into the cabin and Chloe takes off as soon as I place her on her feet. She runs straight for the box of toys next to the couch, immediately pulling out a book that plays music when you open it. I’d thankfully had the forethought to purchase a few things for my daughter to play with while we stayed away from her usual home.

When I turn back to Abby, she’s watching Chloe with a look of contentment settled on her beautiful face. I cup her cheeks and bring her mouth to mine. Her lips part and her hands find my sides, resting just above my hips. Our tongues meet, gently at first, but grow more urgent by the second. One hand snakes into her hair, angling her head to the perfect position for my passionate kiss. My other hand grips her waist and pulls her against my body. I’m rock hard beneath the soft terry cloth and she groans when I press into her belly. Her fingers skim the top of the towel and my abdominal muscles contract.

When I relax my grip and pull away, her lips are glistening, pink and swollen from my kiss.

“I missed you,” I confess, my voice thick with need.

“I missed you, too.”

I need her so bad right now, but that’ll have to wait. I glance over at Chloe, who’s taken out all her new toys and is playing contentedly in the floor.

“What time does she usually take a nap?” I ask playfully, suggestively.

“Not for several more hours,” Abby chuckles.

I groan. “What should we do until then?” I bring her into my arms once more and gaze upon her slightly flushed face. Her bright green eyes dance with delight as she basks in my embrace. Elation splits my face into a huge smile. I never thought we’d get back to this. We had it once, what seems like a lifetime ago, but I didn’t think we had a chance at being this happy again.

“Chloe really enjoys the park. We could go there first?” she offers hopefully.

“Sounds good to me.” Whatever makes my baby girl happy. I open my mouth to speak again, but my stomach lets out a loud rumble. “Maybe we can grab breakfast first.”

“We already had breakfast,” Abby offers apologetically. “Well, Chloe had breakfast. I couldn’t eat,” she adds sheepishly.

“Why not?” I ask curiously, a little worried.

She shrugs. “Guess I was just really excited and nervous about today.” My heart damn near explodes out of my chest with her confession. How can she feel this way about me? I must be the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet.

“What do you say we grab something on the way and eat at the park while she plays?” I offer, gesturing towards Chloe.

“Okay,” she agrees easily.

I slip into my bedroom – our bedroom – to get dressed, and when I return, Abby and Chloe are waiting for me by the door. We step outside and Abby heads toward her car with Chloe in tow.

“We should take my car,” I say, pointing to my Range Rover.

“Well, okay,” she concedes, seemingly perplexed. “It’ll take me a few minutes to get Chloe’s car seat switched over.”

“No need,” I announce confidently and stride toward my vehicle. Her brow pinches together in confusion and she watches me curiously. They lift in surprise when I open the back door to reveal a state-of-the-art convertible car seat, expertly installed, I might add, nestled in the center on my back seat.

“Wow,” she praises. “You went all out, didn’t you?” She leans in and runs her hand over the soft, purple material covering it and I nod.

I did go all out. Keeping Chloe safe is my number one priority, and I wasn’t about to spare any expense to ensure that safety. She inspects my handiwork, pulling and tugging, ducking down to check that it’s latched correctly. It better be. It took me over an hour – and several YouTube videos – to install this damn thing.

Abby settles Chloe into the car seat and adjusts the straps to fit her properly before taking the seat next to me. We grab some pastries from a local bakery and head to the park. I push Chloe on a swing while Abby pretends to tickle her feet. She squeals with laughter, sweet giggles and belly shaking cackles filling my ears. She’s afraid to go down the slide, but with a little encouragement, she finally glides down it, her eyes wide and limbs stiff with fear. When she reaches the bottom and realizes she’s okay and that it was actually fun, she darts to the ladder, ready to go again.