How can I wake up this hard after getting off twice last night? I roll onto my back and reach between my legs, trying to soothe the ache, but it does me no good. It’s Abby’s touch I crave. I throw my covers off and slide out of bed. I’ll need a hot shower and an even hotter cup of coffee to get through this day.
When I get to Abby’s house, she’s at the stove frying up a pan full of eggs. Her hair is tossed into a messy bun and she’s wearing a fluffy pink robe over her sleep shorts and tank. Every time she angles her body toward me while she cooks, I get a glimpse of bare, tan legs and her beautiful natural breasts bouncing with her movements, no bra restraining them. I can’t stand it any longer. Striding toward her, I slip my hands under her robe and wrap my arms around her, pulling her in close. My lips find hers and she returns my kiss.
“How can you be so damn sexy in that outfit?” I reach up and brush my thumb over her nipple, nothing but the thin material of her cami between us. The skin puckers under my touch and I contemplate pulling the front of her shirt down and exploring her stiff peak with my mouth. But I’m sure Chloe will be awake soon, and even though she’s young and probably won’t remember, I don’t want her to catch me doing that to her mom.
“You’re crazy,” she admonishes playfully, shaking her head and pulling the pan off the burner. “I look like a slob.”
“No way,” I insist. “You could never look like a slob. You’re too beautiful.” I lean down and kiss her smiling lips. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her toward me. “I love you.”
She sighs contentedly. “I love you, too.”
Before I can kiss her again, Chloe cries from her crib, clearly awake and unhappy about being alone.
“I’ll get her.”
Chloe giggles and reaches for me when I walk into her room. “Dacob,” she coos.
I lift her out and set her on her feet. She runs toward the kitchen and embraces Abby’s legs. Abby picks her up and holds her close, kissing the tip of her nose. “Is your diaper dry?” she asks and checks it. “Do you need to go potty?” Chloe nods her head in the affirmative and they disappear down the hall. They return a few minutes later, both of them clapping with huge grins splitting their faces. “Guess what, Daddy? She peed on the potty!”
The breath gets knocked out of me with Abby’s comment. Daddy. She’s never called me that before. Nobody has.
When Abby looks at me and notices my expression, her face falls. “What’s wrong?”
“You called me daddy.” Her eyes widen as realization takes hold and her mouth forms an “O”.
“Daddy!” Chloe exclaims and reaches for me. I don’t know if it’s coincidence that she heard a new word and is excited to see me, or if it’s because she finally knows that’s who I am to her. It doesn’t matter. My little girl just called me daddy and I’m on cloud nine.
Tears shimmer in Abby’s eyes and she covers her mouth with her hand. I reach for her with my free arm and pull her into our embrace. It feels so good holding both of my girls. I never want to let them go.
“Are you going to the hospital this morning?” I ask as we finish up breakfast.
“Yeah, I’m gonna head over in about an hour. Ethan has been going in early as soon as visiting hours begin so I can spend my mornings with Chloe.”
“That’s good. How long will he be in town?”
“The rest of this week and maybe part of next. I don’t know what I’m going to do once he and Tiff are both gone. I’ll have to find someone to babysit Chloe while I work since my grandmother always watched her. And I only have one more day of leave before I have to go back.” Her face fills with worry and she looks like she’s on the verge of tears again.
“We’ll figure something out,” I assure her. We clear the table and clean the dishes while Chloe watches cartoons.
“Would you mind watching her while I go see my grandmother today?” she asks, wringing her hands nervously around a dish towel.
“I don’t mind at all.” My spirits lift at the prospect of spending time with my daughter. I’m also touched and a little relieved that she’s finally comfortable leaving her solely in my care, a sign of her growing trust in me.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime.” I bring her into my arms and hold her tight. When she tilts her head back, I plant a kiss on her soft lips.
“I’d better get a shower and get ready to leave.”
“If there wasn’t a tiny human running around here who needs constant supervision,” I speak into her ear, my voice low and gruff, “I’d join you in the shower and make sure every single inch of you is clean,” I vow. “After I get you completely filthy, that is.”
Her body shudders against my chest. “Ah, don’t say things like that when we can’t do anything about it.” She leans up on her tip toes and nips at my lip.
I grab her face and roughly devour her mouth. “Later,” I growl in promise.
Before Abby leaves for the hospital, she gives Chloe a long hug and several kisses. “I’m gonna miss you, Chloe Bug.” She squeezes her tight, making her giggle before setting her on her feet in front of her toys. She strides over to me and goes over “the list.” Little does she know, Ama has already given me the rundown on how to take care of Chloe. I know where the sunscreen and bug spray are. I know what snacks she’s allowed to have and what time she usually naps, how she likes her grilled cheese cut up and which cup to give her so she doesn’t throw a fit at lunch time. I keep my mouth shut though, and nod my head with each instruction.