His tongue dances with mine, our lips sliding over each other’s like we never went one day, let alone two years without kissing. He leans in, bending at the waist, and lifts me into the air. Walking me backwards, he presses me against my bedroom door. When my core connects with his hardened length, I moan against his lips. A low growl rumbles in his chest as he attacks my mouth with reignited fervor.

He breaks our kiss and before I can protest, he presses his lips to my jaw and trails them down the side of my throat. “Jacob,” I sigh. I forgot how good he felt, how good he tasted until now.

“Do you have any idea what that does to me?” he asks breathlessly, pressing his forehead to my shoulder. “The sound of my name in that breathy voice.” He lifts his head to stare into my eyes, emerald and ice searching for something that was lost. “It drives me crazy. It makes me want to shut out the world and spend the whole day wrapped in nothing but your sheets and your arms.”

“Me too,” I respond without thinking. Before I can second guess what I just admitted, his mouth crashes against mine again as he pulls me away from the door. He walks over to my bed and lays me down, his body hovering above mine.

“Raise your arms,” he instructs, and I comply without delay. He quickly removes my shirt and lets his gaze fall to my bare torso. “Still fucking perfect.” His praise warms my entire body from cheeks to toes. I’ve always had insecurities and having a baby didn’t make me any less self-conscious than before. But Jacob always had a way of making me feel confident and beautiful.

His lips find that spot between my neck and shoulder that makes me arch my back and moan. He slips his fingers underneath my bra strap and slowly eases it down my arm. With my heightened senses, the light touch causes goosebumps to spread over my skin. He returns his lips back to mine and slides his hand down to my chest, tugging at the cups of my bra. My breast pops free and he palms it before rubbing his thumb over the tightening peak. My hips jump and he groans against my mouth, his erection straining between us. His free hand slides up my thigh, disappearing beneath my shorts. It slides over my panties, his fingers curling over the material covering my butt and pulling. Slipping two fingers under the hem, he works his way to the front and brushes against the damp cotton in the middle. He kisses his way down the center of my chest and over my stomach, stopping at the top of my shorts. I hold my breath when he reaches for the button, not sure if I’m ready for what’s about to happen.

A shrill screech from the living room startles me and I bolt up in bed, pulling away from Jacob and his tantalizing touch. My heart races and I press my hand to my chest for a second before throwing my shirt back on and running from my bedroom.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, glancing down at Chloe. Her face is flushed and tears are streaming down her cheeks. “Are you hurt, baby?” I pick her up and look her over, not seeing any signs of injury. My grandmother chuckles and shakes her head.

“She’s hurt, alright. I wouldn’t give her the whole package of Oreos and it broke her little heart. Did you hear her wail of anguish?” she jokes.

Yeah, I heard it. Right as Jacob was getting ready to...

“Yeah, that’s why I ran in here. I thought something was wrong.” It feels like I’m panting and my skin is on fire. I just hope she doesn’t notice. If she does, she doesn’t say anything.

“Only thing that’s wrong with her is that she’s hitting the terrible twos a little early.”

Relieved that Chloe is okay, I hand her back to my grandmother and turn to head down the hallway. I catch sight of Jacob standing in the doorway with his shoulder leaned against the wall, a sexy smile spreading across his lips.

“I need to get ready,” I mutter as I slip past him. Before I can make it back to my bedroom, he grabs hold of me and pins me against the wall. He kisses me, tangling his fingers in my hair, his body pressed so hard against mine I don’t know where he ends and I begin.

“We’re going to finish what we started in there,” he whispers into my ear before releasing me. I’ve never heard a more enticing promise.

The festival isin full swing when we arrive. Vendors and food trucks line the street and a local band plays on stage. Ethan’s band is the main event and won’t go on until later. He and the guys got in this morning from Nashville, but I haven’t had a chance to see him yet. It’s been months since he’s been home, so I hope he can make it to our family dinner tomorrow. Though my grandmother and I miss him terribly, we love that he’s out in the world chasing his dream.

We eat corn dogs and french fries for dinner and grab an elephant ear for dessert. Chloe is in seventh heaven. I let her get her face painted and she does surprisingly well, holding still for the lady to apply the clown-like makeup. She squeals in excitement when she sees her reflection in the mirror.

I’m smiling up at Chloe perched on Jacob’s shoulders, my hand resting on his forearms as I wipe her mouth with a napkin when we run into Gavin. I’ve been avoiding him all week, and now standing face-to-face with him, seeing the hurt in his eyes, my stomach knots with guilt and regret.

“Give me a minute. I’ll catch up with you guys,” I promise my companions and wave them on. I don’t really want an audience for what’s about to happen.

“Abby,” he greets curtly.

“Hey, Gavin.” I smile weakly. “Sorry I haven’t called. This week has been... intense.”

“What the hell is going on?” he asks, motioning toward my family as they mosey down the lane. He doesn’t yell, but it’s obvious he’s struggling to keep his composure. His jaw ticks with irritation, his forearms flexing as he clenches his hands into fists before relaxing. I hate seeing him this mad. I hate it even more that I am the cause of it.

“It’s not what it looks like,” I reply automatically. But that’s a lie, isn’t it? What happened between Jacob and me earlier crossed the line, especially since I haven’t broken things off with Gavin yet. “Actually,” I begin, ready to face the consequences, “that’s not really true. It is what it looks like.”

He recoils, a stunned expression crossing his face as though I just slapped him. “So you’re with him now?” he sneers.

“No. I mean, yes. Well, not exactly.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

I understand his confusion. I’m not really making any sense. “It means I’m not sure about anything anymore.”

“Do you still love him? After everything he did to you?”

I bow my head, unable to meet his gaze. Do I still love Jacob? I spent so much time hating him, believing he’d done me wrong, that I haven’t stopped to think about whether I’m still in love with him.

I don’t know how to answer his question so I simply utter, “It’s complicated.”