“Okay.” I trust Tiff’s opinion on all things hair, makeup, and fashion.

Forty-five minutes later, my hair lays in a glossy sheet down my back, perfectly smooth, straight, and parted down the center. My makeup is done in warm neutrals, my eyelashes coated in black mascara. She managed to cover the bruising on the side of my face, which makes me both happy and sad at the same time. I tuck my melancholy into the back of my mind and let my excitement slide to the very front. I slip into my dress with a pair of white wedge sandals and some dainty silver earrings with a matching bracelet.

“I do believe you’re ready, sister.”

I can’t take my eyes off my reflection in the mirror. “Thanks, Tiff.” My hair looks beautiful. I’ve never seen it so shiny and straight. My makeup is impeccable. Even my eyebrows look better. I don’t know what she did to them, but I like it.

Tiff regards me thoughtfully, one arm crossing her chest, the opposite hand cradling her chin.

“What?” I ask, looking myself over, wondering if there’s something wrong with my outfit.

“Nothing,” she answers innocently. “I was just thinking I should have recorded this and used it as a tutorial for my YouTube channel.”

“You have a YouTube channel?”

Tiff scowls and drops her arms to her sides. “Really?” she asks incredulously. “I’ve had it for like, six months. I told you about it at Christmas.”

“Sorry,” I offer with a wince, feeling like a shitty friend for not remembering. It’s obviously important to her.

“If you had Instagram, you’d know this. I post all my videos on there.” I roll my eyes and chuckle at her persistence. She never gives up. Once she’s done pouting, I thank her again for helping me get ready and shoo her out of the bathroom.

Jacob greets me with a pleased grin when I walk into the kitchen. “You look beautiful.” He slides his arm behind my back and pulls me in close, grazing his lips over mine. “Ready?” I nod and return his smile.

We pull into the Lodge promptly at eleven-thirty, where Jacob hands his keys to the valet and escorts me inside. Never in my life did I think I’d be eating lunch somewhere that has valet service.

Jacob asks to be seated at one of the outdoor tables. He smiles down at me and squeezes my hand as she leads us towards through the restaurant. It’s sweet gestures like this that make me fall even more in love with him.

Jacob taps the hostess on the shoulder, leaning down to speak to her in a hushed tone. I can’t hear what he’s saying. I only see her glance down and nod, quietly replying with a “Yes, sir.” She shoves one hand deep into her pocket as the other opens a door for us, holding it as we pass through.

“Where would you like to sit?” she asks when we reach the deck.

Jacob turns to me and holds out his hand, silently encouraging me to choose our seats. I lead him to a small table closest to the railing. He pulls my chair out and waits until I’m seated comfortably before sliding into the chair across from me.

The hostess hands us our menus. “Your server will be with you shortly. Otherwise, you won’t be disturbed,” she assures us. I glance around, noticing we’re completely alone on the deck, and I wonder if we’re the only people who want to be seated out here. I thought this view would be much more popular.

I gaze out over the water, the late morning sun warming my skin. I close my eyes and tilt my face upwards, embracing the bright, life-giving rays. I can appreciate why some ancient cultures worshipped the sun.

When I open my eyes, Jacob is watching me, a lopsided grin pulling up one side of his delicious mouth. I blush, having lost myself to the beauty of the nature surrounding us for a moment. I open my lunch menu as the waiter approaches our table to take our drink orders. He tells us all about their brunch cocktails, but I’m not the least bit interested in drinking. It may be a while before I’m comfortable drinking in public again.

Once we’ve ordered our food and drinks, I motion to the deck rails. “Do you mind?” I ask.

“Not at all.”

I stand up and take the few steps separating our table from the solid wood and wrought iron railing. I place my hands on the smooth surface and breathe in the fresh air. The sound of gently flowing water is incomparably peaceful. I hear the legs on Jacob’s chair scrape against the floor as he stands. A moment later, his arms are wrapped firmly around my waist, his chest pressed against my back.

“It’s beautiful up here.” His lips move against my hair.

“It’s absolutely stunning.” I turn towards him and look up into his eyes, even more captivating in the bright sunlight. “Thank you for bringing me back. The view is amazing. You just don’t get this anywhere else.”

“You’re welcome.” He holds me tighter and presses his lips to my forehead. “I wonder what all of this looks like from the sky.”

“I can’t even imagine. I’m sure it’s breathtaking.” He smiles and kisses me one last time before leading me back to our table.

We enjoy our lunch at a leisurely pace. I don’t have to be at work until two, so there’s no rush. Jacob tells me more about his schooling and what he plans to do when he finishes. I tell him about how my love of nature led me to choose to study biology. It’s just so easy being with him. He’s everything I could ever want in a man. He’s strong but kind. He’s generous and driven. He’s so easy to fall in love with. I never really stood a chance.

When we finish dessert, Jacob lays down his fork and studies me for a moment, contemplation etched across his face. Finally, he leans forward, placing his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his knuckles.

“How do you feel about staying with me the rest of the week?”