“Dude, you've got it bad,” Luke taunts from across the table.
I pull my eyes from Abby's retreating figure to look at him in confusion.
“Don't give me that look, fucker. You know exactly what I'm talking about.” “No, I don't,” I answer with irritation. “So, enlighten me.”
“I see the way you look at her. You can't wait to tap that.”
“Does that tiny prick of yours dictate your every thought?”
He smirks, ignoring my insult. He reclines back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest. “You're not denying it. Guess that means I'm right.”
“Has it ever occurred to you that there is more to a woman than what’s between her legs?” Luke’s a great friend, but he is a base creature with no concept of how romantic relationships are supposed to work. Not that I’m a saint, but at least I don’t view members of the opposite sex as a series of holes to bury my dick in like he does. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to explore every inch of Abby’s amazing body, but there’s more to her than a nice ass, plump lips, and killer legs.
“Of course.” He feigns offense. “I find their mouths to be quite useful as well.”
I’m really starting to hate his face every time he smirks at me like he is right now. I shake my head, hoping that nobody is listening to our conversation. I have a feeling most of the people in this little town would be appalled by what he just said.
Abby stops by our booth to let us know our order should be up soon. When she returns a few minutes later, she's balancing a tray with two hot plates on it with one hand and has two open green bottles in the other.
“Here's your cheeseburger and onion rings,” she says, setting Luke's plate down in front of him. “And the country fried chicken platter for you.” She places the steaming dish in front of me and the enticing aroma makes my mouth water. “Everything look alright?”
“Oh, yeah. It looks really good,” Luke replies, his eyes scanning down her body. “And it smells delicious,” he adds with a roguish grin. He turns his attention to his food without meeting my eye. I flatten my hands, palms pressed against the table on each side of my plate. The urge to slug him is like an itch I’m inevitably going to scratch.
“Great! Can I get y’all anything else?” she asks, oblivious to the fact that Luke is blatantly taunting me.
“Not right now. Just keep the beer coming,” Luke answers with a mouth full of cheeseburger, devouring nearly half of it in one bite. He moans appreciatively, making Abby giggle.
“Sure thing.”
“No more for me. I'll have a water.” Somebody’s got to get us home and Luke isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. Not that he ever does.
“Oh, don't be such a pussy! We can call a cab,” he chimes in, chomping on a handful of onion rings. He is disgusting. No wonder he doesn't go on many dates. The chicks he sleeps with would be repulsed if they saw how he eats.
“It's no big deal. We call cabs for patrons all the time,” Abby says, looking back and forth between Luke and me.
“No, it's okay. I'm good. Thanks, though.” I also want to keep a clear head around this girl. I have a feeling she’s going to keep me on my toes.
“You're welcome.”
She leaves us to finish our meal uninterrupted. When she comes back, she brings Luke another beer and me a water, and grabs our plates to clear them away. “Can I get you anything else? Dessert, maybe?”
Luke and I are both stuffed and turn down the offer, but I speak up before she has a chance to walk away. “This place looks like it's starting to clear out. Could I buy you a beer?”
She thinks on it for a few seconds before responding. “You could... but I wouldn't drink it.”
I instantly feel my face fall, the sting of her rejection a devastating blow to my ego. Did I read the situation all wrong? I thought she felt the same electric attraction that I do. Guess the joke’s on me. I’m feeling utterly deflated when a mischievous smile curls up her perfectly pouty lips.
“You see that lady over there? The redhead behind the bar?” She motions with a jerk of her head to the woman opening a bottle of beer and I nod. “That's my Aunt Roselyn. She owns this joint and she would drag me out of here by my ear if she caught me drinking on the job.” She pauses for a moment, then adds, “Besides, I don't drink beer.”
“Whatdoyou drink?” I suddenly have to know.
“Whiskey, usually. Or moonshine, if ya got any.”
Wow, this petite country girl who drinks moonshine and can handle Luke's crude humor just knocked me on my ass.
Before I can respond, a busty blonde with a shirt that matches Abby’s is standing next to our booth. I recognize her as the server who’s been eying our table all night. She bumps Abby’s shoulder with her own to get her attention.
“Who’re your friends here?” she asks with a flirty smile.