“I agree. Thatwouldbe nice.”

I know it'll be late when she gets off work, but maybe I can convince her to come home with me for just a little while. She left that little bikini hanging on the shower rod to dry, and it’s been taunting me ever since. I'd give anything to see her in it again. Or out of it.

I lean forward on my elbows, bringing myself close enough to notice the faint scent of honey on her skin. “Perhaps you could spare just a little bit of your time this evening to take advantage of a severely underutilized hot tub? I mean, we've been practically negligent.”

A small smile curves the edges of her lips. “I think I could manage that. I don't have to be back here until eleven tomorrow. I'm sure I could spare an hour or two. My musclesarefeeling kind of sore.” She rolls her shoulders for emphasis.

“Well, if you play your cards right, you may just get a message for those sore muscles.”

Her body shivers visibly and I can't hide my cocky grin.

I LOSE TRACKof how many shots Luke downs, but he's already slurring his words and cussing like a sailor. Loudly. I've gotta get him out of here before theythrowus out. Tiff brings him a cup of coffee in the hopes of sobering him up, but he's too far gone for that.

“You coming over tonight? Abby's coming. We can all get in the hot tub again.” Luke tries to entice Tiff to come home with us with his lopsided grin and typical panty-dropping charisma, but tonight it doesn't seem to be working.

“I don't think so, big guy.” She leans in and bats her big blue eyes at him to soften the blow. “I think you've had a little too much to drink tonight, and I'm not sure I'm strong enough to rescue you if you pass out in the water.”

He frowns and furrows his eyebrows. I half expect him to cross his arms over his chest and stomp his foot like a four-year-old, but he doesn't. Instead, he reaches out and grabs her around the waist, pulling her towards him.

“If I promise not to drink too much, will you come stay with me tomorrow night?” he asks, burying his face in her neck and inhaling deeply. This is completely abnormal behavior for him. He never gets this affectionate with women, even when he's hammered.

“Sure thing, sweetie.” She caresses the side of his face gently before wiggling out of his grip. He reaches for her as she slips away, but lets his arms fall to his sides as he watches her retreating form.

I pay our bill and leave Tiff a substantial tip. She deserves it after having to put up with Luke's drunk ass all evening. Seeing that we’re leaving, Abby stops by our table, balancing a tray full of tall draft beers.

“Y’all headin' out?” she asks, shifting the load from one hand to the other without spilling a drop.

“Yeah, I need to get home and put him to bed,” I tell her, nodding towards Luke. He flips me off and scowls. “Do you remember how to get to the cabin? Are you okay with driving yourself, or do you want me to come back and get you?”

She shakes her head and smiles. “No, I remember. I've been navigating these parts for a long time. I'll be just fine,” she assures me. I sometimes forget how independent she is. Knowing how little she needs me both drives me crazy and turns me on. I love the fact that she’s self-reliant, but I also want to be her damn hero. Corny, I know.

“Okay, I'll see you in a little bit, then.” I quickly brush her cheek with the backs of my fingers, fighting the temptation to use my lips instead. Luke stumbles halfway to the door, and I catch up with him just as he's about to topple a waitress with a tray full of food. He smiles down at her and winks, causing her to blush and giggle.

“Come on, Casanova, let's get you home.”

The wait for Abby to get to the cabin isn't long but feels like an eternity. When I finally hear the timid knock, I jump to my feet and rush to open the door.

“Hey,” she greets, smiling up at me. Her right arm is crossed over her body, her hand holding the opposite elbow. She looks like a shy school girl talking to her crush for the first time.

“Hey, come on in.” I step aside to let her pass. She seems nervous, and I grin to myself. She's so different from the girls I'm used to back home, with their noses in the air and perfectly manicured nails they wouldn’t dare to risk soiling by doing yard work. She's modest, sweet, and completely unaware of the effect she has on most guys.

“Do you want a drink?”

“Just a water would be fine,” she answers, following me into the kitchen. I grab two bottles from the fridge and hand one to her.

“Your bathing suit is sitting on the vanity in my bathroom. You want to slip it on and meet me outside?” I nod towards the balcony. As much as I want to assist her, the wisest thing I can do right now is leave her alone to change.


She heads towards my bedroom and I step out onto the balcony, pulling my t-shirt over my head before easing down into the water in my board shorts. My achy muscles instantly relax in the hot water. I lean my head back and close my eyes, waiting on my bikini-clad angel. A few minutes later, she walks through the sliding glass doors with an over-sized beach towel wrapped around her petite frame. My eyes roam over her curves when she drops the towel and steps into the water, a pulsating need rushing into my groin. She sinks down across from me with a sigh, and I could swear the temperature rises when she does.

“Wow, this was a good idea.” She closes her eyes and rests her head on the ledge behind her.

“What are you doing all the way over there? It feelsmuchbetter on this side,” I assure her. I want her close to me.

“Is that so?” Her flirtatious response turns me on even more.

“Come see for yourself.”