“You promise you're okay? He didn't hurt you?” I ask, lowering my forehead to press against hers. I close my eyes tightly and wait for her reply.

“I promise.” She presses her lips gently to mine and offers a sweet kiss. I open my eyes and gaze into the emerald pools staring back at me. Something electric crackles in the air between us and I capture her mouth, kissing her more deeply this time.

My adrenaline is still rushing and my heart is pounding from the anticipation of a fight, but all that energy is redirected when she slips her tongue between my lips. I kiss her back fiercely and revel in the sound of her lustful moan. I reach down, gripping the lever that adjusts my seat and push it all the way back. In one smooth motion, I pull her into my lap to straddle me and press my erection into her, wishing there were no boundaries between us.

I need her. I want her. And if I don't have her soon, I might just explode. She digs her fingernails into my shoulders and grinds her hips against me. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to my body, not caring one bit that we’re sitting in the parking lot where she works. My hands slide up her back in search of the clasp on her bra, but before I have a chance to unhook it, my phone blares from my pocket, startling us both.

Abby pulls back, panting, and looks around as if she just realized where we are for the first time and climbs off my lap. “You better get that. It might be important,” she asserts, smoothing her clothes.

Reluctantly, I pull my phone out and swipe my finger across the screen. “Hello,” I bite out in irritation.

“Jacob,” the familiar voice greets hastily. “Is Abby with you? I can't get ahold of her.”

“Yeah, she's right here,” I reply, handing my phone to Abby. “It's Tiff.”

“Hey, Tiff.” Abby greets her friend and then listens for a moment. “My phone died and I haven't had time to charge it.” She pauses briefly, and I hear Tiff's frantic voice through the phone, warning her of the time. “Oh, shit! I didn't realize it was that late.” Abby's panicked now and gives me the sign that we need to leave so I pull out of the parking lot. “I'll be there as soon as possible.” She hangs up the phone and hands it back to me. “Shit,” she exclaims again. “I should've picked Tiff up already. She's freaking out because I'm never late, and wasn’t answering her calls.” Abby worries her lip between her teeth, and although I think it's hot as hell, I hate to see her in distress.

I pull her hand into my lap and lace my fingers between hers. “I'll just pick her up and drop you two off at work. I'm sure Luke won't mind grabbing a late dinner and a few beers, and then we can take you both home.”

The hopeful look on Abby's face makes me glad I thought of this solution. “You'd do that? I don't want to put you out.”

“You're not putting me out. I'm happy to do it.”

Her tense shoulders visibly relax and she takes a deep breath. “Thank you so much. You're about to save me from my Aunt Roselyn’s wrath. Trust me, I donotwant to get on her bad side.”

Abby asks to borrow my phone again so she can text Tiff and let her know we’re on our way. “She still probably won’t be ready,” she adds with an eye roll, handing my phone back. She seems to have forgotten all about whatever happened earlier at work. I hate to bring it up again, but I need to know exactly what transpired.

“Before we get to Tiff's, I need you to tell me what happened earlier with that guy. What’s his name, anyway?”

She lets out a defeated sigh. “Caleb.”

That's all she offers, forcing me to probe further. “What did Caleb do to you?” I try to keep my voice even and calm. Losing my cool again will just upset her.

“I came out to meet you, but you weren't there.” I know she doesn't mean anything by it, but her remark stings. I already feel guilty about being late, and her comment just makes me feel worse. “My phone died as I was trying to call you, so I went back inside to find another phone. I was going to call Tiff and have her get your number from Luke because I couldn't remember it, but Caleb found me in the office and cornered me.”

It takes everything I have to keep my body language neutral and remain calm, but I feel my grip on the steering wheel tighten, causing my knuckles to turn white. He cornered her. She must have been scared, and it's all that asshole’s fault.

“He asked me out and when I refused him, he got upset. He asked me why and wanted an explanation for not wanting to date him. I told him I wasn't interested and that I was seeing someone. When I tried to leave, he grabbed my arm. I have no idea what he would've done to me had someone not come into the office just then.”

Guilt and anger consume me. If I had just been there on time, this wouldn't have happened. “I'm so sorry, Abby. I should've been there.”

“It's not your fault,” she tries to assure me. “Caleb is a creep, and he’s always made me feel uneasy. Until now, he's never been that aggressive towards me. I'm going to talk to my boss about it. Avery's the one who walked in on us, so I have a witness.”

“Why would you need a witness? Is your word not good enough?”

She hesitates. “He’s related to the owners of the company, and I'm afraid they'll take his side if I don't have someone to back up my story.”

They better not dismiss this incident!I glance at her, noticing a fresh bruise forming on her arm from his assault. I swear, I’ll hire the best damn legal team money can buy to bring that place down if justice is not served for her.

“They won't take his side. I'm sure Avery will back you up.” The conversation ends as we pull into Tiff's driveway.

She hops in with a big smile on her face. “NowI see why you were running late,” she teases, oblivious to the tension in the air. “I bet it's a nice change,havinga chauffeur instead ofbeingone, for once.” She tosses a folded up green t-shirt into Abby's lap. “Here. I figured you'd need this.”

“Thanks, Tiff,” Abby conveys, visibly relieved. “I hadn't even thought about it.”

“Any time, sugar,” Tiff replies in a faux southern accent, adding a wink for emphasis.

The three of us make small talk until I pull into Rosie's parking lot with only a few minutes to spare.