When we pull up to the entrance of New River Adventures, I thank Jacob for bringing me to work and hop out of the car. He gets out and swiftly comes around to my side, surprising me when he pulls me into his arms.

“I'm going to miss you while you're gone,” he admits, cupping each side of my face, dipping his head and pressing his lips to mine. His tongue barely grazes my bottom lip, but it's enough to send searing heat down between my legs. I grip his biceps to keep my knees from buckling beneath me. His kiss is all too brief. “See you at five.” With that, he gets back in his car and leaves me standing there like a love-struck idiot.

Once my legs no longer feel like Jell-O, I turn to walk into work. Avery is standing there, mouth agape like she just witnessed something shocking.

“Holy mother of all hot guys!” she exclaims. “Who wasthat?”

I feel the flush of embarrassment creeping up my neck and flooding my cheeks as I duck my head. I hadn't realized anyone was standing there to witness our PDA, though I have a feeling Jacob knew and was claiming me as his.

“That's Jacob,” I answer hastily and scurry past her before she can ask any more questions.


DROPPING ABBY OFFat work is harder than I thought it would be. I'm not ready to give her up after the night we shared. She was so sexy with her lips wrapped around me, her hair cascading over my groin and tickling the tops of my thighs. Her beautiful, naked form was nearly my undoing. I wanted to lay her on her back and spread her wide open so I could bury myself deep inside her, and I know she would have let me. I could see it in her eyes. She wanted me too, but I couldn't do that.

Our first time is going to be epic. Unforgettable. Earth-shattering. I'm going to make it perfect for her. It will be like nothing she's ever experienced before.

Her tan legs poking out of those little white shorts are enough to make me reconsider letting her out of the car, but I do. She tries to slip out without giving me a kiss goodbye, but I'm not letting her off that easy. I get out and round the hood, reaching her before she can get very far. Holding her soft face in my hands, I claim her mouth with mine. I don't care that one of her coworkers is standing there gaping at us. Actually, I kind of like the fact that someone is watching. Now they'llknowshe’s mine.

Reluctantly, I let her go and hop back into my car. I need to leave before I change my mind, throw her over my shoulder like a Neanderthal, and take her back to my cabin to ravage her.

I drive back to the campsite so I can start packing it up. It looks as though Luke and Tiff have yet to join the land of the living. They were probably up all night breaking in the mattress. I'm sure Luke will want to tell me all about it later. He likes to recount his conquests to me in great detail as if I care about where his dick has been.

I finish loading Abby's gear and start cleaning up. I didn't realize how much of a mess we made last night. It's nearly eleven o'clock when Luke emerges from the camper, squinting his eyes and shielding them from the bright morning sun with his hand.

“What the hell are you doing, J? You're being loud as shit,” he complains, obviously annoyed at being woken up before noon. I can't help but laugh at his appearance. He's noticeably hungover and looks like cousin Eddie standing in the camper's doorway.

“What the fuck's so funny, asshole?” he asks irritably.

“You, dick breath,” I chuckle. “You look like you belong in a trailer park.” He's shirtless, with bare feet and only a pair of mesh shorts hanging low on his hips. It doesn't help that he’s scratching his balls. All he needs now is a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth and a trucker hat to complete the look. I grab the bag of leftover hot dog buns and toss them to him. “Help me clean this place up. It looks like a frat house exploded out here.” There are beer bottles and red plastic cups littered on the ground and folding lawn chairs surrounding the remnants of our campfire. Thankfully, the girls put most of the food away so it wouldn't attract unwanted visitors in the middle of the night.

Luke grumbles something unintelligible and retreats back inside. He returns a few minutes later wearing a t-shirt and flip flops, still looking douchey as hell.

“You're more annoying than an itchy ball sack, ya know?” he grumbles as he snatches a trash bag from my hands. Luke's digs are more amusing than they are insulting, especially considering how he was scratching his own sack only moments earlier.

“Cleaning up your shit is the only way to relieve the itch,” I quip. He just glares at me and flips me off. He's so cranky in the morning.

Luke continues to grouse as we clean up around the campsite. I ignore his contemptible protests and work until everything is cleared out.

The sound of Tiff exiting the camper draws our attention her way. “Hey, gorgeous,” Luke greets, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in close. I avert my gaze when he kisses her, practically shoving his tongue down her throat. He's such an animal.

Tiff finally pulls away from his sloppy kiss and looks up at him. “Could you take me home now? I've gotta work later and I have a ton of stuff to do beforehand.”

“Sure, baby. Let me just finish up here and we'll head out.” He slaps her ass as she turns to leave, eliciting a squeal and giggle from her. “It's a shame we aren't going to be here for long,” Luke divulges, turning back to me. “I could have a lot of fun with her.”

“Isn't that what you're doing now?”

“Well, yeah, but we could have evenmorefun if we didn't have to leave so soon.”

This is weird. He's never wanted to spend more time with one of his fuck buddies before. Maybe Abby was right. Perhaps Lukeisdeveloping feelings for Tiff.

I leave Luke to attend to his girl and head back to my home away from home. He and I plan on fishing for a few hours today, so I stop to get some bait on the way. I load up our fishing rods and tackle box and wait for him to return, although I'm starting to get impatient since I need to be back in time to get Abby. He’s obviously not in any hurry to get back and has never given two shits about wasting anybody else’s time. Plus, he knows it annoys the piss out of me.

Finally, around twelve-thirty, he comes strolling in with a shit-eating grin on his face and a spring in his step. I don't even want to know what that's all about, but he tells me anyway.

“Sorry I'm late,” he gloats. “Had to give my girl a little something to keep her satisfied for the rest of the day.”Man, he's a pig.“Mmm,mmm, that girl is insatiable.” He licks his lips and grabs his junk like I'm supposed to be impressed. “You are a shame to the male species.”

“Oh, come on. Don't act like you aren't doing the same exact thing,” he scoffs incredulously. “And I'm not judging you for tapping that.” Luke must read the apprehension on my face. Technically I'm not “tapping” anything, but he doesn't need to know that. He doesn't need to know what I do or don’t do with her. That's between me and Abby and I'd like to keep it that way.