Soon his body starts to stiffen, and I know he’s close. I speed up the motion with my hand and alternate sucking him deep into my mouth and swirling my tongue around the tip. He hardens even further and I can tell he's about to come. Suddenly, he yanks me back up his body and captures my mouth in a bruising kiss. He wraps his hand around mine, guiding my strokes until he releases onto his stomach. His grip on me loosens, his whole body relaxing.
I look for something to clean him off with while he catches his breath, but I find nothing. I put my shorts back on and search for my top. “I'll be right back,” I say slipping it over my head. Stepping out of the tent, I tiptoe my way towards the camper and find some of our supplies still sitting out. Grabbing a handful of napkins, I return to Jacob and help him clean up.
“Come here,” he commands, opening his arms to me. I comply and lay down next to him. I wonder why he pulled me away before his release but say nothing. He hooks his finger under my chin, lifting my face to his. His lips brush mine in a sweet and gentle kiss.
“I wanted to kiss you,” he hints, studying my face. Oh.Oh,that makes sense.He dips his head and kisses me again, this time probing his tongue between my lips. I open up and let him in, savoring the taste of him. He pulls back and kisses my forehead, remaining quiet for a few moments before speaking again. “I've never wanted to do that before, ya know,” he starts. “Kiss a girl afterward.” He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “You're different, though. There's something special about you.” His words warm my heart and those butterflies take flight in my stomach again. I nuzzle into his chest and take in the masculine scent of his skin.
We lay there in silence for a while, Jacob gently stroking my back with his fingers. “What's your schedule like tomorrow?” he asks.
“I'm working all day.”
“What time do you get off?
“You're working thirteen hours tomorrow? That's insane!” he announces, his voice laced with worry.
“Well, technically, I'm only working twelve. Ziplines from nine to five, then Rosie's from six to ten,” I elaborate. Not that the hour break makes much of a difference.
“Still, that makes for a long day. Do you always work like that?”
“Only during the summer. I don't have much time to work during school. That's why I'm working like I am now. I have to save up.”
“You're amazing, you know that?” he proclaims reverently, kissing my forehead. “Most people couldn't do what you do. Hell, I know I couldn't do it.”
“Sure you could,” I assure him. “People do what they have to. It may be hard right now, but it will pay off in the end.”
“Okay, what are you doing the day after?”
The fact that he’s trying to plan a way to spend more time with me makes my heart flutter and my insides tingle with anticipation. I want to sigh and melt into this sleeping bag, but I try to control my excitement. “I work at Rosie's from four to ten, but I have to do yard work before I go in,” I reveal with a pout. The yard work really should've been done today, but I wanted to spend time with Jacob. These are the things Ethan used to help out with when he lived at home. Now it's all up to me.
“How long will that take?”
“A few hours,” I reply.
“A few hours?” he asks, surprised. “Why on earth would it take that long?”
“Well, between mowing and raking and weed eating, there's a lot to be done.” I doubt he's ever done any of those things, and probably has no idea what all it entails.
“What if I help you? Will that make things go faster?” Somehow, this man continues to surprise me. He’s always willing to help with whatever I need.
“Well, sure it would, but I can't ask you to do that.”
“You didn't ask,” he replies with a genuine smile. “I offered. And I insist.”How can I say no to that?“Let me help you. Then we can do something fun before you have to work.”
“Okay, I'll let you help me. But on one condition,” I add with a sly smile.
“Name it.”
“You have to let me make you dinner Friday night.” Dinner is the perfect way to show him my appreciation, and I’ve always heard that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Plus, I have ulterior motives. Promising him a home-cooked meal ensures that I’ll get to spend more time with him.
“Done,” he replies without hesitation. “I'm looking forward to it.” He tugs me in closer and kisses me one last time before we fall asleep.
THE NEXT MORNING,the alarm on my phone goes off way too early. I groan and silence it, hitting snooze. Jacob stirs beside me but doesn't wake. I take this opportunity to study his beautiful, yet masculine face and sculpted planes of his upper body. At some point in the night, he must have covered us with a blanket. I'm warm and toasty snuggled up next to him. We never got into our sleeping bags, instead, using them to lie on. I start to drift off again, but my alarm screeches in protest.
I silence it again as Jacob yawns and stretches next to me. “Better get up,” he admonishes sleepily. “Don't want you to be late for work.” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest.
“How can I possibly get up with you lying next to me?” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them, and a huge grin splits Jacob's face.