LUKE AND Ihave hiked for hours with nothing but protein bars and bottled water to keep us going. I'm ready for a beer and something to ingest that doesn't come in a wrapper. Luke suggests some place called Rosie's, and I'm so tired and hungry I don't even question his choice.

We shower and dress quickly, hunger our only motivation for moving our exhausted bodies. By the time we arrive at a little place off the highway with a parking lot jam-packed with cars, I’m ravenous and ready to throttle Luke. Thanks to his terrible navigation skills, we end up driving nearly fifteen minutes in the wrong direction before getting stuck behind a big green tractor.

“Are you sure about this place?” I ask. “It looks like we’re going to be waiting a while, and I’m starving.” My stomach lets out a loud gurgle, audibly confirming my hunger.

“Quit acting like a little bitch. It'll be fine,” he says, brushing off my concern. “Besides, this is supposed to be one of the best restaurants in town.”

“Alright, dickhead, but I don't want to hear you complaining because your out-of-shape ass can't stuff your fat face anytime soon.” I can never pass up an opportunity to tease Luke about his physique. He's really not in bad shape, but he’s so vain and arrogant, I get a kick out of cracking on him.

“Dude, you're such a dick. If your mom wasn't a grade “A” MILF, I wouldn't even hang out with you,” he taunts. I don't take the bait, though. He's been doing this for years. It used to piss me off, but I finally realized my anger just added fuel to the fire, so I stopped giving him the satisfaction of reacting to his lewd comments about my mother.

We walk through the door of the small restaurant and bar and are confronted by the bustle of the popular eatery. The place is hopping and there's barely room to stand in the tiny waiting area. Luckily, the three groups ahead of us are seated quickly so we don’t have to wait very long.

The hostess blushes and averts her eyes as we approach the podium when our name is called. “Hi, I'm Sarah. Welcome to Rosie's,” she says with a nervous giggle. Oh, no. Luke loves this kind of reaction from girls. The shy, innocent ones are like an intriguing challenge for him as if there's a grand prize for bagging one of them. “Have y’all ever eaten with us before?” she asks, glancing over her shoulder as we follow her to our table. There’s a twang in her voice that has grown more and more prevalent since we crossed the state line.

“Nope, first time here,” Luke answers. “We're virgins.”

Her step falters and she nearly trips, her eyes growing wide with his suggestive admission.

“O-okay,” she stammers, a blush staining her fair cheeks. “Here's your table. Your server will be with you shortly.” She hands us two menus and scurries off.

“I gotta take a leak. I'll be right back,” Luke informs me as I slide into my seat. “Order me a beer,” he throws over his shoulder as he heads to the restroom.

It's a few minutes before anyone makes it to our table since the place is so busy. I’m scanning my menu, so hungry I consider ordering one of everything, when someone finally approaches. My eyes are still glued to the laminated page in front of me when she begins to speak, but the little gasp that interrupts her sentence catches my attention and my head snaps up to meet her gaze.

Two emerald pools look back at me in surprise. Thick black lashes frame her almond-shaped eyes. Her long, dark hair hangs in waves that cascade down her back with the sides swept back, away from her beautiful face. I'm close enough this time to notice her high cheekbones and perfect little nose. Damn, she is exquisite. We simply stare at each other for a moment, neither one of us able to form words. I don't even know this girl's name, but I’m powerless to stop the images in my mind of her naked and moaning beneath me.

She repeats her question, shaking me from my lascivious thoughts. I order our drinks, but before she has time to respond, Luke plops down in the seat across from me, being his usual repulsive self. I want to punch his rude ass right in the mouth. Who says shit like that in front of a girl you just met?

My irritation grows when he greets her, addressing her by name. I know they talked earlier, but his familiarity with her is unnerving. I’m sure he started running his game on her back at the ziplines. An odd and unfamiliar spark of jealousy ignites my temper and I work to clamp down my irritation. As much as I don’t want to see her end up as one of his many easily-forgotten conquests, I have no claim to her.

I try to excuse Luke for not having any manners as I glare at him. I don't want her to think we're just a couple of assholes. Well, she can think Luke's an asshole. He is.

We introduce ourselves, and I finally have a chance to talk to her, but Luke interrupts again. I get the distinct feeling he’s doing this on purpose, trying to get under my skin. And it’s working. The tension eases out of me a bit with Abby's smart-ass retorts to Luke’s questions. A smart mouthanda killer body. Where did this angel come from?

Once Abby leaves to grab our drinks, I focus my attention back on myfriend.“You’re such a dick.”

Luke looks up from his menu, surprise washing over his face. “What?”

“Are youtryingto be a complete douche, or does it just come naturally?”

Luke doesn't miss a beat. “It's natural,” he deadpans as he looks back at his menu.

I laugh at him and then curse under my breath. Damn it. I have a hard time staying mad at this asshole. When Abby returns and our orders are scribbled in her note pad, I jump on the opportunity to make conversation with her.

“So, where are you from?” I know it’s lame, but I’ve got to start the conversation somewhere.

“Born and raised right here,” she beams, her spine straightening with pride. “Where are y'all from?” There’s just a hint of that twang in her voice, and it's the cutest damn thing I've ever heard.

“Arlington,” Luke answers for us.

“Oh, what are you doing all the way out here?”

Running and hiding. Avoiding the press.“Just needed to get away. Wanted to try a few new things. White water rafting, rock climbing, ziplining.” I smile knowingly at that last part and watch as a blush tints her cheeks, a coquettish grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. I continue before my mind can conjure all the things I’d like to do with that beautiful mouth. “We heard this was the best place to do it.” I leave out the part about being the son of a United States Senator and having advisors and journalists up my ass all the time.

“Well, you heard right.” She smiles this devastatingly beautiful smile and I sense the pride in her words. She loves this place and it shows. It's good to be proud of where you come from. Too many people are ashamed of their roots. “I'm gonna go put your order in so the cook can get started on it, but I'll be back to check on you soon.”

“Thanks,” I say before she turns toward the kitchen.