I check his harness one last time, making sure all the connections are secure and the straps are tightened. Before I can attach him to the cable, he turns to his friend, jutting out his pelvis and calling attention to his bulging man parts. Once he’s done admiring his own package, he turns back around, allowing me to secure him to the line.

“I'm Luke, by the way.”

“Abby,” I offer my name.

“Nice to meet you, Abby.” He gives me another one of his crooked, panty-dropping smiles. “My buddy and I are thinking about grabbing something to eat later. Any suggestions?”

“Rosie's Bar & Grille,” I reply automatically, then mentally kick myself for it. I can’t believe I just gave this wannabe Casanova the name of the restaurant where I wait tables. I'm so used to endorsing the place, it's just second nature to recommend it to customers.

“Is that where you’ll be tonight?” He raises one eyebrow, shamelessly scanning my body.

Of course that’s where I’ll be. I freaking work there. But I keep that bit of information to myself. My eyes find his handsome blond friend again. He glares at Luke with irritation and I sense just a hint of jealousy. An involuntary smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

“Yeah,” I reply nonchalantly, certain he has no intention of showing up.

“Great, I’ll see you there.” His smile oozes confidence. I’m sure he’s used to getting what he wants. Without another word he takes off, sailing through the air. Hoots and hollers echo through the open space.

His buddy doesn’t appear to share his enthusiasm. After stepping into Caleb’s line and waiting while his harness was secured, he stands at the edge, his grip tightening on the cable as he peers into the forest below. He squeezes his eyes shut and heaves a deep breath before staring into the abyss once more. Is he afraid of heights?

He throws one last look my way before refocusing his attention on what awaits, his features morphing from uncertainty to determination. He takes one last deep, cleansing breath and lets go. As he glides away out of my sight, I wonder if I’ll ever see him again.


I SHIELD MYeyes against the blinding rays of the midday sun and breathe deep, filling my lungs with fresh mountain air. Yawning and stretching my stiff muscles, I take in my surroundings. Wet earth beneath my feet, lush green foliage, and a clear blue sky.


It's a relief to finally be here. I’ve spent the last five hours in a car with Luke, which is enough to test anyone's sanity. He may be my best friend, but he isn't someone you want to be in a confined space with for very long. Between his off-key singing, constant stories about all the hot chicks he's “smashed,” and the repulsive stench of his never-ending flatulence, I'm considering leaving him here and letting him find his own way home. I would never actually do that, but a guy can dream.

I've been waiting months for this trip, desperate to get away from the constant pressure and expectations. It’s just too much. I can't even think straight most of the time. The chaos is consuming me, like a tidal wave that won't recede. Eventually, it's going to drown me. Two whole weeks in the West Virginia hills with no family, no exams, and no microscope is exactly what I need. Nobody around to analyze my every move, telling me how to act and how to live my life. Maybe I can finally catch my breath away from my meddling mother and Dad’s overzealous advisors.

That's why Luke and I are here, in this podunk West Virginia town. Here we can be anonymous. Nobody knows who I am, and nobody cares. After finals, we both needed a reprieve from the chaos. Of course, Luke's chaos is much different from mine. Finals week was tough for him since he likes to binge drink and go home with a different girl every night. Dude leads such a hard life. The asshole never studies. I don't know how he manages to maintain his stellar GPA. I, on the other hand, study to the point of delirium. Luke says that's my problem, that I need tochill. It's hard tochillwhen I've got so much riding on my education and my parents are up my ass about making the Dean’s list.

“Hey, dick breath, what do you want to do first?” Luke asks, startling me from my thoughts. I glance at him over the hood of my car, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. I mentally roll my eyes at his immaturity and ignore his insult.

“I don't know.” I consider our options. “Whitewater rafting. Maybe zip-lining.”

“Ambitious,” he praises. “I like that. I’m glad your punk ass didn’t say something lame like ‘go for a hike,’” he adds mockingly.

“I bet you’re relieved I didn't say hiking. Your lazy ass is so out of shape. You need to do fewer keg stands and more box jumps. I'm surprised you can even get a date.” He's so damn vain, it’s just too easy to taunt him about his looks.

“Hey, I don't hear the ladies complaining once I show them mylovemuscle. It gets plenty of exercise,” he boasts with a smug look of satisfaction, his hands splayed on each side of his groin, outlining his package.

I can't help but laugh at his juvenile ass. Despite his crass sense of humor and penchant for uninhibited and indiscriminate sex, he's actually pretty charming. I can see why the girls like him. I'd never tell him that, though. His ego is barely tolerable as it is.

After some deliberation, we settle on zip-lining to kick things off. I already feel a spike of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I've never done this before and the thrill of doing something outside my comfort zone is exhilarating. I just hope I don't run into a tree or have my harness come loose or my cable snap. Luke assures me that these things never happen, but I’ve seen1000 Ways to Die.

I try to keep my nerves in check as we pay our way in and collect our tickets. Luke is rambling on about his latest conquest when I see her. Tan, sculpted legs jutting out of white denim shorts catch my eye as she scurries along. The crisp, bright material accentuates her beautifully bronzed skin. My eyes skim up the rest of her body, taking in her perfectly rounded backside and slender waist. My gaze lands on her chest, noting how deliciously the powder blue t-shirt clings to it. I stifle a groan at the sight of the cotton material stretched across her full, perky breasts. The pale hue further complements her complexion, which is undoubtedly natural. Not like the fake-baked sorority girls back home.

She’s looking at her phone as we approach, our paths intersecting with hers. When we draw close, I open my mouth to speak, but my words are cut off when she stumbles just a few feet away from us. Instinctively, I reach out and grab her, my forearm wrapping around her waist and my free hand encircling her bicep. Her smooth, warm skin feels like heaven. A surge of electricity tingles the tips of my fingers and travels up my arms, landing in my groin. I fight the urge to pull away at the unexpected sensation.

My breath catches in my throat when she lifts her gaze to meet mine. There’s fire behind those hypnotic, emerald eyes. They bore into me as if she can see into my soul, all of my secrets laid bare for her perusal, but I don't dare look away. Her gaze is soulful, haunting even. My eyes drop to her full, pouty lips when she speaks. She ducks her head when she apologizes and I wish she’d look at me again. Before I can ask her name, she bolts and I watch her retreating form as she hurries away.

“Fuck me! Did you see the ass on that one?” I swing my head around to glare at Luke. Of course, I saw it. Iama man, after all. But his big mouth and crude observation irk me. “What?” he asks, perplexed when he notices my irritation.

“You are the reason women think all men are pigs.”

He laughs and claps me on the back. “Don’t act like you weren’t thinking the same thing.”